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Understanding and How to Use the Powers of the Internet Presented by Gary Nusca, CCIM

For Residential and Commercial Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople Durham Region Association of Realtors. Understanding and How to Use the Powers of the Internet Presented by Gary Nusca, CCIM. ICIWorld.ca (Since 1994) www.realestatebrokersandsalespeople.com.

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Understanding and How to Use the Powers of the Internet Presented by Gary Nusca, CCIM

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  1. For Residential and Commercial Real Estate Brokers and SalespeopleDurham Region Association of Realtors Understanding and How to Use the Powers of the Internet Presented by Gary Nusca, CCIM ICIWorld.ca (Since 1994) www.realestatebrokersandsalespeople.com

  2. How to Make Long distance Phone Calls Free or Amazing Low Rates • www.skype.com(Make a phone call, Use with iPhone) • www.magicjack.com • www.jajah.com • www.cantalk9000.com • www.vonage.com • www.goldline.net • www.iciworld.net/contact.shtml

  3. Who am I? • Gary Nusca, CCIM, AMP In real estate since 1972 • Residential and commercial real estate • Served on MLS committees, CCIM Chapter Executive • CCIM – Certified Commercial Investment Member • Past Chairman CCIM International Real Estate Conference • Past President CCIM Chapter Membership Chairman • AMP Accredited Mortgage Professional • Since 1992 developing services for real estate salespeople to help network information to generate business • ICIWorld first on the Internet in 1994 • Now one of largest real estate communities on the Internet

  4. Why am I here? • To help you make money • To help you provide a great service to the public • To establish and maintain real estate brokers and salespeople as the leaders in the information business • Please consider us as a personal marketing and information assistant to you personally.

  5. Competition • www.google.ca For Sale By Owner Using technology. You must compete with them. • www.byowner.comwww.propertyguys.com • Great source of leads • Bill Gates The Internet will help achieve "friction free capitalism" by putting buyer and seller in direct contact and providing more information to both about each other. • Stockbrokers – YOU have to add value.

  6. Reasons to use a Realtor • Mississauga4sale.com • Realtor.com • Type in google “reasons to use a realtor” • Insurance to have sale go right so people can get on with their plans. www.canreig.com • Put reasons on YOUR web site. • Today we will show Ultimate in Marketing • Realtors with technology • Power of an Industry

  7. In the History of the World the Internet is the #1 Marketing Tool • 2% use it in 1995. • Internet surpasses TV-watching time • It is now reported by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) that 90% of your prospects will go online before they hire a broker/agent. • http://stream-n-watch.com/ TV On Your PC

  8. In the History of the World the Internet is the #1 Marketing Tool • 96% are searching for listings • 74% choose the first broker or salesperson that they develop a business relationship with. • There are 1.7 Billion people using the Internet. Demo. • What can brokers do?

  9. Comments National On Line Convention • Less than 10% of the money real estate companies and agents earmark for advertising is for online ads. • Where are you fishing in the Atlantic ocean or in the desert? • Consumers are getting sophisticated. • There are things you can do to serve them.

  10. Profile of Internet User • Higher educated • Faster decisions • Like to work with Internet enabled real estate people • Have to develop internet relationship first then business relationship. • Need to provide some services first to get them to raise their hand and ask a question. • Majority of homes, businesses have access to the Internet.

  11. How to Stop Spam • Problems stop some people from using the Internet • How to stop spam? • www.spamarrest.com • Bill Gates “Like almost everyone who uses e-mail, I receive a ton of spam every day. Much of it offers to help me get out of debt or get rich quick. It would be funny if it weren't so exciting.”/

  12. Security on the Internet ICIWorld.net/security • Phishing test http://www.stopspamhere.ca • Demo URL address phishing

  13. Password Test • Take the Password Test • Microsoft OnLine Safety

  14. Passwords Do’s and Don’ts • DO: Use combinations of upper- and lowercase characters, as well as symbols and numbers. Most hackers focus on commonly used words in dictionary databases. • Pick long words. The more characters, the harder it is to hack. Combine two unusual, long words around a special character, e.g. labyrinthine;gesticulate. • Use the first letter of each word from a favorite saying, song lyric or poem. So "Somewhere over the Rainbow" becomes SOTR or sOtR. • Use foreign language words. Combining a foreign language word and an English word is even more effective.

