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FFP LOCAL JOBS PROGRAM INITIATIVEAND CONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES The following information provides a status update of FFP’s Jobs Program outreach and work activities in the month of March. This report will also detail the activities to be undertaken in the month of April to provide contracting and subcontracting opportunities for DBE firms, small sized businesses (including M/WBEs) and construction jobs for local residents.
March Activities: FFPs’ Local Jobs Program has made efforts to recruit skilled and unskilled labor from within the Expo Corridor. FFP anticipates that during the peak period of construction, 250 construction jobs for skilled craft personnel will be available on the Expo LRT Project. FFPs’ Construction Jobs Program goal is to hire local residents from within the Expo Corridor to work 30% of these construction jobs. • Added over 150 new individuals to existing database of Expo Corridor residents seeking employment opportunities through the Expo Local Jobs Program. The current database contains over 330 interested individuals. Any individual who is interested in the jobs program will be tracked and FFP will work with the Community/Faith Based Organizations to identify skill sets, qualifications for pre-apprenticeship, and apprenticeship training or readiness to enter into union and skilled positions. • Participated in the Los Angeles Urban League’s Annual Community/Job Workforce Fair. • Participated in the SCLC Labor & Community Dialogue Panel Discussion • Participated in the Caltrans Disparity Study Workshop • Participated as a sponsor in the Los Angeles Sentinel Annual Black History Luncheon, “Black Faces In High Places” in support of Black History Month • Participated in the Recycling Black Dollars Community Fair sponsored by the LA Sentinel Newspaper in conjunction with EXPO Authority Community Relations • Supported the Employment Development Department Job Fair to promote the Expo Local Jobs Program • Distributed EXPO Jobs Program Information throughout the Exposition Corridor to over 25 facilities including: libraries, senior centers and retail establishments.
FFP LOCAL JOBS PROGRAM INITIATIVEAND CONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES FFP is committed to a diverse work force and is making significant progress in reaching the 20% DBE goal for Design, Professional Services as well as Construction. These goals are in addition to the 30% local resident hiring goal. Some DBE firms have already been hired as they were included on the Design/Build team when FFPs proposal was submitted to the Authority. DBE firms have the opportunity to participate in a Pre-Qualifications Bid for the Traction Electrification and Train Control & Communications Equipment Installation Projects. Bids are being evaluated March 28-April 5 for those that responded to the RFQ. Advertisements were placed in local newspapers LA Sentinel and the WAVE, posted on the FFP website, E-Bidder website, Blue Book Listing and in notices to industry sources. As additional Work Packages are released and DBE opportunities are identified, FFP will continue to advertise these new opportunities in industry publications and will make efforts to reach out to new DBE businesses via email, websites and local newspapers catering to Expo Corridor communities, as well as other venues as they are identified.
FFP LOCAL JOBS PROGRAM INITIATIVEAND CONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES DBE Firms/ Small-Sized Businesses for Design Services: The Design Allowance + Fee is $26,650,000 and the DBE Goal of 20% represents $5,330,000.00. We have achieved 91.3% of our goal as depicted by the businesses represented in the chart on the next slide:
FFP LOCAL JOBS PROGRAM INITIATIVEAND CONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES DBE Firms/ Small-Sized Businesses for Professional Services: The Professional Services Allowance + Fee is $43,787,000 and the DBE Goal of 20% represents $8,757,000 We have achieved 44.5% of our goal as depicted by the businesses represented in the chart on the next slide:
FFP LOCAL JOBS PROGRAM INITIATIVEAND CONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES DBE Firms/ Small-Sized Businesses for Construction Work Elements: The Construction Allowance + Fee is $14,300,698 and the DBE Goal of 20% which represents $2,860,140. We have achieved 38.9% of our goal as depicted by the businesses represented in the chart on the next slide: NOTE: The proposed construction allowance is $295,000,000 of which $14,300,698 has been authorized for expenditures.
April Planned Activities • Host DBE Workshops for existing and potential Design, Professional Services and Construction Firms to insure their understanding of contracting opportunities and their support with the Local Jobs Program • Continue to add interested individuals to our database • Participate in monthly coordination meetings with Local 300 Union Representatives to monitor construction hiring progress