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Better information about the future labour market needs: New skills for new jobs initiative

Explore the New Skills for New Jobs Initiative by Cedefop, the EU agency for vocational education and training. Access crucial information on changing job requirements, lifelong learning, and how to anticipate future skill needs. Learn about policy implications, the importance of lifelong learning, and strategies for filling information gaps. Contact Cedefop for more details.

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Better information about the future labour market needs: New skills for new jobs initiative

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  1. Better information about the future labour market needs:New skills for new jobs initiative Aviana Bulgarelli Cedefop Lifelong learning and job security

  2. Cedefop European agency for the development of vocational education and training (VET)  Centre of knowledge and expertise Research, analysis, scientific advice and networking to provide evidence and support in: • developing/implementing VET policy • European cooperation in VET Lifelong learning and job security

  3. to better respond to global challenges to support evidence-based policy-making to fill existing information deficits Education and skills – key driver for European growth, competitiveness and jobs need to know which occupations and skills will be required develop - through education and training - knowledge, skills and competences needed Why better labour market intelligence Lifelong learning and job security

  4. Shift towards services continues… EU-25+ Lifelong learning and job security

  5. …with demand for all occupations Danger of job polarisation! EU-25+ Lifelong learning and job security

  6. Qualification requirements raising across all jobs… EU-25+ 31% 25% 21% 46% 49% 50% 33% 26% 19% Lifelong learning and job security

  7. …even in elementary occupations Cedefop-Photomuseum Award 2007: People at work, people at training; Schlamann, A. interSHOPs. Lifelong learning and job security

  8. …policy implications? • opportunity for consistent education and training policies  to provide adequately skilled workforce with an optimal skills mix for growth and flexicurity strategies • partnership, shared responsibilities and higher investment in LLL • targeted guidance and counselling and validation of non-/informal learning Lifelong learning and job security

  9. BUT…participation in LLL still low 78 million low skilled Source: Eurostat, LFS, 2000, 2007 Lifelong learning and job security

  10. Regularly updated information about labour market needs is key for informed decisions  European labour market requires European level monitoring Approaches to anticipate skills exist in several Member States BUT: not yet well established atEuropean level  need for common analytical framework Lifelong learning and job security

  11. New skills for new jobs initiativeEU action Commission Communication (12/08) • first assessment of skill needs up to 2020 • mapping and exploration of existing instruments • outline the way forward  towards development of effective common European approach to anticipation of skill needs Lifelong learning and job security

  12. New skills for new jobs initiativeCedefop’s contribution • regular European forecasts of skills supply and demand (every 2 years) • employers surveys as a complementary tool Cedefop’s work on skill needs is part of overall strategy to make life-long learning a reality • validation of non-/informal learning • common European principles and tools (EQF, ECVET,guidance, quality, Europass) Lifelong learning and job security

  13. Thank you very much for your attention! Contact details for more information: www.cedefop.europa.eu & www.trainingvillage.gr/skillsnet Alena Zukersteinova alena.zukersteinova@cedefop.europa.eu Torsten Dunkel torsten.dunkel@cedefop.europa.eu Peter Szovics peter.szovics@cedefop.europa.eu Lifelong learning and job security

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