  15. Password Don’ts – Do Not! • DO NOT • Use a word that appears in a common dictionary. • Use a common word that simply ends with a special character or a number (Super1 or Flash$). Hackers are aware of this trick. • Use the same password multiple times. Your debit and credit cards should not have the same PIN numbers, for example. • Use a series, either forwards or backwards (i.e., ABCDEF 654321). • Use common keyboard sequences like QWERTY. • Use an easily guessed word like your name or any variation of it. • Use something that people might be able to guess from your wallet if it's stolen, like your child's name or your favorite sports team.

  16. Intermission

  17. Social Media • SampleOne Realtor on Face Book • Facebook.comsearch Oshawa real estate S1 • Twitter.com search Oshawa real estate S1 • Youtube.comsearch Oshawa real estate. S1 • Blogging | Sample Oshawa | Writing Tips | Blogging 101 • Linkedin.com • What to be careful of. • Power of Google - type in suggestions (media)

  18. Web sites an important Internet Tool • Web sites are like billboards, if the one we supply can make you $50,000 and the one you presently have is making you money then why not? • You can link them. • Like a store • Compare your physical office cost vs internet store that can supply tremendous information to your prospects and clients.

  19. It is content that generates leads • A web site is a platform on the Internet to hold information. • By itself it does not make you money. • It is content that triggers the calls. • It is content that develops interest and an electronic relationship that can lead to a business relationship. • People know you are paid on commission. Many feel threatened.

  20. Allan Dalton, President of realtor.com • 84% of consumers want multiple photos (NAR) utterly simple to deliver, never has in history has such a simple request been so collectively ignore and suppressed. • Photos command 299% more visual activity. • It is not just 1,000 words, it is 10,000's of dollars to owners.  • Very reasonable request to have more pictures for commission dollars.

  21. Sample Web Sites click here • For residential brokers have a web site with thousands of residential homes with color photos, all in a way that YOU get the calls. • For commercial brokers, now that you have a web site, add the number one thing that every one on the Internet in real estate is looking for, listings. Add a link to a world brokers network of Haves and Wants . . . all in a way that YOU get the calls. • 96% are searching for listings! Now you will have a major world source with new ones coming in daily updating your web site automatically. • Easily get started.

  22. Feature Benefits for Residential and Commercial Brokers and Salespeople • SEO Search Engine Optimization – 40 different ways. Exclusive Video available. Information learned apply to all your web sites; • Web sites are like billboards. It is actually good to have more than one generating leads for you;

  23. Feature Benefits for and Residential Commercial Brokers and Salespeople • Color photos, slide shows; • Clients can email listing to friends and relatives; • Automatic delivery of new listings to your clients and prospects; • Clients must call YOU for more information on any listing;

  24. Feature Benefits for Residential and Commercial Brokers and Salespeople • Web site philosophy; • How to hand out a business card; • Triggering leads; • Doing referrals; • Cost benefit analysis real estate link for commercial. It is just a button, one choice of many. One lead can generate enough to pay for membership for a lifetime.

  25. Referrals – The one thing better than listing and selling real estate. • Why? Only five minutes to do; • Average $3,000 to $10,000 and more; • Why don’t salespeople do more referrals? • Because you do not get the leads; • Now you will! The reason? Content!; • Thousands of homes and commercial listings • Specially structured so you get the calls.

  26. ICIWorld 5 Minute Commercial • See application and details • $240/yr + 1 month for every person who joins to maximum 24 months. • First person gets three months extra • Web sites are free for three months then $19.99/mo. Or $199/year • Credit card number on application + 3 digit CVR • Staple business card to application • Hand it in. Watch for Email. Call office Monday.

  27. Feature Benefits for Residential and Commercial Brokers and Salespeople • Knowledge of how to make web sites work, ie: delivery by Email notification to you within one minute of someone visiting your web site; • Material defects in a membership; • Personal support by printouts, manual, video and most of all personal one on one assistance and technical support; • 1st web site totally set up by us for you; • Totally customizable by you.

