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Customize cover page, you will find that an image, such as an aerial picture of your site will make your presentation more attractive. BRAVO: Barrier Removal Assessment and Viability Overview. Include Site/Project Name Here.
Customize cover page, you will find that an image, such as an aerial picture of your site will make your presentation more attractive. BRAVO: Barrier Removal Assessment and Viability Overview Include Site/Project Name Here A tool for assessing the feasibility and impact potential of Rare project plans Cultural/Political Impact & Metrics Technical Economics • Assessment of costs, funding/revenue sources and potential income substitution factors related to the specific Barrier Removal Solution • Assessment of technology availability, training required, and the effectiveness of organizational partners involved with the Barrier Removal Solution • Assessment of Barrier Removal Solution drivers and barriers that arise from cultural norms and political landscape • Assessment of the overall impact of the Barrier Removal Solution and the viability of current metrics to measure that impact
What: ILLEGAL HUNTING activity has negative to Eastern steppe which is including Toson khulstai inside because countryside more has noisy to human hunters for wildlife. In there, control mechanism is not to be strongly continued to effective wildlife. Currently any residents can be hunt wildlife although does not much cover by all wildlife which is mean law ban, season and household permit. So we will be start more controlling and monitoring to purchasing permit to where and when gone to who and by whom, so actually much more firstly need permit after that still how to be going on legal and illegal hunting activity to outside of Site. Who:Depart of Environmental section of State Inspection Agency (SIA) at Dornod Provinces’ will be conduct that activity by any soum Inspector, because those are purchasing all of permit to residents. Those people much more trusted by Soum governor then that SIA will be monitoring and controlling to permit. How: Mainly soum inspectors are during hunting season should be following regulation for Hunting Law. On this year ~500 permit will be available so all of permit to deliver to the all of Dornod soums (Today they will send me separate soums). Sensitively for Inspectors are carefully to purchase permit and who have formal weapons that to do general residents and not like to do permit purchase to organization and currently like factory activity. And head of inspector (s) and Soum governor are working on outside of Toson khulstai and Jaran togoon’s around, they will look permit and tag (s) for hunted wildlife for several hunting season. Generally, if currently Inspector is checking permit, that mean is happening outside NRA to be considering they have same role into law. That mean Park ranger’s right can be same to Inspector they will be check inside NRA. Chance: Only that time will be happen all of permit activity other hand those time more can be check permit and if finishing that time so if someone hunts any animal to be that is illegal hunting. Although, if they have permit season but they purchasing permit but currently after 3 days still couldn’t hunt any gazelle so that is also illegal too. When: Normally, it will be happen on hunting season (September first to December first 2009), actually random check by head SIA inspector and soum governor. It will be continue again September first and December first 2010. Other site soum Inspector will be controlling to permit. So other time don’t purchase any permit. BRAVO: Executive Summary BRAVO Scores Feasibility Score: 3.3 Impact Score: 3.2
