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wpdn presentation 19 august 2009

Slide 1. AGENDA: . Slide 2. Who are we

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wpdn presentation 19 august 2009

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Slide 0 Change Management, Transition & Transformation Presented by: Jasmin Rieck & Monique Roberts

    2. Slide 1

    3. Slide 2 Who are we &

    4. What stimulates organisational change? Major external forces / shifts: Shift in domestic policy Substantial cuts in funding Decreased market opportunity Dramatic increase in services Global events Reactive Organisational generally respond by reviewing technical or structural opportunities. Proactive Organisation strategic decision to shift product or service to anticipate /create new or niche markets Slide 3

    5. Slide 4 The University Context Enterprise Agreement clause 40 Provide a toolkit to support management decisions Support those implementing change processes

    6. Slide 5 Research indicates that 70% of complex change programs fail Failure not necessarily due to poor technical solutions - often due to poor project planning, change management and mobilising people.

    7. Slide 6 Many people are inherently cynical about change People are afraid of the unknown People believe that things are fine the way they are Managers may recognise the need to change but acting on it can be difficult Change requires the management of peoples emotions, most managers find difficult to deal with or address Managing the change process and transition emotions is fundamental to the success of a change oriented project.

    8. Slide 7 Change, Transition & Transformation Toolkit How does this differ from a traditional change management approach? Contents: Guide Templates SWOT matrix Strategy and planning matrix Story telling guide Reward and recognition guide Transition cycle Kotters Checklist Bridges checklist The Change project cycle

    9. Slide 8 The Change Project Planning Cycle What tools support the Change Project Planning Cycle? Diagnostic tools Project plan template Business case template Stakeholder management plan Change management team roles and responsibilities Change readiness assessment tool Change impact assessment tool Implementation Plan Communication Plan Staff development needs analysis Transition guidelines

    10. Slide 9 Difference between Change and Transition

    11. Slide 10 Difference between Change and Transition

    12. Slide 11 What is Transformation?

    13. Slide 12 JOHN KOTTERS EIGHT-STAGE PROCESS FOR CREATING MAJOR CHANGE Kotters eight step model is a process for implementing successful change Kotters model has become the change bible for managers around the world!

    14. Slide 13 KOTTERS MODEL - THE 8 STAGE PROCESS STEP 1 ESTABLISHING A SENSE OF URGENCY Helping others see the need for change & the importance of acting quickly

    15. Slide 14 KOTTERS MODEL - THE 8 STAGE PROCESS STEP 2 CREATE GUIDING COALITIONS Ensuring there is a powerful group, with the appropriate leadership skills, credibility & authority to guide the change process

    16. Slide 15 KOTTERS MODEL - THE 8 STAGE PROCESS STEP 3 DEVELOP A VISION & STRATEGY Creating a picture of the future & how it will be different from the past

    17. Slide 16 KOTTERS MODEL - THE 8 STAGE PROCESS STEP 4 COMMUNICATE THE CHANGE VISION Ensuring everyone understands & accepts the vision

    18. Slide 17 KOTTERS MODEL - THE 8 STAGE PROCESS STEP 5 EMPOWER BROAD-BASED ACTIONS Removing the barriers to making change successful

    19. Slide 18 KOTTERS MODEL - THE 8 STAGE PROCESS STEP 6 GENERATE SHORT TERM WINS Create clear, visible success stories early in the process

    20. Slide 19 KOTTERS MODEL - THE 8 STAGE PROCESS STEP 7 CONSOLIDATE GAINS & PRODUCE MORE CHANGE Recognise more change opportunities following the quick wins to take full advantage of the momentum for change

    21. Slide 20 KOTTERS MODEL - THE 8 STAGE PROCESS STEP 8 ANCHOR THE NEW APPROACHES IN THE CULTURE Ensure the new ways of behaving are recognised & rewarded to embed the change into the organisational culture

    22. Slide 21 The Emotions of Transition


    24. Slide 23

    25. Slide 24 Bringing it all together

    26. Slide 25 Where to find it? http://www.adelaide.edu.au/hr/policies/toolkits/ Who can help you HR Consultants Mark Hewitson Manager HR Consulting Michele Davies Kate Cooke Dennis Picton Kathy Cleggett Richard Bannister Jasmin Rieck (35766) or Monique Roberts (35726) EAP Corporate Health Group (CHG) 8354 9200

    27. Slide 26 Questions?

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