  28. Feature Benefits for Residential and Commercial Brokers and Salespeople • Powerful listing tool ie: duplexes and triplexes for residential, commercial. • For residential salespeople direct commercial to your web site and do referrals. • Principals placing residential Haves and Wants in Database 2; • Knowledge gained can help you with all your web sites. • Your customers will love their homes featured on your web site.

  29. Feature Benefits for Residential and Commercial Brokers and Salespeople • Open house presentations; • Links to 15,000+ commercial listings in a way that YOU get the calls. • Place this link on all your web sites; • Web sites are like billboards. If you have more than one making you money and updating itself daily automatically then why not? • We help you every step of the way. Please consider us a personal marketing and information assistant to you personally.

  30. In Marketing • Use every outlet available; the fiduciary responsibility of the broker is to broadcast sellers' properties as widely as possible. • One broker reported he placed a $4 Million shopping center on TREB and he got 4 calls. He placed it on ICIWorld and got 30 calls and sold it. • Our recommendation is simply that it is important to include ICIWorld as one tool in your marketing plans otherwise you are missing a segment of the market.

  31. For licensed real estate brokers and salespeople Provide a great service for the public and make money from the Internet ICIWorld.caSince 1994 $1 Trillion of Buyers; Over $8 Billion of Properties For Sale and For Lease

  32. Commercial Real Estate Education • CCIM Institute is a Division of the National Association of Realtors • www.ccim.com • Central Canada CCIM Chapter – TREB • www.ccimcanada.com • CCIM Introductory Course: Introduction to Commercial Investment Real Estate Analysis

  33. ICIWorld.ca SEARCH ICIWorld.ca has two major world databases • Database 1 Over 13,000 real estate Haves and Wants placed by real estate brokers. About 4,000 available to the public.You will have access to all of them. • Database 2 Over 13,000 real estate Haves and Wants placed by the public. These are principals, buyers and sellers and you will have access to them all and deal direct with them.

  34. Why ICIWorld.ca? • Plug your information and/or your web site into the traffic; • Over 1,500,000 hits per month, over 50,000 people from 100+ countries; • Everyone can be on the Internet but some places have more traffic. ICIWorld is one of them. It is in the top 10 in google out of over 100,000,000 results! This benefits you directly when you are a member. It is high tech yet economical. You get the benefit! • www.google.com

  35. ICIWorld.ca Marketing Exposure • Ask to see testimonials. We have a package of over 50 pages to show you. • Among the most deals being done on the Internet! Ask to see the 50 pages. • In my opinion it is really not about the listings, it is really about people. Many call on one listing, discuss something else not on the service and go off and do a deal. 44% of sales one recent month were this way.

  36. ICIWorld.ca Confidential Information • Of the 26,000 listings, about 5,000 are on real estate boards. • One can work open and exclusive listings, regular client type information and more. We show you how to control the situation.

  37. Information vs Listings • Information not just listings such as on a real estate board. • Quick survey • Three questions: • Will they pay a commission • Will they cover you with a 48 hour exclusive listing once you have a buyer; • Is it okay to advertise it but you are going to do it without the address.

  38. Evaluation • If you are not making money using the Internet call us. • Personal assistance based on our pledge; • We appreciate the opportunity to serve you. • Have a safe drive home or your next appointment.

  39. Blackberry and iPhone • Information at your fingertips • Make any link on the Internet with a shortcut icon on your device • www.thestar.com/iphone • iciworld.net/bb • Ask friends and others for suggestions. • What is your favourite? Ask group. • Save keystrokes the rest of your life - in many browsers you do not need to type http://www The browser will put it in for you.

  40. SEO Search Engine Optimization • Google - secret algorithms changing regularly • Attended International Search Engine Convention • Web site must be relevant to searches made • Key words, phrases • First Five Basic starter points • Demo pay per click • Problems – Solutions • How To Promote Your Web Site – 40 Different ways video. Lifelong process.

  41. Some of the Best Questions • Whether it is door knocking – If you were to move what would be the reason why? • Would you like to see what the numbers would be like if we could help you get what you want and sell yours? Absolutely no obligation. • Meeting people anytime anywhere. – Do you think you might want to buy or sell real estate in the next five years? If so what might it be?

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