Summary Far away from here there is an apple-shaped planet named Wopellos, home of the gelatinous beings called the Wobo. A peaceful agricultural race, they were utterly unprepared for the sudden invasion of the Giant Space Wurm. It burrowed into the centre of their planet, making itself a nest and sending its insectoid minions out to strip the planet of its natural resources.The parasites infected the Wobos, turning them into Zobos, and they began to help the parasites to strip the planet of all that was good. The Great Wobo, leader of the Wobo, was sealed below the ground and all 20 of the Wobosurvivors were scattered across the land.Unable to leave his underground prison, the Great Wobo built a robot, named Robo, out of materials he found. He instructed the robot on its mission, to find the Wobo survivors and harness their power to rid their planet of this evil.
Gameplay The game, Obo, is a non-linear 3D third-person platformer. The game starts off in a tutorial area which guides the player through basic obstacles. After this level, the player is taken to a central hub and can choose where of all the areas they wish to go by walking into separate elevators. Each area will also have different access points through other areas. The player can return to the tutorial hub by walking further back to the level’s spawn point. The main goal of the game is to collect the remaining Wobo creatures that have escaped being turned into Zobos, and to purge the Giant Wurmfrom Wopellos. However, certain obstacles stand in your way. These include enemies trying to attack you and blocked pathways. As the player starts off from the tutorial level with only telekinesis and punching, Robo must explore the level looking for Great Wobostatues so that the player can explore the world more thoroughly and aid in fights. In the Farm level, the player can find a Great Wobostatue that gives the player the ability to shoot strong UV rays out of their hand which damage enemies. In the open-cut mine, the player finds fossil fuels which allow the player to use their jetpack to jump and glide. In the underwater level, the player can find a ‘WoboDetector’ which aids the player in finding secret Wobos by beeping when the player is in a specific range of a Wobo. In the Twin Peaks level, the player can find the ‘seismic stomp’ which allow the player to jump in the air and shatter the ground on the way down. Each of these abilities may be prerequisites for some puzzles and areas, allowing the player to revisit that puzzle or area if they wish to complete puzzles and explore more. Due to the immense kerfuffle that the Giant Wurmhas caused, the uninfected Wobos have been scattered in some very unusual places and captured by the parasite. Different abilities will need to be used within the level’s environment in order to retrieve the lost Wobos. For example, one of the farm level’s main attractions is the Big Tree, which will require the player to use the UV ability to clear leaves off trees. Fossil fuels will also make traversing branches easier, but is not mandatory.
New Assets ::MODELS:: Creatures/Collectibles • Wobos • Solar panels • Health (Motor Oil) • Great Wobo statue Enemies • Zobo • Gobbo • Zappos • Infected animals • The Wurm
New Assets ::AREAS:: • Farm House • Barn • Platforms • Puzzle Tree • Orchard Tree (to be duplicated) • Fences/Gates • Stepping Stones • Elevators • Wooden panels • The drill • Apple seeds • Lightning Rods • Chairlift platforms • Giant plug • Broken statue (re-used Giant Wobo statue) • Corals • Minerals • Ruined buildings (re-used farm house) • Mine carts • Supports
New Assets ::PARTICLES/EFFECTS:: • UV Ray Punch • Fossil Fuels Jetpack • Seismic Stomp effect
New Assets ::MUSIC:: ::SOUNDS:: PLAYER SOUNDS: running, jetpack, punch, collision, pain, wobo acquired, minerals acquired AMBIENT SOUNDS: wobo voice, creature voices, collision, water, thunder, leaves rustling, farm animal sounds, mine cart sounds VOICE ACTING: wob, wob, wob • Main Theme • Forest Music • Mountain Music • Cave Music • Open-Cut Mine Music
New Assets ::SCRIPTS:: • Main Menu GUI – play, quit, game title and background • In-game GUI – Health, Wobo Detector, Wobo count, mineral count and changing these images as required • Loading Screens for each level • Level transitions – from hub to each level, each level to hub • Spawn points • Restriction of abilities - checking if player has picked up specific pickup and enable each ability. • Select GameObjects controllable by mouse (telekinesis) • Smooth Follow Camera script - Angular Max Speed = 100; • Jump and glide • “UV” script to shoot out a ray of light out of Robo’s hand • On contact with UV ray: • enemies take damage • Zobo’s turn into Wobo’s and disappear • leaves in main Farm Level tree burn (partical effects) and disappear. • Hay bales in Farm Level burn and disappear • Punching burnt branches in Farm Level tree moves the branch to the opposite side of tree • Pickups – fuel, minerals, wobos, wobo detector, jetpack, uv punch, seismic punch • Seismic stomp – damages enemies within specific radius, breaks select tiles • Giant plug in Twin Peaks level moves with mouse when clicked on: • Upon contact with outlet, separate giant plug and outlet disappears and replaced with model of plug inside the outlet • Opens gate • Mine carts in mine level move in a predetermined path. • When interacting with Black Market Gobo in Mine level, script checks how many minerals have picked up and if over a specific amount, allows Robo to buy back a Wobo • Specific AI for the final boss battle worm.
