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Sustaining Your social Enterprise 26 th March 2013 Caroline McDonagh CEO

This workshop will provide essential information and strategies for sustaining and growing your social enterprise. Topics covered include legal structure, stakeholders, funding, branding, and practical considerations. Join us on 26th March 2013 to learn from industry experts. Email caroline@westofirelandnetworking.com or call 091895019 for more information.

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Sustaining Your social Enterprise 26 th March 2013 Caroline McDonagh CEO

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  1. Sustaining Your social Enterprise 26th March 2013 Caroline McDonagh CEO ‘WIN is assisted by the Maureen O’Connell Fund of the Society of St Vincent de Paul’

  2. The Need • The standardised unemployment rate in September 2011 was 14.4% • 448,00 people • Managers, professionals and technicians together account for 14% of the jobless which accounts for approximately 65,000 people. These people are the future industrial influencers, SME owners, production managers, CEOs and will be active in the direction and growth of our economy and “we rely on the successes of [these] innovators, entrepreneurs, ambitious managers and employees for our economic success and prosperity”. FAS Labour Market Commentary, Winter 2009/2010. Forfas, Ireland’s Solid Enterprise Foundations and the Prioritisation of Actions for Growth and Jobs will ensure our Recovery.

  3. The Need • Until recently, excellent support through existing government and support agencies BUT there has been a lack of support, training and services for the changing profile of [the] unemployed people (or the ‘unexpected unemployed’ or ‘new unemployed’) in Ireland • WIN has successfully filled this gap • WIN recognises that if these skills are lost to Ireland, they could be gone forever • WIN is the necessary vehicle to ensure that these skills are retained and enhanced and used to drive and grow our economy Cedefop, Ireland: a VET response to rising unemployment.

  4. A Social Enterprise? “businesses with primarily social objectives whose surpluses are principally reinvested for that purpose in the business or in the community, rather than being driven by the need to maximise profit for shareholders and owners.” Social Enterprise. Trading for People and Planet.

  5. A Social Enterprise? • In other words: • Making a positive difference in the lives of individuals, your community and possibly wider communities • Creating ‘social value’ • .

  6. WIN seeks to assist individuals through: • Participation in the formalised group structure • Training (1 on 1 and group training) • Skills enhancement • Breaking the cycle of social isolation • Personal development • Increasing self-esteem and confidence • Building long-term, sustainable relationships through the group • Giving hope for a better future • Mentoring

  7. The ethos is that through communication, training, mentoring and networking, we will help and encourage our participants to create employment and business opportunities for themselves and others.

  8. How WIN is Different: • WIN is ongoing and consistent – always there • WIN is a volunteer focused and a lean organisation working with minimum resources and bureaucracy with strong commitment to value and committed to addressing previously unmet needs. • WIN is young; dynamic; innovative and responsive to needs. It is not carrying any preconceived ideas on how people can be helped and is highly flexible in changing process to become more effective. • WIN engages with and works closely with people needing help and therefore is in touch with their needs and very much client focused.

  9. How WIN is Different: • WIN provides development and confidence building opportunities primarily by member participation • WIN has a strong belief in networking and will work with other groups where this is to the advantage of its members /clients • WIN is committed to using most up to date technology and processes and also to providing support outside the normal working week • WIN brings its unique qualities to the party and is not in competition with other groups but addresses current unmet needs

  10. Sustaining Your Social Enterprise • Legal structure of your organisation • Incorporated organisation • Limited company • Not for profit • Charitable Status

  11. Sustaining Your Social Enterprise • Your Stakeholders • Board Members/Board of Trustees • Operational [Management] Team • Governance

  12. Sustaining Your Social Enterprise • Your Stakeholders • Employees • Volunteers • Government • Funders • Suppliers

  13. Sustaining Your Social Enterprise • Your Stakeholders • Networks – using your ecosystem. • Building credibility

  14. Sustaining Your Social Enterprise • Your Stakeholders • Your clients

  15. Sustaining Your Social Enterprise • Funding Vs Income • Grants (government/other) • Philanthropy • Competitions – e.g. Social Entrepreneurs • Local funding schemes • Can you charge for your service or product?

  16. Sustaining Your Social Enterprise • Practically Speaking… • Your business address/location? • Your brand - what and how you say it • Your audience • Collaboration • Consistency • Bartering

  17. Sustaining Your Social Enterprise • Practically Speaking… • Accounting • HR Policies and Procedures • Employees Vs Volunteers • Legal requirements • Developing a long term strategy Vs operational issues

  18. Thank You! Questions? Email: caroline@westofirelandnetworking.com Tel: 091 895019

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