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Stay informed with the latest updates on California's assessment systems and accountability measures for schools and districts, including API and AYP statuses and upcoming meetings. Learn about the new science assessments, statewide ranks, and Title III developments.
Accountability Update Chun-Wu Li, Ph.D. Assessment and Accountability Services Division of Educational Services August 15, 2014
What’s NEW? The CDE is looking to preview the AYP and PI data on August 29th and to release the data to the public on September 5th. CAHSEE results will also be released at the same time. The PSAA Advisory Committee is moving forward on the development of the college and career indicator (CCI), but no final decisions have been made. We don’t anticipate the Committee making a recommendation to the Superintendent on the CCI before May of 2015. The south state assessment and accountability information meeting will be held in Ontario on October 6, 2014. 2
ETS Reminders On August 12th, the ETS sent an e-mail out regarding science assessments aligned to the newly adopted Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The following is the URL for the survey regarding new science assessments for California: https://www.formstack.com/forms/?1770382-VDr42bxzl3 On August 13th , the ETS sent out an e-mail from CALTAC reminding LEAs of the California Smarter Balanced Field Test Survey. The URL is: http://californiatac.org/about/smarter-balanced/posttest-survey/ On August 20th, the ETS will have their fist webcast for the 2014/2015 school year. The 2015 Test Administration Setup. This will take place between 1 and 2 PM on August 20th. They will go over the first phase of the new management system called TOMS focusing on the LEAs calendars for testing in 2015. The invitation e-mail for the webcast will be sent out to all LEAs on Friday August 15, 2014. 2
Status of API 2013 – Growth API released (the 2013 Base API will not be calculated) 2014 – Growth and Base APIs will not be calculated 2015 – No Growth API will calculated, but a baseline will be established with the Base API using the new CAASPP results 2016 – The first Base to Growth comparison using CAASPP results will be reported 9
AB 484: Alternatives to the 2014 and 2015 APIs • Schools and school districts that do not have an API calculated due to comparability issues shall use one of the following to meet legislative or program requirements: • The most recent API calculation; or • An average of the three most recent annual API calculations; or • Alternative measures that show increases in pupil academic achievement for all groups of pupils school wide and among significant student groups • To assist the field in meeting new requirements, the California Department of Education (CDE) released the 3-Year Average API Report on May 22, 2014. The report includes: • A non-weighted 3-year average • A weighted 3-year average • The 2013 Growth API (to allow for easy comparison between the 2013 Growth API and the 3-year average APIs) 10
Statewide and Similar Schools Ranks • On May 22, 2014, the CDE also released the statewide and similar schools ranks • The ranks were calculated separately for elementary, middle, and high schools using the 2013 Growth API data • The ranks are provided on the 2013 Growth API Report • This is the last year ranks will be produced and reported (AB 97 repealed the Education Code section requiring ranks) 12
Status of AYP • On March 7, 2014, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) approved a waiver submitted by the CDE, which: • Carries over the 2013 AYP determinations for elementary and middle schools to 2014 • Freezes the Program Improvement (PI) status for elementary and middle schools, so no new schools will be identified for PI in 2014 and schools will not advance or exit from PI 13
Status of AYP (Cont.) • 2014 AYP reports for high schools will continue since grade 10 California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) and California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) and graduation rates are used to make AYP determinations • To account for anomalies in the 2013-14 fall census enrollment data, and to ensure equity, the CDE will apply criteria to determine which schools and LEAs will receive a 2014 AYP report. (Criteria will be available in the 2014 AYP Guide, which will be posted in late August.) 14
Status of AYP (Cont.) • On March 13, 2014, the SBE approved the following proposed amendments to California’s Accountability Workbook: • Add a six-year cohort graduation rate as an alternative method to meeting the graduation requirements • Eliminate the API as an additional indicator for high schools 15
Assessment Development & Administration Division • Reorganized assessment division • English Language Proficiency and Alternate Assessments (ELPAA) Office, Lily Roberts • ELPAC RFP available soon • IA and AA likely operational 2016-2017 • Will most likely begin as a “paper-pencil” assessment • Must conduct feasibility study for computer-based assessment • Move to spring administration window • CELDT • “Stoplight” to be released in the fall (red, yellow, green charts) • No field test items in 2014-2015 • Any items field tested in 2015-2016 would be ELPAC related (but more likely a stand-alone field test)
Title III Accountability Report http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/t3/documents/infoguide13-14.pdf • TIII Accountability reports to be released in September 2014 • Two fields from CALPADS (p. 2) • Student birthdate • Student initial US School Enrollment • AYP only for HS; others use prior AMAO 3 results (p. 10) • No AMAO targets beyond 2013-2014 (p. 13) • September SBE item – Propose to continue AMAO target structure and interval increase in 2014-2015 and 2015-2016
TIII Accountability Timeline (p. 22)
Long Term English Learners (LTEL) and At Risk LTEL A LTEL is defined [EC 313.1(a)] as an EL who is enrolled in any of grades six through twelve, inclusive, has been enrolled in schools in the United States (U.S.) for more than six years, has remained at the same English language proficiency level for two or more consecutive years as determined by the English language development test identified or developed pursuant to EC Section 60810, or any successor test, and scores far below basic or below basic on the English-language arts (ELA) standards-based achievement test administered pursuant to EC Section 60640, or any successor test. An "English learner at risk of becoming a long-term English learner" (at-risk) is defined [EC 313.1(b)] as an EL who is enrolled in any of grades five through eleven, inclusive, has been enrolled in schools in the U.S. for four years, scores at the intermediate level or below on the English language development test identified or developed pursuant to EC Section 60810, or any successor test, and scores in the fourth year at the below basic or far below basic level on the ELA standards-based achievement test administered pursuant to EC Section 60640, or any successor test.