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Explore the democratization of Americans, rise of political parties like Democrats and Whigs, and the Second Great Awakening with religious leaders changing assumptions about human nature. Dive into Andrew Jackson's popularity and the political landscape of the era.
Democratic Policies, Religious Revival and Reform Chapter 10 1824-1840
Introduction Questions • How were Americans democratized between 1800 and 1840? • Why was Andrew Jackson so popular with voters? • How and why did Democratic and Whig parties emerge? • What new assumptions about human nature did religious and reform leaders in the 1830’s make?
The Rise of Democratic Politics 1824-1840 • Introduction • Republican Party is fragmenting because of pressures produced by industrialization in the North, the spread of cotton growing in the South and westward expansion • Those who retained Jefferson’s distrust of a strong federal government and preferred state’s rights became Democrats • Those who favored an active federal government became Whigs • Both Democrats and Whigs appealed to the common man to support them
Democratic Ferment • Property qualifications for voting were eliminated • Written Ballots replaced voting aloud • The minority party sought to increase the number of voters to attempt to turn itself into the majority party
The Election of 1824 • Four Republicans Run • Andrew Jackson received the most electoral votes but not a majority calls Adams election the “Corrupt Bargain” • John Quincy Adams is elected for the Presidency by the House of Representatives • William Crawford dies during the election • Henry Clay is named Secretary of State by John Quincy Adams after Clay supports his Presidency in the House of Representatives
John Quincy Adams as President • Tried to encourage economic growth • Did not communicate with other members of his political party and had a hard time as President
The Rise of Andrew Jackson • Battle of New Orleans made Jackson a National hero • Jackson was a political outsider • Jackson and Martin Van Buren referred to themselves as Democrats • Democrats nominated Jackson for President in 1828 • Those who supported Adams called themselves National Republicans
The Election of 1828 • Jackson is portrayed as a man of the people • Adams is labeled as an aristocrat • South and Southwest voted for Jackson • North voted for Adams • Mudslinging
Jackson in Office • Spoils System • Opposed Federal monies for internal improvements, vetoed Marysville Road project • Southerners supported the Indian Removal Act of 1830 but did not like that Jackson did nothing against the Tariff of 1828
Nullification • Led to a break between Jackson and his VP John C. Calhoun • Calhoun argued that tariffs were unconstitutional and therefore the Southern states did not have to follow (nullify) them
The Bank Veto and the Election of 1832 • Jackson did not like the National Bank, he thought it was a monopoly • Nation’s Bank controlled the nation’s credit and was a depository for federal monies • National Bank was run by private stockholders • Nicholas Biddle was the head of the bank and asked that the bank be re-chartered in 1832 • Jackson vetoed the bill • Jackson and Van Buren run for re election • National Republicans run Henry Clay- American System • Jackson wins easily
The Bank Controversy and the Second Party System 1833-1840 • The War on the Bank • Jackson tries to bankrupt the National Bank by removing federal monies and depositing them in state banks of his choice • Jackson’s state banks are called pet banks because their leaders supported Jackson • The State Banks issued credit and paper money which led to rapid inflation and speculation
The Rise of Whig Opposition • National Republicans changed their name to Whigs during Jackson's second term • Southerners that were angry over the tariff issue, temperance and public school reformers, anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic Protestants, commercial merchants and bankers and manufacturers supported the Whigs
The Election of 1836 • Martin Van Buren runs as a Democrat- wins a clear majority • Whigs run 4 candidates • William Henry Harrison • Hugh L. White • Daniel Webster • Willie Person Mangum
The Panic of 1837 • Economy goes into a severe depression • Jackson’s bank policies create inflation and speculation • Specie Circular- Government owned land may only be purchased with gold
The Search for Solutions • Independent Treasury Bill 1840- Federal government will stay out of banking and federal monies will be kept in National treasury
The Election of 1840 • Democrats choose Van Buren again • Whigs choose William Henry Harrison and John Tyler (Tippecanoe and Tyler too) • Harrison runs as the Jackson look alike man of the people and wins
The Second Party System Matures • Number of people voting increase by 60% • Popular campaigning techniques • Strong contrast between parties • Tariffs • Banking
The Rise of Popular Religion • Introduction • American Preachers reject the Calvinist doctrine of Predestination • Message of salvation becomes more individualistic • Second Great Awakening begins
The Second Great Awakening • Religious camp meetings • Methodists are most successful • Helped promote law and order in the West
Eastern Revivals • New York • Burned Over District • Charles G. Finney • Slave Owners were sinners
Critics of the Revivals: The Unitarians • New England educated and economic elite were turned off my the emotionalism and turned to Unitarianism • Goodness is cultivated by a gradual process of character building and living by the teachings of Jesus
The Rise of Mormonism • Joseph Smith- 1820’s • Founded Nauvoo Illinois • Polygamy • Mob attacks the group and kills Smith • Mormons must separate themselves from the rest of America • Brigham Young- Utah
The Shakers • Mother Ann Lee • Rejected economic individuality • No marriages or reproduction • Shaking with the Spirit during services
The Age of Reform • Reform Movement was strongest in New England and areas affected by the Second Great Awakening
The War on Liquor • Temperance began by preaching moderation in the use of liquor • American Temperance Society began to demand total abstinence and prohibition • Most members were middle class • Alcohol consumption was cut in half from 1820-1840
Public Schools Reform • Horace Mann advocated education reform • State supported public schools • Grouping students by age • Longer school terms • Standardized textbooks • Compulsory attendance • Businesses wanted educated workers • Workingmen saw education as a road to mobility • Women wanted education to open careers for women • 1900-70% of teachers were women
Abolition • William Lloyd Garrison- The Liberator 1831 • American Anti-slavery Society- 1833 • Main argument between anti-slavery groups was women’s rights • Constitutional issues of right to freedom of expression and petition • South on the defensive
Women’s Rights • Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott- Seneca Falls convention 1841 • Declaration of Sentiments launched the feminist movement
Penitentiaries and Asylums • Proper discipline could solve the problems of crime, poverty and deviancy • Dorothea Dix • Punishment vs. Rehabilitation
Utopian Communities • New Harmony • Hopedale • Brook Farm • Based upon ideal or utopian ideals
Conclusion • 1820-1840 politics and religion respond to the common man • Jackson is elected by the common man, but his stance on internal improvements, protective tariffs, nullification and the national bank divided citizens and led to a 2 party system • The Panic of 1837 furthered the divide in American Politics • Reformers try to improve America idealistically to advance their aims