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Virtual Distance Under Stress NOVEMBER 14-16, 2007 The Honorable Jerry M. Hultin

Virtual Distance Under Stress NOVEMBER 14-16, 2007 The Honorable Jerry M. Hultin President, Polytechnic University Former Under Secretary of the Navy. Face-to-Face Management. Is this the gold standard?. Could this be better?. The loneliness of command.

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Virtual Distance Under Stress NOVEMBER 14-16, 2007 The Honorable Jerry M. Hultin

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  1. Virtual Distance Under StressNOVEMBER 14-16, 2007 The Honorable Jerry M. Hultin President, Polytechnic University Former Under Secretary of the Navy

  2. Face-to-Face Management Is this the gold standard?

  3. Could this be better?

  4. The loneliness of command

  5. Weknow it is impossible at this distance to give such orders as shall answer every occurrence and be strictly observed in all points, so that when we have said all, we must leave much to your prudent conduct …

  6. … having always in your eye the true interest and advantage of the Company, who have chosen and trusted you in the chief command they have to bestow. • Executive Committee • Hudson Bay Company • July, 1679

  7. Building a team before the battle

  8. “England expects that every man will do his DUTY”

  9. Breaking the Line of the French and Spanish Fleets

  10. The Past Letters Signal drums Smoke signals Semaphores Signal flags Telegraph 20th Century transforms into 21st century Telephone Radio Video Digital Communications Internet Web Wireless and mobile Tele-conferences From deep in human history … we have had virtual management

  11. The “talking drum”

  12. The semaphore

  13. The telegraph

  14. The signal flag

  15. To the networked fleet …

  16. and net centric warfare

  17. But what worksin this virtual world?

  18. Winning Respect, Virtually

  19. Winning Respect, Virtually POTUS 2nd Fleet

  20. Winning Respect, Virtually

  21. Three myths about virtual management • Myth #1: Virtual management is something new • It’s been around for centuries • Myth #2: With more information, bosses will make all the decisions … and better decisions • Information builds confidence • Control is seldom possible • Myth #3: Face to face is essential • Identity and clarity are essential • Now it is “swift trust” built using stress

  22. The Hudson Bay Company Weknow it is impossible at this distance to give such orders as shall answer every occurrence and be strictly observed in all points, so that when we have said all, we must leave much to your prudent conduct … … having always in your eye the true interest and advantage of the Company, who have chosen and trusted you in the chief command they have to bestow. The Boss

  23. Port Security

  24. Port Security

  25. Three guidelines for leading virtual teams • The top and bottom are stronger, so pay attention to where you are • If you are a leader who likes total control and protecting your “turf” – you put your organization and your mission at risk • Match your team, your information, your role to what is going on

  26. The OODA Loop • Observe • Orient • Decide • Act

  27. “OODA Loop*” and Virtual DistanceMatch the Information to the Task * OODA = Observe, Orient, Decide, Act Aggregate Information present in the environment Info. Load Freq. of Exchange Background Info processed by teams with high virtual distance Respond Planning Action Unexpected Disaster Serendipity Inchoate, unstructured info. What to do? Brainstorming… Action info. low virtual distance required Nature of Info.

  28. Conclusion: Virtual management is not new … but it is different • Great virtual leadership requires clarity with a softer touch • You can learn from the past … Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is noise leading to defeat.

  29. Conclusion: Virtual management is not new … but it is different • Great virtual leadership requires clarity with a softer touch • You can learn from the past … • As a virtual leader, you can gain competitive advantage … but to do so • First, know your objectives • Second, ensure your organization knows your objectives • Third, provide the right amount of information for the task • Fourth, take control when needed, not all the time

  30. “OODA Loop*” and Virtual DistanceMatch the Information to the Task * OODA = Observe, Orient, Decide, Act Aggregate Information present in the environment Info. Load Freq. of Exchange Background Info processed by teams with high virtual distance Respond Planning Action Unexpected Disaster Serendipity Inchoate, unstructured info. What to do? Brainstorming… Action info. low virtual distance required Nature of Info.

  31. Why virtual distance can give you better results • You can decide and act faster • You can make decisions based on more data and greater cultural depth • You can manage globally with ease • You can simplify the complex • You can achieve valuable competitive advantage

  32. Thank you Your questions … ideas … challenges

  33. For more information, shorten your virtual distance by contacting: Jerry MacArthur Hultin, President Polytechnic University 6 MetroTech Center Brooklyn, NY 11201 hultin@poly.edu 718-260-3500 Susan Lestingi, Vice President of Marketing Polytechnic University 6 MetroTech Center Brooklyn, NY 11201 lestingi@poly.edu 718-260-3968

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