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Araştırma Altyapıları Research Infrastructures (RI) FP6 ve FP7 Koç Üniversitesi 10 Ocak 2008 Selçuk Taral selcuk.taral@mam.gov.tr Sunumun Amacı AB Çerçeve Programları içinde yer alan Araştırma Altyapıları özel programının tanıtımı
Araştırma AltyapılarıResearch Infrastructures (RI) FP6 ve FP7 Koç Üniversitesi 10 Ocak 2008 Selçuk Taral selcuk.taral@mam.gov.tr
Sunumun Amacı • AB Çerçeve Programları içinde yer alan Araştırma Altyapıları özel programının tanıtımı • 6. Çerçeve Programından devam eden projelere uluslararası erişim (Trans-national Access) • 7. Çerçeve Programında Araştırma Altyapıları özel programının 30 Kasım 2007’de açılan çağrısı ile ilgili bilgi • 30 Kasım 2007 çağrısının öncelikli alanları ve bu alanlarda verielecek tekliflere katılım
Araştırma Altyapıları - Tanım Araştırma Altyapıları(Research Infrastructures) Bilim dünyasına önemli hizmetler veren tesisler, kaynaklar ve hizmetler Örnekler: Radyasyon kaynakları Genomik veritabanları Sosyal bilim veri tabanları Araştırma gemileri/uçakları e-altyapılar ….
Definition of Research Infrastructures • "Facilities", "resources" and related "services" that are needed by the scientific community for the development of leading-edge research in the most efficient manner at EU level, as well as for knowledge transmission, knowledge exchanges and knowledge preservation; • covers major equipments, collections, archives and structured information, enabling ICT-based infrastructures, and any other entity of a unique nature used for research.
Araştırma Altyapıları - Amacı • Avrupanın üst düzey araştırma altyapılarının verimli kullanımlarına ve gelişimlerine ve “pan-Avrupa çıkarlarına uygun” yeni altyapıların kurulmasına yardımcı olmak • Politika geliştirilmesine ve programın uygulanmasına yardımcı olmak
Objectives of the Research Infrastructures action • Optimising the use and development of the best research infrastructures existing in Europe • Helping to create in all fields of S & T new research infrastructures of pan-European interest needed by the European scientific community • Supporting policy development and the programme implementation
FP6 Araştırma Altyapıları projeleri ve uluslararası erişim • FP6’da desteklenen Araştırma Altyapıları projelerinin listesi (e-Altyapılar hariç) : http://cordis.europa.eu/infrastructures/projects.htm • Bu listenin ilk sırasında verilen Uluslararası Erişim -Transnational Access- projeleri tüm araştırmacılara kullanım sağlayan araştırma altyapıları • İkinci grupta yer alan Bütünleştirici Faaliyetler -Integrating Activities- projelerde bazı ortaklar kullanım (transnational access) sağlıyorlar Not: Her projenin kendi web sayfasına listeden ulaşılabiliyor
Uluslararası erişim (TA – Transnational Access) Araştırma altyapılarının çeşitli biçimlerde kullanımı (MC2 ACCESS: advanced micro- and nanotechnology device processingenvironments for microwave and photonic devices) Kendi araştırmanızın bir bölümünü giderek yerinde veya veri, spesimen, veya cihaz getirerek burada veya veritabanlarını kullanarak yapabilirsiniz...
