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Jenks West Intermediate - Back to School 2012-2013

Welcome to the start of the 2012-2013 school year at Jenks West Intermediate! Learn about the curriculum, classroom summaries, and school guidelines.

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Jenks West Intermediate - Back to School 2012-2013

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  1. Jenks West Intermediate6th GradeMiss Quick ~ Math/ScienceMs. Worth ~ Language Arts/Social Studies Back to School 2012-2013

  2. Dear Parents, Welcome to Jenks West Intermediate and to the start of the 2012-2013 school year. It is with great excitement that the new school year begins at Jenks West Intermediate. We are truly looking forward to being a part of your child’s learning process. Intermediate school marks the beginning of student independence, accountability, and self-direction in learning. Helping 6th graders become more organized and responsible will be goals stressed throughout the school year. Many exciting and challenging activities utilizing critical thinking, problem solving, and inquiry are planned! Together we all can make this a positive educational experience. Parents are such a vital part of the educational process; we appreciate all the support that you provide. Communication is vital to your child’s success, and we encourage you to contact us anytime you have a question, comment, or concern. Thank you for being actively involved in your child’s success. Your child will have a wonderful learning experience as we work together. Sincerely, Emily Quick Lisa Worth

  3. Contact Information Please e-mail each teacher a test e-mail with your child’s name in the subject line. This will help us get you on our e-mail list. Emily Quick (math/science) Lisa Worth (language arts/social studies)

  4. Classroom Curriculum Summaries • Math: In grades K-6 the chosen curriculum is titled “Everyday Mathematics”. This will be supplemented with other materials to meet all mathematical standards. There will be Benchmark tests this year which will take the place of individual unit tests. • Science: The curriculum covered in 6th grade science includes the following topics: Microworlds, Catastrophic Events, and Energy/Machine/Motion.

  5. Classroom Curriculum Summaries • Language Arts: Language Arts is a combination of reading, writing, vocabulary, and grammar. We will be using “Comprehension Toolkit” and the “Writing Workshop” as our main teaching tools this year. Students will be required to read 100 minutes weekly and will respond weekly in their reading log. Reading logs will be due each Thursday with a parent signature. Students may access the WI library catalog at home by using the following web address: wimedia.goalexandria.com/. • Social Studies: Geography is the study of spatial patterns of the human and physical characteristics of the world and its peoples. Students will use geographic knowledge as a tool for understanding the concepts of economics and the impact of recent history on contemporary events. Students will explore how spatial patterns form, change over time, and relate to one another through an examination of the regions of the Western Hemisphere.

  6. Classroom Curriculum Summaries • Specials: Band/Orchestra OR Music/P.E. (alternates) • Chinese: Students enrolled in Chinese class will have class every day for the 1st Semester. • Spanish/Art: Students enrolled in Spanish/Art will have Spanish for half of the 1st Semester and Art for the other half of the 1st Semester.

  7. Classroom Curriculum Summaries • Jenks Wild: Students will attend New Life Ranch, an environmental camp, from September 17th-19th. Cost $95.00 Full Payment—Our “How the West was Run” fundraiser has lowered the cost by $20.00 per person to $75.00. Payment due by Sept. 7th 2012. 9. Technology: Technology is incorporated into each subject area. The students will participate in various types of multi-media activities such as I-Searches in social studies and science, Power Point Presentations, and using a word processor program. The students will receive a grade of 3, 2, or 1 in the area of technology on their report cards.

