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Politician Language Techniques. Rhetorical Questions. “And I ask you, how can Australia possibly allow this to happen?!”. Rhetorical Questions are questions with an implied but unstated answer. What persuasive effect does using a rhetorical question have on the reader?
Rhetorical Questions “And I ask you, how can Australia possibly allow this to happen?!” Rhetorical Questions are questions with an implied but unstated answer. What persuasive effect does using a rhetorical question have on the reader? Rhetorical questions force the reader to supply the answer in their own mind, which encourages them to see the issue from the perspective of the writer. They also imply that the answer is self evident and as such, correct. Rhetorical questions are often paired with an emotional appeal. “How can a parent who has been fined for being 4ksover the limit insist their kids respect road laws?” “What are the students of today wasting their study time on?” “How educational can a book about glorified violencepossibly be?” What is the implied answer to each of thesequestions? Did it come to mind quickly?
Inclusive Language “As families, we should feel threatened by the introduction of the new tax which threatens our income” Inclusive language is the use of words such as “we”, “us”, “our” etc. to include the readers in the same group as the writer What persuasive effect does using inclusive language have on the reader? Inclusive language encourages a sense of belonging which positions the reader to share the same ideas as other people in that group. This implied sense of belonging to the group also invokes the human desire to not be “left out” or regarded as an outside. Write a paragraph on either outlawing uniforms orintroducing free hot lunches using inclusive language (in particular) and any other persuasive devices you think are appropriate!
Appeal to… Won’t somebody think of the children! Appeals ignite emotional responses in the reader in different areas depending on what the author is appealing to. What persuasive effect does using emotional appeal have on the reader? An emotional appeal, as said above, prompts emotional responses. They can also cloud judgement and logical arguments based on other reasons if the sense they are appealing to is strong enough. What are some appeals which you can think of.Brainstorm with your partner for 2 minutes.
Appeal to Family Values The rate of broken families is rising at the same rate as crime. Coincidence? I think not! Suggests that families, particularly nuclear families are one of the most important social factors. What persuasive effect does using appeal to family values have on the reader? An appeal to family values invokes the readers desire for emotional security and a protective atmosphere for nurturing children. What are some issues which the Appeal to Family Values always come up in?
Appeal to Fear and Insecurity “As Melbourne youths grow more and more violent, the city is no longer a haven at night, but instead, a cesspit of violence, drinking, drugs and indecency. • Arouses fear and anxiety by suggesting that harmful or unpleasant effects will be the result of doing nothing about this particular issue. • What persuasive effect does using appeal to fear and insecurity have on the reader? • This type of appeal makes the reader want to lesson the threat to themselves and society by taking the writers advice. This works by preying on people’s fears which can often make people irrational. • Using generalisation and an Appeal to Fear and Insecurity write a sentence about either • Dangerous Youths • Elderly Drivers
Appeal to Hip Pocket Nerve “Aussie working families are to be hit with yet another tax which will put us out of pocket” Suggests we should be paying the least amount of money possible, either individually or as a society. What persuasive effect does using appeal to the hip pocket nerve have on the reader? This type of appeal is particularly strong. If used in a positive way it can make people feel good about one side of an issue if that side is saving them money, but more often than that excess costs or large amounts of money is used in news articles to make the reader frustrated about having to pay too much or misuse of money.
Appeal to Tradition and Custom “Business’s being open on Good Friday is disrespectful.” Suggests traditional values and customs are valuable and important and therefore must be maintained. What persuasive effect does using appeal to the tradition and custom have on the reader? This type of appeal uses the positive connotations which many traditional values and customs have, like family values, sharing, inclusiveness and social unit. Often compared with modern customs to show differences between generations and to support generalisations.
Appeal to Loyalty and Patriotism “Australians need to be taught more about our great nation” Suggests that we should be more loyal to our group and love our country unconditionally What persuasive effect does using appeal to the loyalty and patriotism have on the reader? This type of appeal is also very effective. It invokes feelings of pride, a strong identity and common purpose. It also uses inclusive language to make this feeling of shared identity stronger. This appeal can also be manipulated or parodied in some articles which have racist tones. Write a speech about Australia using an Appeal to Loyalty and Patriotism. It should be roughly a paragraph and about anything you think is great or should be changed in Australia.