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STRATEGIC PLAN REVIEW AND UPDATE: GROWING AND STRENGTHENING WCCE. NOVEMBER 2012 EMILIO COLÓN - PRESIDENT TOMÁS A. SANCHO - PRESIDENT ELECT. TOPICS. 1. Introduction 2. Mission, Vision and Core Values 3. Objectives 4. SWOT Analysis 5. SWOT Strategies 6. Goals and Targets 7. Review

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  2. TOPICS 1. Introduction 2. Mission, Vision and Core Values 3. Objectives 4. SWOT Analysis 5. SWOT Strategies 6. Goals and Targets 7. Review 8. Comments

  3. 1. INTRODUCTION What is the WCCE? Background Its Establishment: -Founding members - Membership - Governance - Strategic Alliances Strategic Plan and its Benefits

  4. What is WCCE? Facilitates a global platform where: all members are equal capable of addressing specific problems typical of the civil engineering fields Open to all existing organizations involved directly or indirectly in civil engineering and the construction business WCCE’s core values: Integrity and Ethics Solidarity with developing countries Commitment to achieve a humanistic sustainable development High technical standards Foster the free exchange and transfer of knowledge, technology and information Promote Engineering as the profession of choice

  5. Background Concept developed by the European Council of Civil Engineers (ECCE), which was created in 1985 Established through ECCE in Istambul in November 2005 The World Council of Civil Engineers (WCCE) was founded on July 2006 in México, D.F.

  6. Founding Members Africa Engrs Forum - Assoc CE Greece Col Ing Agrim PR - Col ICCP España Col Ing Costa Rica - Cyprus Coun CE Esc Sup Ing Cam Esp - Eu Coun CE- ECCE Fed Col Ing Mexico - Inst Engr Tanzania Ord dos Eng Portugal - UNAICC Cuba Turkish Cham CE - Germany Zimbabwe Inst Engrs - CONFEA, Brasil

  7. Membership Ordinary members (voting): 1. National civil engineering organizations 2. International/regional civil eng organizations Associate members (non voting): 1. Corporate members 2. NGOs and Academic Institutions 3. Individual professionals 4. Students 5. Sectorial associations

  8. Current National Members

  9. Current members National members: Greece - Puerto Rico - Spain Costa Rica - Brazil - Cyprus Mexico - Tanzania - Kuwait Turkey - Cuba - Nigeria Zambia - Zimbabwe - Bolivia Dom Republic

  10. Current Membership: cont. • International members • European Council of Civil Engineers (ECCE) • Africa Engineers Forum (AEF) • Associate members • NGO and Academic Institutions • ETS Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos – Madrid • Fundación Aragonesa para el Fomento de las Infraestructuras (AFI) • Corporate Members • Associação Brasileira de Engenheiros Civis (ABENC) • Zentralverband Deutscher Ingenieure (ZDI) • Individual Professionals: 87 • Students: 2

  11. Strategic Alliances

  12. Strategic Plan and its Benefits Five-year Projections Growth Products Services Countries Provides direction Benefits: - Guides achievement of goals and objectives - Provides for orderly growth - Establishes metrics system

  13. 2. MISSION, VISION AND VALUES MISSION (overall purpose of WCCE, our “raison d ' être”): Provide a world working platform for all stakeholders in the civil engineering, on equal footing, that contribute effectively to sustainable development and to improve living conditions of all mankind, managing the built and natural environment, through: Sharing knowledge and experience Application and transfer of technical skills Showing society the importance of civil engineering and its good practice

  14. VISION (what WCCE wants to achieve and aspires to become in the future): WCCE contributes all worldwide Civil Engineering to be: the main vehicle for the sustainable development the reduction of global poverty the choice for young professionals

  15. WCCE’s CORE VALUES (1) • Members’ equality: All national/international members participate on an equal footing in WCCE deliberations and decisions • Solidarity with developing countries: Solidarity Fund ensures that everyone who wants can participate. WCCE promotes full engagement by Civil Engineering profession: promoting mobility of our professionals for the transfer of knowledge and adequate technologies, in order to help less developed societies to increase their standards and to help them to become equal • Integrity and ethics: WCCE requires acceptance of a detailed code of conduct for its members and encourages the development of actions against corruption by promoting ZERO TOLERANCE TO CORRUPTION

  16. WCCE’s CORE VALUES (2) • Commitment to achieve a humanistic sustainable development: The purpose of WCCE is to improve living conditions for all mankind planning, design, building and managing sustainable solutions able to deal with the need of infrastructures demanded by society, and with an adequate comprehension of the natural processes. • High technical standards: WCCE promotes them worldwide. Civil Engineers perform and provide unique services for the community involving personal decisions and use of creative skills that carry and demand substantial responsibility. These services are more than often an essential requirement for everyday life and have to be of high quality, reliability and absolute safety. If the services are defective, disruption and grave consequences may result which could include injury and loss of life to many people.

