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Learn about CNRS's organization, research missions, scientific priorities, and societal goals for advancing particle physics, nuclear science, and astroparticle physics.
THE 2 INFINITIESBarbara ErazmusCLAS12-European WorkshopFebruary 26 2009 IN2P3
President’s and DG’s view of future CNRS organisation Observation et Sciences de l'Univers(INSU) Chimie Physique et nanosciences Écologie Biodiversité Sciences du Vivant IN2P3 du CNRS Sci. Mathématiques et leurs Interactions Sciences Humaines et Sociales S&T Ingénierie Information* Direction 2
Current CNRS organisation CNRS 32 000 agents: 26 000 permanent 14 000 researchers IN2P3 3 200 agents: 2 500 permanent 900 researchers
Permanent personnel Les personnels des laboratoires de l’IN2P3 170 M€ 56% 2564 titulaires au 31/12/2006 + 500 non permanents 4
IN2P3 Missions (placed inside) CNRS • Coordinate research for Particle and Nuclear Physics for the academic world. Coordination with CEA. • Coordinate 20 laboratories in network for the construction and operation of 40 large projects • Pluri-annual programming with annual arbitration • National operator for University/CNRS mixed laboratories responding to international large projects (in coordination with the CEA)
Challenges • Ultimate components of matter and their interactions : • PARTICLE PHYSICS: • Quantum structure of the vacuum, origin of mass, • Higgs boson • Unification of fondamental interactions • Matter and et antimattter (quarks vs antiquarks et neutrinos vs antineutrinos)
CHALLENGES • NUCLEAR AND HADRON PHYSICS • Proton and nucleus at extreme states, • emergence of complexity : • Structure of proton in quarks and gluons • Plasma of quarks and gluons • Exotic nuclei, nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics
CHALLENGES • ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS • The Universe as a laboratory: • New messengers, high energy photons, neutrinos, cosmic rays and gravitatonal waves… • The origin and physics of cosmic rays of the highest energy • Dark matter and energy, the confrontation of the first moments of the Universe with the theories of the infinitely small
PRIORITIES • SOCIETY GOALS • NUCLEAR ENERGY. Participate fully in the fundamental research on nuclear energy (PACEN) hybrid reactors, • Th cycle ... • INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Disseminate to other disciplines the knowhow acquired with the GRID through LCG and EGEE • ACCELERATOR AND DETECTORS. Increase the R&D on accelerators and instrumentation, amplify the technology trasfer (hadrontherapt, biomedical imaging, clinical help, environmental sensors and tracers)
V0 EMCal SSD Tracking Trigger Alice–France (IN2P3/CEA) Construction :~ 8 M€
Add new hall CEBAF 6 GeV Upgrade magnets and power supplies CHL-2 Enhance equipment in existing halls 12
(e,e’p)A Hall A Grenoble HAPPEX2 Hall A Saclay Pentaquark Hall B Orsay GPDs Halls A&B Clermont-Ferrand, Grenoble, Orsay, Saclay G0 Hall C Grenoble, Orsay 2008 French leading physics programs since start of JLab 1996 VCS (low energy) Hall A Clermont-Ferrand, Saclay HAPPEX 1 Hall A Clermont-Ferrand, Saclay Fg-prod Hall B Saclay t20 Hall C Grenoble, Saclay GDH (low Q2) Hall A Clermont-Ferrand 2002
(e,e’p)A Hall A Grenoble HAPPEX2 Hall A Saclay Pentaquark Hall B Orsay GPDs Halls A&B Clermont-Ferrand, Grenoble, Orsay, Saclay G0 Hall C Grenoble, Orsay 2008 French leading physics programs since start of JLab 1996 VCS (low energy) Hall A Clermont-Ferrand, Saclay HAPPEX 1 Hall A Clermont-Ferrand, Saclay Fg-prod Hall B Saclay t20 Hall C Grenoble, Saclay GDH (low Q2) Hall A Clermont-Ferrand 2002 GPDs Halls A&B Clermont-Ferrand, Grenoble, Orsay, Saclay
SPhN Saclay J. Ball, H. Moutarde, S. Procureur, F. Sabatie, +M. El Yakoubi, +P. Konczykowski Theory P. Guichon (Saclay), B. Pire (Polytechnique) +postdocs IPN Orsay M. Guidal, M. MacCormick, S. Niccolai +S. Pisano +A. Fradi +B. Moreno LPC Clermont-Ferrand C. Hyde, C. Munoz, P. Bertin/B. Michel +F. Itard +E. Fuchey LPSC Grenoble E. Voutier, +A. El Alaoui +J. Dumas, +Y. Perrin
