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Gender Equity in Agriculture Growth Program-Livestock Market Development (AGP-LMD)Project

Gender Equity in Agriculture Growth Program-Livestock Market Development (AGP-LMD)Project. USAID-Ethiopia’s Agricultural Growth Program-Livestock Market Development (AGP-LMD) Project is a five-year project implemented as part of the U.S. Government’s Feed the Future (FTF) Initiative.

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Gender Equity in Agriculture Growth Program-Livestock Market Development (AGP-LMD)Project

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  1. Gender Equity in Agriculture Growth Program-Livestock Market Development (AGP-LMD)Project

  2. USAID-Ethiopia’s Agricultural Growth Program-Livestock Market Development (AGP-LMD) Project is a five-year project implemented as part of the U.S. Government’s Feed the Future (FTF) Initiative. • The implementer of the Project is CNFA with 13 local and international partners. • The project started on Sep. 2012.

  3. The AGP-LMD project addresses USAID's Strategic Objective of improving smallholder incomes and nutritional status through the achievement of three key USAID intermediate results. • IR1: Increase productivity and competitiveness of selected livestock value chains. • IR2: Improve the enabling environment for livestock value chains. • IR3: Improve the quality and diversity of household diet through intake of livestock products.

  4. Integrated into these components are the cross-cutting objectives of engaging people living with HIV/AIDS, gender equity, promotion of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions, environmental mitigation, and natural resource management.

  5. AGP-LMD is working on Dairy and Meat and Live animal. Key themes for driving the AGP-LMD Project approach include: • Market development • Increased productivity and efficiency throughout the livestock value chain • Private sector focus and investment • Smallholder impact • Gender mainstreaming • Environmental conservation • ICT

  6. AGP-LMD approach for gender equity is based on the findings of gender analysis during inception period. • The findings were women are mostly engaged in animal production activities. • They have limited participation in livestock marketing. • Limited access, control and benefits of resources. To address the issue LMD designed: A. Mainstreaming gender in all value chain activities; B. Women’s empowerment.

  7. What are the Activities: • Give Gender mainstreaming training to V/C Managers, other staff and IPs to make them aware on gender issues. • To make sure in all activates at least 30% women representation is there. • To cancel the beneficiary training, if the representation of women is less than 30%; • Conduct trainings closer to participants wereda taking into consideration the mobility problem of women; • Give child care service during the training; • Opening up opportunities for women to work on what are traditionally male’s;

  8. Identify and promote women friendly technologies in the livestock V/C; • Link value chin actors to market through provision of Business to Business meetings; • Promote role modeling of women in livestock V/C business; • Make extra effort to link women entrepreneurs to finance, and support them in collateral; • Give training to both husband and wives; • Build their capacity in the area of business management, gender awareness and leadership including on nutrition and HIV/AIDS.

  9. Strengths • No compromise on female representation; • Give training to husband wives together; • Bring the training closer to participants; • Give child care service during training; • Coach and support women entrepreneurs; • Promote role modeling of women; • Provide grant on competitive base and specific to women with less matching fund; • Give training to women in non traditional areas for women eg CAHWs.

  10. Limitations • Not having good strategy to include poor women; • Not many women at managerial level; • Exclusion of non AGP woredas;

  11. Opportunities • Country’s high potential in Livestock production; • Government interest on the project and willingness to contribute; • Emergence of commercial dairy farms and increasing meat export; • The existence of women entrepreneurs association; • The existence of NGOs working on livestock; • Availability of experience sharing program within and outside the country; • Promotion of B to B to promote value chain and networking among business.

  12. Challenges • Patriarchy culture; • Religious practice; • Lack of livestock market infrastructure; • Achieving 30% of women representation in TOT training is a challenge; • Lack of equal access to resources; • Lack of safety for women to travel.


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