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MSM in Brazil: baseline national data for prevalence of HIV

MSM in Brazil: baseline national data for prevalence of HIV. L. Kerr, A. Pinho , M. Mello, I. Dourado , M . Guimarães , S. Batista, F. Abreu , A. Brito , A. Benzaken ,

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MSM in Brazil: baseline national data for prevalence of HIV

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  1. MSM in Brazil: baseline national data for prevalence of HIV L. Kerr, A. Pinho, M. Mello, I. Dourado, M. Guimarães, S. Batista, F. Abreu, A. Brito, A. Benzaken, L. Oliveira, A. Moraes, E. Hamann, G. Freitas, W. Mcfarland, G. Rutherford, C. Kendall, MSM group for HIV baseline in Brazil

  2. Background • Biological Behavior Surveillance Survey in higher risk populations is required by all national Monitoring & Evaluation plans • Brazil has an active and successful surveillance program ongoing in many cities, but no baseline national data for MSM exist

  3. Goal • Provide a baseline to monitor HIV prevalenceamong MSM in Brazil

  4. Methods • Multicentercross-sectionalstudy • Settings: • 10 cities in allthe 5 regions in Brazil

  5. Manaus Recife Salvador Brasília Belo Horizonte Campo Grande Rio de Janeiro Santos Curitiba Curitiba Itajaí

  6. Methods: Study Population • Men who reported having had sex with men in the last 12 months, >18 years old, living in the chosen cities • RespondentDrivenSampling • 6 seedsofdifferentsocioeconomicstatus • 3 coupons per participant • Primary incentive: US$ 8.00 • Secondary incentive: US$ 5.00 • Sample size • 3500 men: 350 in each city

  7. Methods: Data collection • Face-to-facequestionnairewith handheld • Rapid tests for HIV and Syphilis • If positive for HIV  blood for genotyping and BED • Ethicalissues • SignedConsentform • ProposalapprovedbyNationalEthicalCommittee

  8. Methods: analysis • To estimate HIV prevalenceindividualswereweighted • Weightih = (1/Rih)/∑(1/Rih) x n) x Mh • i = participant • h = city • Rih = degree • n = total samplesize • Mh = proportionofMSM in eachmunicipalityrelated to thesumofall in the 10 cities Formula developedbyDrCeliaLandmanSzwarcwald

  9. Proportion of MSM in each municipality related to the sum of all in the 10 cities * PCAP/MinistryofHealth/Departmentof SDT/AIDS

  10. Results • 3,859 MSM participate in thestudy

  11. % MSM testing for HIV in thelast 12 monthsandknowtheresult

  12. % MSM who correctly identify ways of preventing sexual transmission, and reject misconceptions

  13. % MSM who used a condom in their last sexual act with their regular partner

  14. % MSM who used a condom in their last sexual act with a casual partner

  15. % of MSM whothink they are at low risk of HIV infection

  16. HIV Seroprevalence rate

  17. Conclusions • MSM in Brazil are at very high risk of infection withHIV, although they do not perceive themselves at high risk • Great disparities exist among cities and programs need to be adapted locally • These data call for a major effort in these communities to engage MSM and health authorities

  18. Acknowledgements BrazilianMinistryofHealth/HealthSurveillance Office/ Departmentof STD/AIDS andVirals Hepatites NationalBoard for ScientificandTechnologicalDevelopment Institute for Global Health / UniversityofSan Francisco California TulaneUniversity Center for Global HealthEquity

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