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The 10-Year Experiment: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Embark on a transformative journey through time, reflecting on the past and envisioning a bright future. Explore habits for success and journal your insights to shape your destiny.

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The 10-Year Experiment: A Journey of Self-Discovery

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  1. The 7 Habits Based on The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens by bestselling author SEAN COVEY. CRASH COURSE

  2. The 10 Year Experiment “Your job is to introduce yourself to someone as you were exactly ten years ago today and tell them a few things about yourself.” Use the template below to complete your introduction. The date ten years ago today is: My name is: I am _____ years old. I live in: I live with: My favorite things to do are: I feel: Now, you and your group members take turns introducing yourselves. Week 1:pg. 5-7

  3. The 10 Year Experiment “Now, shift gears. Your job is to introduce yourself to the same people, this time as you would like to be ten years into the future. Tell them what you're doing and a little about yourself. Remember, this is how you would like to be ten years from now. The date ten years from today is: My name is: I am ______ years old. I live in: I live with: My favorite things to do are: I feel: Again, share this new perspective with your group members. Week 1:pg. 5-7

  4. The 10 Year Experiment Weekly Journal Activity: In your journal reflect on your “time travel.” “When you went back ten years, what memories surfaced? Were you in a good spot or a bad one? What did you see ten years from now? What do you want to do and who do you want to become over the next decade? Week 1:pg. 5-7

  5. Let the CRASH COURSE Begin In your groups, look up and record the definition of the following words: PARADIGM PRINCIPLE Week 2:pg. 15-17, 54

  6. Let the CRASH COURSE Begin On the next slide is a chart with numbers from 1-54. Your challenge is to find each number on the chart starting at 1, then 2, then 3, and so on, all the way to 54. Take 1 ½ minutes, and see how many numbers you can find. There are not missing numbers or tricks. Are you ready? On your mark! Get set! GO! Week 2:pg. 15-17, 54

  7. Let the CRASH COURSE Begin And timer? Week 2:pg. 15-17, 54

  8. Let the CRASH COURSE Begin Helpful Hint: Week 2:pg. 15-17, 54

  9. Let the CRASH COURSE Begin Weekly Journal Activity: In what way do you see the world? Why? On which principles do you wish to center your life? Why? Week 2:pg. 15-17, 32,54

  10. Habit 1: Be Proactive In your Scholarshop notebook write today’s date and the title “Habit 1: Be Proactive.” Record the first five words you think of when you hear the word Proactive. Weekly Journal Activity: In what areas of your life do you need to be more proactive? Why? What can you do to make this happen? Week 3:pg. 21-22

  11. Habit 2:Begin With The End In Mind In your Scholarshop notebook write today’s date and the title “Habit 2: Begin With The End In Mind.” What is the purpose of a road map? What can happen when you don’t use one on a long trip. Week 4:pg. 22-23

  12. Habit 2:Begin With The End In Mind Weekly Journal Activity: In order to define your path you need a personal mission statement. This week you will create a mission statement that includes goals for today tomorrow and ten years from now. This will be an assignment that will be turned in for a writing grade. See handout. Week 4:pg. 22-23

  13. Habit 3:Put First Things First In your Scholarshop notebook write today’s date and the title “Habit 3: Put First Things First.” Week 5:pg. 23-25

  14. Habit 2:Begin With The End In Mind Weekly Journal Activity: In which quadrant do you fall? Is this good or bad? Where do you want to be? What do you need to do to get there or maintain your position. Week 5:pg. 22-23

  15. Habit 4:Think Win-Win In your Scholarshop notebook write today’s date and the title “Habit 4: Think Win-Win.” When others around you experience success, how does it make you feel? Weekly Journal Activity: Where do you fall: win-lose, lose-win, win-win? Why? What relationships in your life need work? Why? What can you do to establish or maintain a win-win attitude? Week 6:pg. 25-26

  16. Habit 5:Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood Weekly Journal Activity: Challenge: Ask your family to sit down and talk (especially if this is a rare activity) or Stop talking and listen (if you are someone that is always talking. After trying this for a week, record your thoughts, observations, feelings. How hard was it to listen and not Interrupt? Is there anything you learned about yourself or others this week? In your Scholarshop notebook write today’s date and the title “Habit 5: Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood.” What type of listener are you? Week 7:pg. 26-28

  17. Habit 6:Synergize In your Scholarshop notebook write today’s date and the title “Habit 6: Synergize.” What is synergy? Weekly Journal Activity: What are our strengths/talents? Think of a time where you have thought you are better or worse than someone. What strengths could you pull from or add to create synergy in your family? On a team? With your friends? In your class? Week 8:pg. 28-29

  18. Habit 7:Sharpen the Saw In your Scholarshop notebook write today’s date and the title “Habit 6: Sharpen the Saw.” What do you currently do that is just for yourself? Weekly Journal Activity: Create a “Saw” chart. What will you do over the next quarter to give each part of you – body, mind, heart, soul – to keep yourself healthy? Week 9:pg. 29-31

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