Concepts ::The Farm:: Level consists of an orchard area, a barn, a farmhouse and a pond. There are 5 Wobo survivors hidden throughout, and you find them by solving various puzzles.
Concepts ::The Mines::
Concepts ::The Hub:: A circular room in which the player begins the game, learning the basic moves (Jump, asdkf). The elevators to the other levels are located here, as is the central passageway that opens at the end of the game, leading to the boss chamber.
Concepts ::The Core (Boss Room) To save wopellos from the terrors of the wurm, you must defeat it in its lair in the core of the planet. This fight can only happen if you have collected enough wobos to open a way to the wurm’s domain. Once you can enter the core you must ensure its downfall by tricking it into eating poisonous apple seeds found in this section of the planet. To do this you must allow the worm to chase you and just before you crash into the seed, you will jump and the wurm will swallow the seed. This will momentarily disorientate it and allow you to seismic stomp its head to cause it damage.
Art Guide Our game will have a stylised cartoon look. We want it to look vibrant and will make use of bright colours. As our game is set during the invasion of the worm, certain aspects such as buildings will appear wrecked or abandoned. We don’t want our game to have a serious feel to it so we will exaggerate the look of parts and will also try and make things appear comical.
Art Guide TUTORIAL HUB: • Cylindrical room, so that it looks like a stem. • Texture: Wall texture to look like an apple’s insides but with exaggerated metal panelling to give a feel that is a laboratory of sorts. • Lighting: The lighting is from overhead lights, so not very bright but not so dim that it is hard to see anything. THE CORE: • Texture: Walls look like the inside of an apple and also look like they have been eaten. • Lighting: Bright an artificial, like florescent lighting, to contrast with the natural and dimmer rest of the game. Gives the level an alien feel.
Art Guide FARM AREA: Focus of the level is the farmhouse with other sections of the level sprawling out from there. • Texture: Earthy, grassy, odd weed around. Wood on barn. House looks smooth to mimic wobos. • Lighting/weather/time of day: Lots of light set at about midday. It is a bright sunny day, maybe the odd cloud in the sky. Has a warm feel. MINE: • Lighting/weather/time of day: Light gets darker as you travel down the mine. Off shooting tunnels are quite dim, lit by candle light. Yellow/orange coloured light? Glowing minerals on walls? Maybe bluish light? • Texture: There is a rocky dirty, dusty look. Bottom of mine is red to represent the apple skin. Looks smooth like the skin of an apple.
Technical Specifications • The game will have multiple enemies – Zappos, Gobos, Zobos and the Great Wurm, each with similar core AI. Each enemy will have simple animation and distinct health and damage statistics. Enemies will follow the AI of the tutorial “copper”. When the player is in range, the enemies will make noise and specifically, the Zobos will change tint. • Each ability will be activated by separate keyboard keys. When seismic stomp is activated it will check if breakable tiles are near the player and if so, will break. UV Ray will instantiate a ray of light and will move in a straight line, damaging enemies that it hits. Telekinesis will be implemented via rigid body physics. Jumping will be implemented using the provided tutorial scripts. Each ability will be usable once a specific pickup has been picked up by the player. The Wobo detector ability will be implemented by checking the player distance from Wobos and switch between GUI images depending on distance. • Puzzles include: burning tree leaves by particle effects and destroying the leaves when hit by the UV ray. If the leaves of the branch that the player has punched are gone, it will move to the opposite side of the tree. Counting amount of minerals player has picked up and if over a certain amount, player is allowed to buy a Wobo in the Mine level via conversing with a Gobo. Miscellaneous telekinesis and seismic stomp tasks. • Final boss battle will obtain the players location every 10 seconds and have the screen shake, with the possibility of rumbling sounds to play. After 3 seconds, the Giant Wurmwill relocate to that location, flying up into the air. If Robo is still in that location, he will take damage. If an apple seed is in that location, the Wurmwill take damage. If the Wurmstill has health, it will burrow back into the ground and this process will repeat.
Inspirations Inspiration for:Open-plan worlds, collectables.
Inspirations Inspiration for:Open-plan worlds, collectables. Collect enough golden bananas to open up the next level
Inspirations Inspiration for:Levels that are exploration based, rather than linear. Involves re-exploring levels after unlocking new abilities.
Inspirations Inspiration for:Levels that are exploration based, rather than linear. Half-Life 2’s gravity gun.