  8. School/Classroom Guidelines and Procedures Jenks Public Schools and Jenks Intermediate handbooks should be reviewed by parents and students to understand school policies, which include such topics as attendance, dress code, and behavior. PLEASE VIEW THE HANDBOOK ONLINE AT JENKSPS.ORG

  9. School/Classroom Guidelines and Procedures • Behavior Management: • Within the classroom, positive reinforcement of good behavior is constantly being used to promote a good working and learning environment. • Our main goal is for no one to interfere with another student’s learning. This includes, but is not limited to: disrupting the class/teacher, no homework or materials, tardy, hallway behavior, and other items that require teacher specific attention. • West Intermediate has adopted a plan that calls for Responsible, Respectful, and Reliable behavior. Of course, we strive to work out difficulties within our classroom, however, the following steps may be taken according to JPS West Intermediate policy…

  10. 1. Noon Reflection a. Issued for repetitive inappropriate student behaviors b. Only 3 Noon Reflections will be allowed before attending Work Detail c. Designed to be a problem solving opportunity for students to reflect on their inappropriate action d. Will occur during their lunch and recess time 2. Work Detail a. Assigned by the principal after 3 completed Noon Reflections b. Assigned by the principal automatically for severe infractions 3. In and Out of School Suspension *Please see handbook

  11. School/Classroom Guidelines and Procedures • Materials: Students are expected to come to school with all needed classroom materials. • Homework: Please check your child’s agenda each night, as each day’s assignments should always be listed. Homework is important for three reasons: practice, preparation, and enrichment. While we respect your family time and encourage outside activities, we also believe that establishing a time to study each evening will help your child in the long run. Hallmarks of good homework: PURPOSE- The work is assigned to reinforce a skill taught during school; it is not busy work. EFFICIENCY-Just because you can complete it in 20 minutes doesn’t mean that he can! OWNERSHIP- Is he doing YOUR homework or HIS? COMPETENCE- Practice makes permanent. Make sure he can do it independently. \

  12. School/Classroom Guidelines and Procedures • Agendas: Students will be given time during each class period to copy down their daily assignments and any homework in their agendas. They will also be reminded to write down any important dates for projects, tests, parent meetings or other pertinent information. Please check your child’s agenda on a daily basis so that you will have a better understanding of their schedule and assignments. It is the responsibility of the students to copy their homework assignments from the board. If agendas are lost, please purchase another copy immediately. New agendas may be purchased at the school office for $5. • Thursday Folders: Folders will be distributed every Thursday. Students will be responsible for returning the folder the next school day.

  13. School/Classroom Guidelines and Procedures • Lunch: Our 6th grade assigned lunch/recess time is from 11:40-12:20 (lunch first during 1st semester and recess first during 2nd semester). If you would like to have lunch with your child off-campus, please follow school policy on checking in and out students. • Birthdays: In an effort to maintain as much instructional time as possible, WI will not have “Birthday Bashes” in the classroom. If a family member wants to bring a snack for the entire team, the family member may check in at lobby guard and distribute the treat during the student’s lunch/recess time. NO TREATS MAY BE DROPPED OFF FOR TEACHERS OR STUDENTS TO DISTRIBUTE. The family member must attend the lunch recess time on the designated date (see below) and distribute the snacks to the students. The scheduled dates are as follows and we cannot make exceptions: Summer, September, and October Birthdays- October 26 during lunch/recess November, December, and January Birthdays- January 25 during lunch/recess February, March, April, and May Birthdays- April 26 during lunch/recess

  14. School/Classroom Guidelines and Procedures • Progress Reports: Students will not receive progress reports this year. Instead, parents may monitor student progress daily by accessing the POWERSCHOOL website. Please contact the front office if you do not have a username and password to access your child’s POWERSCHOOL. • Report Cards: Students will receive report cards at the end of each of the 4 nine-weeks. Students will receive letter grades in math, language arts, social studies, and science. In addition, students will receive 3’s (consistently successful 85-100% of the time), 2’s (progressing 70-84% of the time), and 1’s (area of concern less than 70% of the time) in all areas. Students performing below a “C” in math will receive an “N” on the report card.