French Involvement in JLab Science(since ~1993) • French Scientists are spokespersons on 18 Approved Experiments at JLab • 139 Ph.D French Scientists are or have been active on at least one experiment proposal at Jefferson Lab • 21 Students or Former Students, either of French citizenship or from a French Institution, are working at the Laboratory • 21 French postdocs have worked or are working on Jefferson Lab Research • 28 French Students have completed PhD research based substantially on work at Jefferson Laband 14 more have thesis projects in progress • ~4 French high school students and 10 master's students • 11 French students did their military service as "cooperant scientifique" at Jefferson Lab. • 4 (annual) best JLab PhD thesis prizes (Courtesy of L. Cardman)
Past IN2P3/DSM accomplishments Period 1994-1998(capital value of 3 MEuros, excluding salaries) : Two gas Cerenkov counters for Hall A High Resolution Spectrometers; Two high precision devices for beam absolute energy measurement in Hall A; A beam polarimeter using laser Compton backscattering in Hall A; A low power cryogenic target for Hall B; A deuteron magnetic line and a deuteron polarimeter for Hall C; Period 1999-2003(capital value of 1 MEuros, excluding salaries) : Commissioning of the Compton polarimeter in Hall A; Commissioning of the Hall Bcryogenic target in the 3He mode, as well as in the dual cells mode; Half of the detection and the associated electronics for the G0 parity experiment in Hall C; Collimators for the photon beam line in Hall B; Electronics for the Hall A/DVCS experiment; Mechanical structure for the proton array and electromagnetic calorimeter of the Hall A/DVCS experiment. Period 2004-2008(capital value of 1.1 MEuros, excluding salaries) : Installation and commissioning of the Hall CG0 detector; Design and construction of half of the Cerenkov detectors for the phase 2 of the Hall CG0 experiment; Design and construction of a two-coil solenoidal magnet for the Hall B/DVCS experiment; Design and construction for the inner calorimeter of the Hall B/DVCS experiment (mechanical structure, light monitoring system and analog electronics); Commission the Hall A/DVCS equipment previously mentioned; Design and construction of veto detectors for the Hall A/DVCS-neutron experiment; Upgrade of the Hall ACompton polarimeter.
Neutron Detection @ CLAS12 … European initiative towards the central detector … 5 T @ target IPN Orsay / LPSC Grenoble / INFN / Glasgow ToF scintillators • The neutron detection capability in the central region of CLAS12 is studied. Vertex detector Neutron detector • Neutron detection at laboratory angles larger than 40° • An efficient and fully exclusive study of the neutron-DVCS process • Via the D(e,e’n)p reaction • Valence kinematics: x-Bjorken > 0.2 Bench Test @ Orsay • The main question is the reliability and feasability of ToF measurements in the current configuration involving short flight paths, small energy deposit, and magnetic field.
Polarized positrons @ JLab LPSC Grenoble / LPC Clermont Ferrand /JLab/ODU • The possibility of a high intensity polarized positron source is investigated. • The design is based on a low energy (5-10 MeV) highly polarized (100%) and intense (1-10 mA) electron beam: • In a radiator, longitudinnally polarized electrons create via Bremsstrahlung circularly polarized photons which transfer their polarization to positrons via pair-creation. • Preliminary simulations indicate that one may create a beam of up to 10 nA within the CEBAF admittance, with ~50% longitudinal polarization. • A test experiment is being designed for the CEBAF injector. • Validate the concept • Measure the angular, energy and polarization distributions of positrons.
Upgrade of the DVCS calorimeter • 132 208 PbF2 elements • Upgrade of 1GHz digitizer (ARS) & Trigger • 4x increase in data rate • Luminosity ≥ 2•1037 Hz/cm2. Spectroe’ LiquidH2, D2 Hall A DVCS, 6 & 12 GeV. Technical Projects 2008-- HRSTrigger Digital Trigger Analog Ring Sampler, (ARS): VME 6U.16chan x 1GHz
Coming IN2P3 involvements to be discussed…