  17. 3. OBJECTIVES GLOBAL OBJECTIVES Promote cooperation between Civil Engineering organizations and the vasts fields associated Transfer of knowledge, technology, information and sustainable solutions to issues Global mobility of professionals Promote health, safety, mitigation risks and quality standards Professional conduct and fight corruption Promote meetings, seminars, congresses, and information & data exchange


  19. 5. SWOT STRATEGIES SO Strategies: Use strengths to take advantage of opportunities WO Strategies: Overcome weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunities ST Strategies: Use strengths to reduce threats WT Strategies: Minimize weaknesses and reduce threats

  20. 6. GOALS AND TARGETSSpecific Objectives(Key Success Factors):what we are setting out to achieve next three years, related with: A) Membership B) Services C) Communications D) Finances E) Alliances F) Conferences and Seminars

  21. TARGET A. MEMBERSHIP: - Increase membership and be present in all continents- Maintain on-going contact with Member Organizations • Country approach: - Identify Countries - Identify Civil Engineering Organizations - Identify related organizations - Establish Professional Practice Requirements - Identify Academic Institutions • Membership benefits - Web Based (Intranet) - Conferences, Congresses and Activities - Journals - e-Newsletter

  22. ACTIVITIES TO INCREASE MEMBERSHIP Establish personal relationships (ExCo and Executive Director) Approach to ECCE members in synergy with ECCE Approach to UPADI members related with Civil Engineering Approach to African CE professional associations Approach to Asian CE professional associations Approach to Engineering Professional Associations of Portuguese and Spanish Language Approach to individual professionals offering services and facilitating e-contact ( reserved member web area and payments by computer) Approach to Academics and students

  23. MembershipTargets Category 2012 2015 • National Members 18 30 • Corporate Members 2 10 • NGO's and Academics 2 5 • Individual Professionals 90 1000 • Students2 300

  24. TARGET B. SERVICES: - Increase the services and ensure its continuity- Promote the activity of the Standings Committees incorporating representatives of all Members- Develop and deliver specialized services on a segmented basis as required GIACC Guides against corruption Professional mobility and recognition WEB (reserved area) and e-newsletter Conferences, Congresses and Activities Standing Committees activities JAWER Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research WACER World Annual Civil Engineering Report (since 2014) Insurance certification World’s Civil Engineering Heritage

  25. TARGET C. COMMUNICATIONS: - Promote the activity of the Standings Committees incorporating representatives of all Members- Increase communication and social presence of the WCCE- Presence based on IT systems and solutions to increase performance and reduce costs- Promote a modern vision of civil engineering as a profession of progress, enhancing the commitment to sustainable development and the eradication of poverty WEB (open area) Conferences, Congresses and Activities Standing Committees activities WACER World Annual Civil Engineering Report Intervention in International Forums and Global Pannels

  26. TARGET D. FINANCES: - Adapt fees' policy to the crisis, enhance solidarity fund, and validation services to the WCCE as payment of fees General reduction of fees (associated to increase membership) Generation of new revenues from sale of new services (as JAWER or Insurance Certificate) Pay-pal or similar for individual members Regulate our Solidarity Fund and increase its amount Fees Reduction for national members of International members Fee reduction for individual members of national members Validation services of members as payment of fees

  27. TARGET E. ALLIANCES: - Promote partnership with global organizations (more strategic alliances)- Compromising a framework of loyal, productive relationships and synergies with other global organizations • Analysis Millenium Development Goals • Regional Needs • Country Needs • International Organizations • UN and its entities • World Bank • OTHERS: IAHR, WWC, OECD, ICOLD…

  28. TARGET F. CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS : - Promote the activity of the Standings Committees incorporating representatives of all Members Annual Activities • Activity 2012 2015 • Conferences/Seminars 1 3 • Congresses 1 1 • Continuing Education • Web Based 0 2 • Conventional 5 2 • Other Training 2 1

  29. 7. REVIEW and COMMENTS Vision, Mission and Core Values Objectives SWOT analysis and strategies Products and Services Projects Other activities Plans Update

  30. ALL TOGETHER, SURE, WE CAN! Thank you very much! Emilio Colón Tomás A. Sancho

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