What:ХУУЛЬ БУС АГНАЛТ нь Зүүн бүс нутагт их байгаа бөгөөд Тусгай хамгаалалтай болон Хамгаалтанд аваагүй ололн газар нутагт энэ байдал тохиолдож байна. Үүнд хяналт таин мониторинг хийх нь чухал алхам бөгөөд тухайн газрын онцлогоос мөн хамаарч байна. 1) Энэ жилийн хувьд ан агнуурын хуулийн дагуу ахуйн зөвшөөрлийг Дорнод аймагт 500 ширхэг цагаан зээр агнах зөвшөөрөл олгосон хэдийч сумдад хувиарлагдсанаар сумын байцаагч тараах эрх эдэлдэг. Энэ нь ТХГН-т үйлчлэхгүй бөгөөд мөн хуулийн дагуу буу эзэмших эрхиийн бичигтэй хуулийн этгээд болох МУ-ын иргэн хүн байх юм. Тус ажил нь үйлдэрийн зориулалт бус учир тарааж буй иргэдэд хяналт тавин нэг дор бөөн олгохгүй байх2) ТХГН-ын гаднах харъяа сумдын төвүүдэд мөн ажиглалт тандалт оруулж ирж буй анд зөвшөөрөл болон зүүлт байгаа эсэхийг шалгах нь чухал. Illegal hunting is still happeningnot only in unprotected areas, also in protected areas of the Eastern Steppe region. It is important to organize the control and monitoring in consideration of the specific features of that particular landscape or area. 1) For this year, under the hunting law, will be issued 500 permits for hunting white gazels in the Dornod aimak. The permits would be distributed by soum inspectors within the number as assigned to the soums. The hunting permits do not apply to the territory of the Protected areas, and should be issued only to the citizen of Mongolia, with a legal right for the ownership of the fire-arm. The permits should not be issued for industrial purposes, a big number within the same area. The citizens who purchase permits should be controlled. 2) It is important to organize the monitoring and patrol at the center of aimak, which is nearby NRA, and check hunting permit and tag on each hunted animal entering the aimak. Who:Depart of Environmental section of State Inspection Agency (SIA) at Dornod Provinces’ хариуцан тухайн сумдын (Дорнод аймаг Баянтүмэн 20, Цагаан овоо 0, Хөлөнбуйр 20, Матад 50, Хэнтий аймаг Норовлин 40, Сүхбаатар аймаг Сүхбаатар сум 20)байгаль орчны хяналтын улсын байцаагч нартай /Сумын ЗД нартай хамтран ажиллах юм. Аймгийн Мэргэжлийн Хяналтын Газрын дарга Лхамжав сумдаар тараагдсан зөвшөөрлүүдэд хяналт тавих, мөн ойролцоох сум Баян түмэнд очиж танилцах The Department of Environmental section of the State Inspection Agency will work in close cooperation with soum environmental inspectors of the Dornod Provinces (Dornod aimak: Bayantumen-20, Tsagaan ovoo-0, Khulun buir-20, Matad-50; Khentii aimak: Norovlin-40; Sukhbaatar aimak: Sukhbaatar soum-20) and Soum Governors. Mr. Lkhamjav, the head of the Aimak Inspection Agency, will visit the Bayantumen soum, and will monitor the distributed permits in other soums. How: 1) Ахуйн зөвшөөрлийг орон нутгийн иргэд/малчдад худалдах ингэхдээ бууны зөвшөөрлийг мөн харж насанд хүрсэн иргэнд худалдаалах; 2) Ан агнуурын хуулийн дагуу тодорхой ангийн улиралын дагуу 9-р сарын 1ээс 12-р сарын 1ээс өмнө тодорхой сургалтуудыг зохион байгуулах: 3) Тус хугацаанд сумдын төвүүдэд ажиглалт мониторинг хийн ахуйн зөвшөөрөл, зүүлт шалган баримтжуулах 1) To sell household permits to local, adult citizen/ herdsman, who has a legal right for ownership of a fire-arm. 2) Organize trainings before the hunting season ( Sept. 1-Dec. 1) according to the Hunting Law. 3) Organize monitoring, inspect and document the household permits and tags. When: 2009 оны 9-р сарын 1-ний өдрөөс эхлэн худалдаалан 12-р сарын 1-ны өдөр хүртэл ажиглан мониторинг хийх бөгөөд энэ хугацаанаас гадуур тохиолдолд хууль бус бөгөөд хяналт шалгалтын ажил нь үргэлжилнэ. Мөн тус мониторингийн ажил нь 2010 оны тус саруудад мөн үргэлжилнэ. The permits will be issued starting from Sept. 01, and monitoring and inspections will be organized through Dec.01, 2009. Hunting after the season will be considered illegal, and the monitoring and inspections will be continued through several month in 2010.
Barrier Removal Assessment and Viability Overview (BRAVO)Composite Score Enter average scores in the right hand column. Then take the feasibility score and enter it into Miradi and the Impact score and enter it into Miradi. Where either score is below X for either feasibly or impact, consider the strategy to be inappropriate and assess the need to conduct a second BRAVO that reviews a different strategy.
BRAVO Drafting GuidelinesRisk Factors List any risk factors, consequences and mitigation strategies that may need to be adopted.