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BET P ROJECT Spanish B ologna E xpert T eam

BET P ROJECT Spanish B ologna E xpert T eam. BFUG Meeting WG Mobility, Internationalization & Third Cycle of Studies Madrid 21-22-23 Octubre de 2013. @GalMi44 @jarbues. BET ACTIVITIES in SPAIN. INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY. Spanish b ologna e xpert t eam. CONTEXT.

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BET P ROJECT Spanish B ologna E xpert T eam

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  1. BET PROJECTSpanishBolognaExpertTeam BFUG Meeting WG Mobility, Internationalization & Third Cycle of Studies Madrid 21-22-23 Octubre de 2013 @GalMi44 @jarbues


  3. INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY Spanish bologna expert team

  4. CONTEXT • Increase of the international mobility within the EHEA : • European Directive for Mobility within the EU • Spanish legislation in Immigration: • “Scientific Visa” • Students’ stay permits • Students and Researchers mobility permits within the EU • Student Insurance Spanish legislation • Diploma issue Spanish legislation • European programs and other international initiatives between countries leading to exchange, double or joint programs.

  5. objeCtivEs • To promote and improve the quality of student mobility within the framework of the different programs. • To encourage the use of different Europass instruments among the academic community: CV Language Passaport Diploma Supplement • To try to have a more flexible legislation in: Immigration (students/researchers) Student insurance Awarding of he degree • To design a new tool to facilitate international students mobility

  6. EXPECTED OUTCOMES • Establishment of a follow up Interministerial Commission for Students/Researchers International Mobility • Proposal of a document of Student Insurance policy amendment according to the new international needs. • Draft of a new tool to be developed: an “International Student Passport” that includes all documents related to: visa, admission, residence permits, and mobility purposes.

  7. INTERNATIONALization Spanish bologna expert team

  8. context • Lack of information in other languages about Spanish Higher Education System. • No international strategies at National Level • Spanish universities are successful in mobility (credit mobility) • Universities need to develop their “real” strategic plan for their internationalization

  9. OBJECTIVES • Provide information about bachelor, master and PhD programs offerred by Spanish HEI's. • Collaboration in the design of an International Strategy for Spanish HEI’s system • Dissemination, information and assessment of Erasmus+ and the Strategy 2020 • Provide adequate tools for the development of international strategic plans

  10. EXPECTED OUTCOMES • Working sessions/meetings with universities and stakeholders for designing a SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely) international strategy. • Creation of the interface of the database of degrees, masters and PhD’s adapted for international users. • Workshop with Spanish HEI’s about Internationalization (abroad and at home) with external experts

  11. INTERNATIONAL DOCTORAL STUDIES Spanish bologna expert team

  12. CONTEXT Royal Decree RD99/2011 that regulates doctoral studies in Spain • Internationalization: an added value in doctoral studies through institutional instruments • International Doctoral programmes, including joint Doctorates • International Doctoral Schools • Lack of regulation for international joint co-thesis supervision: • The most flexible instrument for internationalization • Problems arisen with the legislation of other countries.

  13. objeCtivEs • To analyze the legal framework of other European countries on doctoral studies. • To analyze the present problems that Spanish Higher Educations Institutions have to face on international doctorates and how they try to overcome them. • To provide the main guidelines for a Ministerial Order that will regulate the international joint co-thesis direction to the Directorate General for Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport: Diploma signature Composition of the examination Board Thesis Registration in the database • To introduce more flexibility in the following issues: • Thesis development • Defense of the thesis • Candidate registration • Thesis Direction • Composition of the examination Board

  14. EXPECTED OUTCOMES • Comparative study of the legal framework of some European countries on international doctoral studies. • Proposal for a Diploma Supplement for Doctoral Studies, including joint doctorate degrees. • Document “Guidelines for the Ministerial Order that will regulate international co-tutelle in doctoral studies”.


