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A Tour of the Cell. Plant Cell. Eukaryotic cells, including plant and animal cells, contain a nucleus and organelles Plant cells contain a cell wall, chloroplasts and other organelles Animal cells contain mitochondria and other organelles.
A Tour of the Cell Plant Cell
Eukaryotic cells, including plant and animal cells, contain a nucleus and organelles Plant cells contain a cell wall, chloroplasts and other organelles Animal cells contain mitochondria and other organelles Prokaryotic cells do not include a nucleus or specialized organelles, include bacteria See Figs 7.7 and 7.8 Cells
The Nucleus • Found only in eukaryotic cells • Pores in the nuclear envelope allow for exchange of materials between nucleus and cytoplasm • Contains genetic material, DNA • Contains a nucleolus, site where parts of ribosomes are produced • See Fig. 7.9
Ribosomes • Free ribosomes (ribosomes in cytoplasm) • Bound ribosomes (ribosomes attached to endoplasmic reticulum) • Both carry out protein synthesis • See Fig. 7.10
Endomembrane System • Many membranes are interrelated directly through physical continuity or indirectly through transport vesicles
Endoplasmic Reticulum • Smooth E.R. (no ribosomes attached), synthesizes steroids, metabolizes carbohydrates, stores calcium, and detoxifies liver cells • Rough E.R. (has ribosomes), manufactures proteins for secretion • Fig 7.11
Golgi Apparatus • Finish, sort, and “ship” many products of the cell • Synthesize macromolecules • Store and export products of E.R. • Fig 7.12
Lysosomes • Digestive compartments • Recycle monomers from cell macromolecules • Digest substances ingested by phagocytosis • Fig 7.14
Vacuoles • Storage compartments • Animal cells have food vacuoles • Plant cells have contractile vacuoles • Function to provide waste disposal, cell elongation, and protection • Fig 7.15
Peroxisomes • Consume oxygen in various metabolic functions • Produce hydrogen peroxide as a waste product and then converts it to water • Fig 7.17
Mitochondria • Sites of cell respiration in eukaryotic cells • Uses energy to restock cellular supply of ATP • Fig 7.18
Chloroplasts • Contain chlorophyll and other pigments which function in photosynthesis • Found only in plant cells Fig.7.19
Cytoskeleton • Provides structural support • Cilia and flagella aid in mobility • Intermediate filaments support cell shape and fix certain organelles in place • Table 7.2
Extracellular Matrix • Found in animal cells • Function in support, adhesion, movement, and development • Consists of protein fibers and a proteoglycan complex attached to the cell membrane • Fig. 7.30
Websites Test Yourself On Identifying the Parts of Cells Go to http://www.discoverbiology.com/cells/welcome.htm Click on “Self Test” On the left side of the screen. Try the “Drag and Drop” tests 6.2a, 6.2b & 6.2c Go to http://www.sigmaxi.org/amsci/articles/99articles/Hoppert.html Read the article and look at the illustrations.
More Websites http://www.cellsalive.com