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How do you conjugate a regular – er verb?

How do you conjugate a regular – er verb?. You drop the – er Ex: parl er  parl jou er  jou travaill er  habit er . And add the following endings: Je -e Nous - ons Tu - es Vous - ez

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How do you conjugate a regular – er verb?

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  1. How do you conjugate a regular –er verb? • You drop the –er • Ex: parler parl • jouer  jou • travailler  • habiter 

  2. And add the following endings: • Je -e Nous -ons • Tu -esVous -ez • Il, elle, on -e Ils, elles -ent

  3. Conjugate the following verbs • Nous (parler) ________________________ • Tu (travailler) ________________________ • Je (chercher) ________________________ • Vous (nager) _________________________ • Il (manger) __________________________ • Marie et toi (parler) ____________________ • Elles (penser) _________________________

  4. There are some irregular verbs… • That means that they don’t follow a certain pattern…. • Avoir • Etre • Faire • Aller • Venir • What do they mean? When do you use them?

  5. Avoir (to have) Used with: age, avoir expressions such as avoirfaim, avoirsoif, avoirfroid, avoirchaud, avoirpeur…. I am 15 yrs.old She is hungry

  6. Faire(to do/to make) Used with weather expressions and with some sports expressions such as faire du tennis, faire des achats…. Its hot We go shopping

  7. Etre (to be) We are tall. They are smart. You (familiar) are funny.

  8. Aller (to go) Used to say 1. you are going somewhere and 2. to express the immediate future….going to + infinitive Ex: 1. Je vais au cinéma. I am going to the movies. 2. Je vais chanter dansuneheure. I am going to sing in an hour

  9. Venir (to come) Used to say 1. to come and 2. to express the immediate past…. To have just + infinitive… Ex: 1. Je viens chez toi (I am coming to your house) 2. Je viens de finirmesdevoirs. (I have just finished my HW)

  10. Mettez les verbessuivantsdans la formecorrecte: • 1. Nous (to go) _________________ au stade. • 2. Tu (to be) ___________________ belle. • 3. Ils (to do) ________________leurs devoirs. • 4. Je (to come) __________________chanter. • 5. Elle (to have) __________________14 ans. • 6. Marie et toi (to be) __________________ • 7. Les profs (to go) ____________________

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