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AAQG RMC 101. Industry Controlled Other Party Structure Overview July 30, 2009. Presented by: Tim Lee The Boeing Company. Briefing Purpose

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  1. AAQG RMC 101 Industry Controlled Other Party Structure Overview July 30, 2009 Presented by: Tim Lee The Boeing Company

  2. Briefing Purpose • To provide a top level overview of the Industry Controlled Other Party (ICOP) aerospace quality management system accreditation/certification structure.

  3. Industry Controlled Other Party(ICOP) Project StatusSchedule Results Initiative Database ICOP is… ICOP is not… • a method of oversight supporting recognition of • external (Other) party quality management system certifications • the aerospace industry managed and globally harmonized process of 9100-series Quality Management System certification. • a cost effective method of supplier approval and surveillance. • standardized and continual improvement driven. • endorsed and supported by Government/Regulatory agencies (FAA, DCMA, NASA). • risk mitigation to producers and consumers. • the only method used in managing the supply base. • prevention in buying from poor performing suppliers. • certification of product and manufacturing processes. • a method that prevents human errors. • a traditional 3rd party certification scheme • without risks. ICOP Oversight is… ICOP Benefits include… • a process used to increase effectiveness and ensure conformance. • detection of nonconformities and improvement • opportunities in the certification scheme. • supported by all member companies. • risk and performance based. • shifts customer focus to product and processes • industry peers working together to improve quality. • decreased costs of multi-customer audits. • validation and promotion of best practices. • reduced variance in interpretation of requirements. • availability of an On-line Supplier Information System (OASIS) database with publicly assessable supplier certification data.

  4. IAQG ICOP Structure

  5. RMC Activities/Meetings • The RMC is responsible for Sector conformance. • RMC meetings are held the two days prior to each AAQG general assembly meeting. • The RMC conducts annual system reviews. This includes review of sector performance, identification of improvement opportunities and oversight planning. • The RMC manages a shared oversight process which includes witness and office assessments, auditor authentication and training provider approval oversight. • Next Meeting: September 15-17, 2009 • Charlotte, North Carolina • Meeting Information RMC Information

  6. Standards: AS9104 – 1 Requirement for Aerospace Quality Management System Certification/Registrations Programs AS9104-2 - Requirements for Oversight of Aerospace Quality Management System Registration/Certifications Programs AS9104-3 - Requirements for Development, Implementation and Control of Aerospace Auditor Authentication/Training

  7. Resolutions: Click on Help/Guidance Link

  8. Resolutions approved by individual sectors are used to provide clarification regarding sector operations with applicable sector noted. IAQG OPMT approved resolutions are indicated by noting applicability to all sectors. Resolutions:

  9. WEB Access / Info IAQG www .iaqg.org www .sae.org/iaqg AAQG www .iaqg.org/aaqg www .sae.org/aaqg OASIS www .sae.org/oasis SAE www .sae.org ANAB www .anab.org INMETRO www .inmetro.gov.br IAAR www .iaar.org IAF www.iaf.nu

  10. Our process encourages involvement by all Stakeholders. “Industry Controlled Other Party” not “3rd Party” We strive for continual improvement and need your support and valued input. “Working Together” we will continually improve. Summary

  11. QUESTIONS? Poser une question? Interrogação?

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