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Skimming. Skimming is a fast reading technique It can help you to identify quickly the main ideas in a text, or ‘the gist’ of a text You don’t read the whole text word-for-word Instead, focus on the centre of each line and work down the page – your eyes will take in the words on either side

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  1. Skimming • Skimming is a fast reading technique • It can help you to identify quickly the main ideas in a text, or ‘the gist’ of a text • You don’t read the whole text word-for-word • Instead, focus on the centre of each line and work down the page – your eyes will take in the words on either side • Skimming will help you to decide if the text is interesting and/ or relevant

  2. Scanning • Scanning is another fast reading technique • It can help you to look for specific information within a text • You don’t read the whole text word-for-word • Instead, think about key words or phrases you are looking for – then allow your eyes to move quickly across until you find what you are looking for • Scanning can help you find information in, or answer questions about, a text

  3. Close Reading • Close reading comes after skimming or scanning • It can help you to answer questions or make notes on a specific topic or area • This is where you read the text word-for-word • Once you have found key words or phrases, you can read around them to find more information • Close reading is the final stage in the reading process

  4. Skim read this text. People think that chocolate causes spots and tooth decay, and has a reputation for being fattening. On the other hand, chocolate is also known for being an excellent anti–depressant. While there’s still much we don’t know about chocolate, recent research is helping us to understand how eating chocolate affects our health. The good news is that most of the bad effects of eating chocolate are either exaggerated or entirely false. It has been proven eating chocolate does not acne. Eating chocolate (or not eating it) did not produce any changes to people’s spots. These results are supported by research which shows that acne is not primarily linked to diet. Dental research has proven that chocolate does not cause cavities or tooth decay. In fact, there are indications that the cocoa butter in the chocolate coats the teeth and may help protect them by preventing plaque from forming. Obviously, eating too much of any food may cause health problems. The cocoa butter in chocolate does contain fat, which can cause heart problems.

  5. Task: • How did you use skimming to answer question 1? Explain what you did to the person sitting next to you. • Write a brief summary (maximum one paragraph) explaining what the article is about. Think of the main ideas/the gist.

  6. Scanning • You will look at the text again to answer these questions. Remind yourself of the skill you need to scan. • What three things do people think eating chocolate causes? • What is one thing chocolate is excellent at doing? • What has it been proven that chocolate does not cause? • What has dental research proved? • What in the chocolate causes heart disease? • How did you use scanning to answer these questions? Explain what you did with your partner.

  7. Skim read this text. People think that chocolate causes spots and tooth decay, and has a reputation for being fattening. On the other hand, chocolate is also known for being an excellent anti–depressant. While there’s still much we don’t know about chocolate, recent research is helping us to understand how eating chocolate affects our health. The good news is that most of the bad effects of eating chocolate are either exaggerated or entirely false. It has been proven eating chocolate does not acne. Eating chocolate (or not eating it) did not produce any changes to people’s spots. These results are supported by research which shows that acne is not primarily linked to diet. Dental research has proven that chocolate does not cause cavities or tooth decay. In fact, there are indications that the cocoa butter in the chocolate coats the teeth and may help protect them by preventing plaque from forming. Obviously, eating too much of any food may cause health problems. The cocoa butter in chocolate does contain fat, which can cause heart problems.

  8. Quick scanning – you will have to scan the words to find the answer to the following questions – hands up as soon as you find one! (Questions for form tutors in the notes section below.) October fish Sarah apple kettle oven blazer May Tie December cat dog fork Jack plate bowl Banana shirt orange knife sink mug March rabbit January Mike Clare spoon shoes trousers July

  9. Jenny guinea pig pots jumper David February mouse • Hamster April plum peach June Danielle kitten • Grapes puppy August Robert microwave Helen rat • Mango parrot fridge Andrew socks glasses lizard

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