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Global Warming By : CHRISMENE DORCENAT . An increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere (especially a sustained increase that causes climatic changes). Greenhouse Effect.

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  1. Global WarmingBy : CHRISMENE DORCENAT • An increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere (especially a sustained increase that causes climatic changes)

  2. Greenhouse Effect This a process in which gases like water vapor carbon dioxide , nitrous oxide and methane tap energy from the sun over time this warms the temperature of the Earth.

  3. Causes • Greenhouse gases are the major cause for global warming combustion from fossil fuels used in cars , factories and electricity production are responsible for releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

  4. Effects There are many effects from global warming the ice caps of the arctic and ant arctic are melting. This can make the ocean levels rise which can flood the land summers are getting hotter . Diseases are spreading and there are more hurricanes every year.

  5. Alternatives/Solutions • We can help stop or slow down global warming. New cars arebeing manufactured to use electric batteries , this helps the environment. We can use hydro-electric (water) ,wind and nuclear energy to make electricity which helps keep the air clean.

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