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3 rd D eclension i -stem Nouns

3 rd D eclension i -stem Nouns. Page 98 in Ecce Romani textbook Francesca Dellorusso. i -stem nouns . i -stem nouns are 3 rd declension nouns in the genitive plural form. Examples of i -stem nouns are: c ivis meaning citizen p ars meaning part direction or region.

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3 rd D eclension i -stem Nouns

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  1. 3rdDeclension i-stem Nouns Page 98 in Ecce Romani textbook Francesca Dellorusso

  2. i-stem nouns • i-stem nouns are 3rd declension nouns in the genitive plural form. • Examples of i-stem nouns are: • civis meaning citizen • pars meaning part direction or region. • These end in –ium instead of –um. • i-stem nouns are indentified by including the genitive plural form of the word.

  3. i-stem nouns • In the following sentence civium is an i-stem noun in the genitive plural form. • Esttabellarius qui epistulasciviumpraeclamorem ad urbefert.

  4. Examples • Other examples of i-stem nouns in the 3rd declension are: -frons, frontis, frontium which means forehead. -cliens, clientis, clientium which means client or dependent. -ars, artis, artium which means skill. -imber, imbris, imbrium which means rain. -moles, molis, molium which means mass or huge bulk. -nubes, nubis, nubium which means cloud. -pons, pontis, pontium which means bridge. -postis, postis, postium which means door-post.

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