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ELA Update for DCIT. Michelle Marko Holland Public Schools 2012. 1 st -7 th grade teachers are working collaboratively with other educators in the ISD to develop Learning T argets aligned to the Common Core State Standards. http://oaisdcommoncore.wikispaces.com/. Learning Targets
ELA Update for DCIT Michelle Marko Holland Public Schools 2012
1st-7th grade teachers are working collaboratively with other educators in the ISD to develop Learning Targets aligned to the Common Core State Standards. http://oaisdcommoncore.wikispaces.com/ Learning Targets …we only focus on …those elements that are most likely to help us achieve our goals. p.14-15 Focus by Mike Schmoker
District Improvement Goals The district writing goals provide us with the who, when, and what we are expected to teach. 2011 HPS Goal Writing for power point.docx
Writing Leadership Team ….profound impact will come largely from all teachers applying them consistently and reasonably well. Then, as teachers continue to work in teams to practice and refine their implementation, even better results will ensue. p. 10 Focus by Mike Schmoker
Are there gaps between the CCSS and the Units of Study? Personal Narrative Text Expository/ Non-fiction Text Argument/Opinion Piece Available at: http://gomaisa.org/maisa
Ottawa Area Summer Writing InstituteJuly 30-August 3, 2012 This institute is for K-8th grade teachers. It will be held at Hope College. Last year over 90 educators participated! The institute will be lead by professional developers from the Reading and Writing Project at the Teacher’s College of Columbia University.