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AAQG RMC STRUCTURE September 12, 2006. Leadership Team. Colin Clarke Bombardier Chairman. Mike Song Boeing Projects Chair. Vladia Perez Embraer Vice-Chairman. Gayle Roland Lockheed Martin Membership Chair. Jarie Hermie Bell Textron Secretary. Becky Lemon SAE Treasurer.
Leadership Team Colin Clarke Bombardier Chairman Mike Song Boeing Projects Chair Vladia Perez Embraer Vice-Chairman Gayle Roland Lockheed Martin Membership Chair Jarie Hermie Bell Textron Secretary Becky Lemon SAE Treasurer Scott Collinge Honeywell Communications Tim Lee Boeing RMC Chair Jay Myers SAE Representative Ed Bayne Boeing Oper Mgt System Mike Roberts Boeing SAE Institute Dale Gordon MPC Products Past-Chairman Industry Segment Chairs C Date Honeywell Nadcap A Brindisi Pratt & Whitney Civil A Reilly Northrop Grumman Space P Thompson Boeing Defense
Sector Management Structure (SMS) The organization established in a sector that manages the application of the sector scheme based on this document. Each sector may use a different name for this organization (e.g., Registration Management Committee in the Americas and Asia/Pacific, Certification Body Management Committee in Europe within ASD). Reference AS9104, Definitions, Section 3.11
Americas Sector Standards Council of Canada (SCC) 3 Accreditation Bodies (ABs) 40 Accredited Certification Bodies (CBs) 353 Aerospace Auditors ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB) INMETRO
AAQG Registration Management Committee IAQG Oversight Team (Downs, Gallagher,Lee, Roberts) Accreditation Bodies (ABs) (ANAB, SCC, INMETRO) RMC Chair (Lee) Auditor Review Committee (Gallagher) Auditor Authentication Bodies (RAB-QSA) OEM Members Roberts - Boeing Clarke - Bombardier Perez - Embraer Neal - Goodrich Malsby - Gulfstream May - Honeywell (V Chair) Gallagher - Lockheed Martin Park - Northrop Grumman Vinton - Raytheon Levy -Rolls Royce Wilcox - Spirit AeroSystems Downs - Textron Johansen - UTC Tate - Vought Data Base S/Team (Myers) Certification/ Registration Bodies (CRBs) (Blake, Blazik, Vianna) Surveillance S/Team (Johansen) At Large Member (open) Documentation S/Team (Roberts) AuthoritiesAcademiaCustomer (Broughton, Crenshaw, Hall, Purwin) Process Guidance S/Team (Blake) (Lee,Boeing) RMC Web (Vinton)
Tim Lee Boeing (RMC Chair) 816-679-2529 Ed Bayne Boeing (RMC Secretary) 425-342-1873 Mike Roberts Boeing 314-234-8190 Colin Clarke Bombardier 514-855-8352 Vladia Perez Embraer 55-12-3927-8455 Susie Neal Goodrich 704-423-3461 Tom Malsby Gulfstream 912-965-4381 Vince May Honeywell (Vice Chair) 602-436-8794 Mike Gallagher Lockheed Martin 408-742-3672 Jay Park Northrop-Grumman 310-332-1162 Richard Vinton Raytheon 978-440-2953 Mike Levy Rolls-Royce 317-230-2214 Rick Wilcox Spirit AeroSystems 316-523-4925 Rick Downs Textron-Cessna 316 517-1230 Guy Johansen UTC 860-654-5513 Will Tate Vought 972-946-0738 AAQG RMC Voting Members / Officers Yellow Indicates Voting Member
Dave Broughton FAA 202-267-9575 Buck Crenshaw Jet Propulsion Lab 321-867-3731 David Hall Missile Defense Agency 703-882-6288 Stan Purwin Johns Hopkins 443-778-6279 Randy Dougherty ANAB 414-347-9858 Lori Scheid ANAB 414-347-9858 Hollie Jarmain Standards Council Canada 613-238-3222 Miguel Rocha INMETRO 55-21-2563-2862 Reg Blake IAAR - (BSI) 703-464-1908 Carl Blazik IAAR - (SAI) 419-861-1689 Sidney Vianna DNV Certification 562-426-0500 AAQG RMC Non-Voting Members / Associates
Americas Rick Downs ++ Cessna-Textron Mike Gallagher Lockheed Martin Tim Lee * Boeing Mike Roberts (alt) Boeing Asia Pacific Shuji Komori * FHI Li Wei AVIC 1 Tamaki Nishio IHI Michihiko Banno (alt) FHI Europe Gualtiero Arsento +* Alenia Herbert Mairose Airbus Gerard Pleigneur Safran Jean Louis Bounie (alt) Airbus Voting Members Randy Dougherty ANAB Takafumi Osada JAB Norbert Borzek TGA IAF / AB Focals Reg Blake BSI No AssignmentRequired Pat Adamcik DNV CB Focals Ind. Assoc & OASIS Focals Jay Myers SAE Kazaki Kanai SJAC Hans Luijt ASD EASE IAQG Other Party Management Team (OPMT) IAQG - OPMT IAQG 9104 ++ IAQG-OPMT Chair + IAQG-OPMT V-Chair * Sector OPMT Leader