Bütünleştirici Faaliyetler - Örnekler (FP6) IntegratingActivity on Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser Science Optimising Access to Spot Infrastructure for Science
Bütünleştirici Faaliyetler- Örnekler (FP6) Taxonomic Access Facilities (TAFs) Advanced Radio Astronomy in Europe Center for Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance Free access to world-class biological databases for European sciencethanks to FELICS
Bütünleştirici Faaliyetler - Örnekler (FP6) Bütünleştirici Faaliyetler - Örnekler The European Center for Analysis in the Social Sciences
Türkiye’nin katılımı(FP6) Türk ortaklı projeler: ILIAS EURONS Black Sea SCENE (3 Türk ortak) NERIES SEADATANET
Türkiye’den katılım(e-Altyapılar) Türk ortaklı e-Altyapı projeleri (FP6) : GEANT 2 SEEGRID SEEGRID II EUMEDGRID EGEE-2 Ayrıntılı bilgi için: www.ulakbim.gov.tr
FP7 (2007 – 2013) Cooperation – Collaborative research Ideas – Frontier Research People – Human Potential Capacities – Research Capacity + JRC (non-nuclear + nuclear Euratom
Capacities – Research Capacity • Research Infrastructures • Research for the benefit of SMEs • Regions of Knowledge • Research Potential • Science in Society • Coherent development of policies • Activities of International Cooperation
FP7 budget(€ billion, current prices) Source: revised FP7 proposal
Capacities budget(€ billion, current prices) Source: revised FP7 Commission proposal
FP7 Araştırma Altyapıları Özel Programının Proje Türleri Mevcut Altyapılar Yeni Altyapılar Bütünleştirici faaliyetler Tasarım çalışmaları ESFRIYol haritası Yeni kurma (başlangıç aşaması; yapım aşaması) e-Altyapılar Politika geliştirme ve programın uygulanması ESFRI : European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (Ayrıntılı bilgi ve Yol Haritası için: http://cordis.europa.eu/esfri/)
FP7 Research Infrastructures in brief Existing Infrastructures New Infrastructures Design studies Integrating activities ESFRIRoadmap Construction (preparatory phase; construction phase) e-infrastructures Policy Development and Programme Implementation ESFRI: http://cordis.europa.eu/esfri/
580 M€ 2007-2013 Calls 3, 6, 7 420 M€ 2007-2013 Calls 1, 2, 4, 5, 6,7 Integrating Activity in FP7 • Integrating Activities to promote the coherent use and development of research infrastructures in a given field, implemented through: • A bottom-up approach for proposals open to all fields of science • Targeted approach with topics defined in cooperation with the FP7 thematic areas • [ICT based e-infrastructures in support of scientific research]
Integrating Activity in FP7 • Structure better and integrate, on a European scale, the way research infrastructures operate and develop • Normally all major RI’s in Europe in one field • At least 3 MS or AS • 3 types of activities in one project • Networking Activities • Trans-national Access • Joint Research Activities • Based on the continuation of the successful FP6 instrument “I3” • Project type: combination of collaborative project + coordination and support actions
Networking Activities • To foster a culture of co-operation between the research infrastructures and the related scientific communities • Forms of activities: • Towards a common long-term strategy : foresight… • Towards good practice: exchange of personnel and visits, standards and quality… • Towards the users: training, feedback, coordination… • Towards virtual research communities: Web-sites, common softwares, databases, data management… • Setting up of technical workshops, forums, working groups and studies…
Trans-national Access/Serviceactivities • Provide trans-national access to researchers or research teams to one or more infrastructures among those operated by the participants • "Hands on" access • Remote access: provision of reference material, sample analysis… Remote access to distributed infrastructures: “trans-nationality” will not apply • Provide research infrastructures related services to the scientific community • Access to scientific services freely available through communication networks, e.g. databases available on the web
Joint Research Activities • Explore new fundamental technologies or techniques underpinning the efficient and joint use of the participating research infrastructures To improve the services provided by the infrastructures (in quality and/or quantity) • Forms of activities: • Instrumentation / prototype development • Development of methods, protocols, standards… • Development of software, middleware, algorithm; Database creation, upgrade, curation… • Development and curation of samples
New approach forIntegrating Activities in FP7 • Bottom up approach for all fields of science (as in FP6) • New: targeted approach to respond to identified strategic needs: • creating synergies and ensuring consistency with other parts of the Framework Programme, • in important fields currently not well covered, • Pilot exercise under FP7
Why a targeted approach? • To ensure consistency and create synergies with the cooperation programme • To optimise the use of (limited) funds • To stimulate RI actions in specific fields, currently not well covered (e.g. health, energy, transport)
Priority topics undertargeted approach in FP7 • Health (6) • Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology (4) • Information and Communication Technologies (3) • Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies and Materials (2) • Energy (5) • Environment (4) • Transport (2) • Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (3) • 29 priority topics for RI’s in 8 fields of R&D • No competition under the same topic but integration on a European scale ( For more information on “targeted approach” see : Work Programme 2008 )
Priority topicsFood, Agriculture and Biotechnology-related specific 2008 objectives • INFRA-2008- enabling investigation of impacts of food on health, including development of tools for cross compatibility and networked usage, of standards and codes of practice; • INFRA-2008- European diagnostic / test / validation infrastructure for animal diseases (including zoonoses); • INFRA-2008- Biological Resources Centres (BRCs) for micro-organisms; • INFRA-2008- Aquaculture facilities (inland, coastal, offshore), fisheries research vessels, equipments, data bases.
