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Narwhal. By Chris T. Narwhals are mammals. Narwhals are mammals because they give birth to live young. Narwhals have fur. Narwhals have fur because most mammals have fur. What color is a Narwhal?. A Narwhal is grey and white. Where do Narwhals live?. Narwhals live in the polar sea.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Narwhal By Chris T.

  2. Narwhals are mammals • Narwhals are mammals because they give birth to live young.

  3. Narwhals have fur. • Narwhals have fur because most mammals have fur.

  4. What color is a Narwhal? • A Narwhal is grey and white.

  5. Where do Narwhals live? • Narwhals live in the polar sea.

  6. What does a Narwhal eat? • Narwhals eat krill.

  7. How does a Narwhal keep warm? • Narwhals have a thick layer of fat called blubber.

  8. How do Narwhals move? • Narwhals move by swimming.

  9. How do Narwhals protect themselves? • Narwhals use their horns to joust their enemy.

  10. What features make it easier for Narwhals to live? • Narwhals have a long horn that can stab opponents.

  11. What other animals are predators of a Narwhal? Orcas , Polar Bears , and man are predators of a Narwhal.

  12. Other Facts About Narwhals: • Narwhals started the myth about Unicorns. • Narwhals are rare.

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