  15. School/Classroom Guidelines and Procedures • Releases: No information (doctor’s checklists, school applications, etc.) about a student at Jenks Public Schools can be provided to an outside source until a release has been signed by a parent. Please contact your child’s homeroom teacher regarding the paperwork that must be completed if you desire information about your child to be released to an outside source. • Tardies: Students must be in their seats at 7:50 and are dismissed at 2:30. Students may not arrive earlier than 7:30 a.m. Traffic is not an excused tardy, so make allowances if there is construction in your area. • Absences and Appointments: Please schedule appointments after 2:30 when possible. At this age, missing even an hour of school is missing a lot! If your child must be absent, please call Bonnie Rosebrook at 299-4415 X2900. Students that arrive to school after 8:31 are considered ½ day absent for the morning block. Students that leave school at 11:00 are considered ½ day absent for the afternoon block.

  16. School/Classroom Guidelines and Procedures • Cafeteria Accounts: Lunch money may be added to your child’s account at any time. It is helpful if lunch money is given to the cafeteria manager (Teresa Totty) in the morning and NOT lunch time. Please visit www.mylunchmoney.com to electronically add money to your child’s lunch account. • Free and Reduced lunch: Please make sure to turn in these forms as soon as possible. Call Teresa Totty at 299-4415 X2970 for more information.

  17. School/Classroom Guidelines and Procedures • Car Riders: If your child is a car rider, form one single file line in the oval. The first car will pull forward to the stop sign. All other cars follow. When your car is next to the awning, unload. This process allows about 12 students to exit the car simultaneously and take the sidewalk inside. Then, as directed by our staff, the next 12 cars will pull forward and unload. • Parking: All parents must park in the parking space provided in the front oval. The north oval is reserved for buses and those doors are locked after the buses arrive. • Collaboration Days: On each of these Thursdays, students should arrive at their bus stops 1 hour and 45 minutes later than the usual time. School will begin for grades 5 - 12 at 9:40 a.m. Please mark the following days on your calendar: • October 4, 2012 January 31, 2013 • November 1, 2012 February 28,2013 • December 6, 2012 March 28, 2013 •

  18. School/Classroom Guidelines and Procedures • Cell Phones: Cell phone usage is not permitted during school hours. This means that cell phones should be turned off and placed in backpacks as soon as a student exits a vehicle or bus. Cell phones may be turned back on as soon as a student loads the bus or vehicle at the end of the day. • Leadership Opportunities: We offer many opportunities for students to be leaders at WI. Your child will be receiving information in late August about these positions. Students will apply for these positions by writing resumes.

  19. School/Classroom Guidelines and Procedures • Visitors: Any person entering the school not having a Jenks ID will be asked to check in at the office and receive a visitor’s badge. Please make sure that you bring your driver’s license with you. Any items that are delivered to school (lunch money, forgotten materials, etc.) should be dropped off at the school office and school personnel will deliver them to the classroom. • School Fundraiser: Please support our school! The fundraiser information will be given to students on Monday, October 15. The fundraiser will run from October 15 through October 29.

  20. Jenks West Intermediate 2012-20136th Grade School Supplies • 1 1/2" Three Ring Binder - 1 • Composition Book- 1 • Spiral Notebooks (1-Subject)- 2 • Crayola Classic Thick Markers- 1 • Red Medium Ink Pens- 2 • Black Medium Ink Pens- 2 • #2 Pencils (2 for art) -48 • Small Elmer's Glue Sticks -1 • 200 Count Wide Ruled Filler Paper- 3 • 7" 12 Count Crayola Colored Pencils- 1 • Pocket and Brad Folders (3 of each-blue, red, yellow, green) -12 • Sticky Notes 3 X 3- 1 • Expo Markers (pack of 4)- 1 • Clorox wipes or similar product- 1 *Agenda Required (May be purchased at the office for $5) Teachers collect most school supplies. Please do not label items with your child's name. Teachers may request additional supplies for their team throughout the year if necessary. • Sharpie Marker-Black -2 (1 for Art) • Fine point black Sharpie (Art)- 1 • Sharp 8' Fiskar Scissors- 1 • Roll Paper Towels (1 for Art)- 2 • Kleenex Box- 1 • Sanford Magic Rub Eraser (these are white) (for Art)- 1 • Pencil Bag -1

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