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Year 3 Class Information and Expectations

Stay informed on routines, uniform guidelines, expectations, rewards, reading, homework, communication, medical needs, English, Maths, PE, and more for Year 3.

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Year 3 Class Information and Expectations

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  1. Welcome to Year 3 Class 9 Mrs Smith

  2. Year 3 Routines • Children enter school at 8:50am for registration, lining up at 8:45am. Registers close at 9:00am. Children who are late, must be taken to the school office. Lessons or assemblies start at 9am. • Absence – Please inform the office as soon as you know your child will not be in school, providing a reason for their absence and indication of when they are likely to return. Please inform us of any appointments. • Children are dismissed from the line outside Year 3 block. Any children who are not collected by 3:20pm, will be taken to the school office. Please inform us if someone else is collecting your child on a given day.

  3. Uniform • It is important that children wear the correct uniform for school. Winter uniform, black shoes, appropriate socks or tights. • A tie must be worn with a school shirt. • Trainers are not permitted. • Please could your child have a book bag, rather than large rucksack-style bag. • No extremes of fashion please – haircuts, large bows/headbands/no jewellery other than earrings. • Maintain a smart appearance in school. • Girls need long hair tied up. • All uniform must be named.

  4. Year 3 Expectations • Highest expectations of all children, at all times. • Behaviour • ANCHOR statements • School rules • Class rules • Communicating failure to meet expectations of attitude and behaviour. • Celebrating success and achievements • ‘Getting it Right’.

  5. Rewards • Within school there are two main reward systems-Merit marks & Anchor passports. • Class 9 use Dojo’s, readers of the week board and times table success. • Golden Book assemblies every Tuesday – 9:00am – Parents informed

  6. Partnership • We would like children to read their home reading books every night. This must be recorded in their home school diary. We will check all reading diaries each week. Books will then be changed in school. • Monday’s books collected. Wednesday and Fridays- book change. • Children will receive one piece of homework each week, dates for return will be given to the children. Homework will have an English, Maths or Topic focus. • Spellings will be tested every week and new spellings brought home to learn and use in sentences.

  7. Communication • Maintain effective communication between home and school. • Reading records • Busy Bee Book • AnchorNews • Blog • Communicating under-performance – academic or behavioural

  8. Intervention • Targeted daily and weekly intervention sessions. • Children will be provided with additional support, as required. • If your child does not make expected progress, this will bereported to parents and support and guidance provided. • Parental support • Half-termly targets • 1:1 meetings with children

  9. Injuries/Medical Needs • Children requiring medication, must have this in school at all times – Expiry dates • Parents must administer prescribed medicines • No texting service to report injuries • Parents will be contacted by telephone if children receive a significant injury. • All other injuries will be reported to parents at home time, accompanied by an injury note.

  10. English and Maths • English covers a range of genres including fiction, non-fiction and poetry and will sometimes be taught within our topic. Children will be given a weekly test on their spellings which they should learn to use appropriately in sentences at home. Homework will be set which reinforces learning in English. • Maths covers a wide range of concepts and we strongly encourage children to practise and learn their tables to help them in all areas of Maths. Children will be tested every week on a different times tables and mental maths. Children are expected to know 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 8x and 10x tables by the end of Year 3. Time Tables Rockstars.

  11. Phonics & Independent Writing • Phonics is reinforced through whole-class handwriting and spelling sessions. Targeted intervention work is also completed daily for children requiring additional support. • Children have the opportunity to complete independent pieces of writing through their English and Topic lessons. This provides opportunity to apply and consolidate skills. • Weekly reading comprehension and GPS skills lessons.

  12. Anchorsholme’s Year of Reading • Whole-school focus on reading • Daily guided reading sessions using VIPERS • Reading Journals • Reading Corners in all classes • Updated class libraries • Reading challenges • Celebrating reading • Regular home reading is crucial

  13. P.E Gymnastics Athletics Games Dance-Royal Ballet PE days Tuesday and Friday. It is school policy that earrings must be removed before PE, for safety reasons. Please can children have their kit in school at all times clearly labelled with their name.

  14. Topics Foundation Subjects will be taught under a particular topic umbrella in order to immerse children fully in the topic, engage the children’s interest and link areas of the curriculum together. Homework will be linked to Topic Work once per half term.

  15. Mandarin • Each class receives one hour of Mandarin lessons each week. • Lessons take place in the Confucius Classroom, focusing both on the language acquisition and cultural elements of Mandarin. • Expectation that all children take the YTC assessment in Year 6. • Exciting opportunity - Celebrations

  16. Wider Opportunities All children will learn to play the recorder throughout the course of the year. Class 9- Summer term. Instruments will need to be in school every Wednesday. All children will have sessions with the Royal Ballet. Outdoor learning opportunities

  17. Homework • Weekly homework tasks. • Maths, GPS, reading comprehension on a weekly rotation. • Children have one week to complete a homework task. • Half-termly Topic homework – research, project • Home reading book – daily – questioning • Reading book changes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Checked every Monday. • Weekly spelling test • Times tables – Weekly test – 1 x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 8x and 10x

  18. Children’s University • Open to all children from years 2 – 6 • Recognises learning beyond the school day and celebrates children’s achievements. • Children collect hours per activity throughout the year and receive a certificate. • Special graduation ceremony in July • Meeting for parents and children on Tuesday 25th September at 3:30pm.

  19. We look forward to working in partnership with you and your child. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or queries. We operate an open-door policy

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