Priority topicsInformation and Communication Technologies-related specific 2008 objectives • INFRA-2008- for ICT experience and application research, based in particular on methods, tools and platforms to involve the user early in the R&D process; • INFRA-2008- for nano-electronics and integrated micro-/nano-systems research, based in particular on networking of and trans-national access to clean rooms; • INFRA-2008- for embedded systems research based in particular on sharing methods, tools and platforms for design, evaluation and testing.
Priority topicsNanosciences, Nanotechnologies, and Materials- related specific 2008 objectives • INFRA-2008- for nano-bio-technology, in particular for simulation, design and control of biomaterial structure and reactions at nano-level; • INFRA-2008- for nano-materials research, linked with the European nanotechnology Action Plan, and in the context of a broad international cooperation.
Priority topicsEnergy-related specific 2008 objectives • INFRA-2008- aiming at the development of the next generation bio-fuels; • INFRA-2008- integrating European testing and analysis research infrastructure for hydrogen and fuel cell energy-chains; • INFRA-2008- for ocean energy research; • INFRA-2008- for concentrating solar power research; • INFRA-2008- for research on Smart Energy networks, to develop advancedelectricity networks architectures and/or for testing of power components.
Priority topicsSocio-economic Sciences and Humanities – related specific 2008 object • INFRA-2008- promoting European wide access to microdata sets of officials statistics for research and leading to a European statistical system open to researchers; • INFRA-2008- through the development, harmonisation and optimal use of indicators and data for economic and innovation research; • INFRA-2008- developing improved access to historical archives and cultural collections for research purpose.
Expected size of an Integrating Activity in FP7 • Duration: 4 years max • EC contribution: • Expected to be in the range of 3 to 10 M€. Higher EC contribution possible only in well justified cases (e.g. facilities serving very large communities of users). Not foreseen to be more than 15 M€ • Number of contractors: • Experience shows that a project with more than 20 contractors is difficult to manage • Not all partners need to be contractors
Expected size of an Integrating Activity in FP7 • What should be the normal balance of the activities? • Management : 5 to 10% • Networking activities : 15 to20% • TA/service activities: 25 to 35% • Joint research activities: 35 to 45% • No fixed rule, « one size does not fit all »
For further information • FP7 and Capacities Specific Programme http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/home_en.html http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/capacities/home_en.html • Research Infrastructures on CORDIS (FP6) http://cordis.europa.eu/infrastructures/ • Research Infrastructures in Europa http://ec.europa.eu/research/infrastructures • Grant Model Agreement http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/calls-grant-agreement_en.html#standard_ga Guides for applicants will be ready at the time of the call
İlgili sayfalar ve bilgi edinme FP6 projelerinde yer alan altyapıların kullanımı için: www.fp7.org.tr(Adım Adım 7.ÇP) FP6’da devam eden projeler için: http://cordis.europa.eu/infrastructures/projects.htm FP7’nin Araştırma Altyapıları özel programı için: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/capacities/research-infrastructures_en.html Çerçeve Programları Ulusal Koordinasyon Ofisi’nden bilgi için: ncpinfra@tubitak.gov.tr Not: İngilizce slaytlar Komisyon tarafından yapılan çeşitli sunumlardan alınmadır.