  16. INTERNATIONAL DOCTORAL STUDIES Spanish bologna expert team

  17. CONTENTS • The Diploma Supplement for doctoral studies: Proposal for contents. • Guidelines for the Ministerial Order that will regulate international joint co-thesis supervision in doctoral studies”. • Legislation in Spain for the issue of joint diploma for Doctoral studies. • Some specificities in Spain related to ECTS & Quality Assurance in doctoral studies

  18. DIPLOMA supplement for doctoral studies Structure and Information Fields 1 INFORMATION IDENTIFYING THE HOLDER 2 INFORMATION IDENTIFYING THE QUALIFICATION 3 INFORMATION ON THE LEVEL OF THE QUALIFICATION 4 INFORMATION ON THE CONTENTS AND RESULTS GAINED 4.1 Mode of study: 4.2Programme requirements: 4.3 Programme details: (e.g. modules or units studied), and the individual grades/marks/credits obtained: 4.4 Grading scheme and, if available, grade distribution guidance: 4.5 Overall classification of the qualification (in original language): 5 INFORMATION ON THE FUNCTION OF THE QUALIFICATION 6 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 7 CERTIFICATION OF THE SUPPLEMENT 8 INFORMATION ON THE NATIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM(S)

  19. CONTENTS FOR THE Diploma supplement for doctoral studies 2. INFORMATION IDENTIFYING THE QUALIFICATION (1): - Name of qualification and title conferred to the holder (in the national language and in English in case of Joint Doctorates) - Profile of qualification & quality labels: National/international degree; single/double/joint degree; Erasmus Mundus, Marie Curie, EIT excellence label, national excellence labels, - Main field(s) of study discipline(s) that defines the main subject area(s) for the qualification UNESCO Code + discipline • Name, status, profile & Quality Assurance of the HEIs awarding the qualification – public, private, international, borderless, open, digital institution, etc; Campus of excellence label, ABET label, etc. -

  20. CONTENTS FOR THE Diploma supplement for doctoral studies 2. INFORMATION IDENTIFYING THE QUALIFICATION (2): - Name, status, profile & Quality Assurance of the HEIs awarding the qualification & Research centers & enterprises involved as associated partners. In the case of Double & Joint Degrees, indication of the institutions where the major part of the qualification has been obtained and those institutions where the degree holder has followed studies. In the case of Erasmus Mundus, Marie Curie and Industrial Doctorates, indication of the enterprises that are involved in the consortia awarding the qualification. - Language of instruction in the academic &research activities and in the writing & evaluation of the Thesis.

  21. THE Diploma supplement for doctoral studies 4 INFORMATION ON THE CONTENTS AND RESULTS GAINED 4.2, 4.3, 4.4. 4.5 Academic & research activities carried out by the holder - Complementary studies for accessing to the doctorate programme - if he holder is granted with a contract or scholarship - Period of time & HEIs, research centers or Enterprises when the holder has carried out his/her academic & research activities. - Academic & Research activities in ECTS, if applicable. - Participation in conferences, seminars, workshops as speakers presenting research works. - Publications in the JCR -Marks obtained in individual academic & research activities and final Mark Obtained in the Thesis. - A table of equivalence of marks in international double and joint degrees.

  22. Diploma supplement for doctoral studies 6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Thesis Evaluation Board - Language used in the thesis writing and evaluation. - Indication of external evaluators and their professional profile (from enterprises, from international Research centers or Higher Education Institutions, etc.) - Ex-ante evaluation report by the members of the evaluation board. - Cum Laude Label, if appropriate - The excellence label awarded in Spain usually one year later after the evaluation. - The evaluation mark and a table of equivalence in international double and joint degrees or consensus in using the same system.

  23. Diploma supplement for doctoral studies 8. INFORMATION ON THE NATIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM - In the case of international, double& joint doctorate programmes, information of the national higher education system, the national qualification framework and the quality assurance or accreditation system of all the awarding degree institutions involved in the consortium or in the joint co-thesis supervision should also be provided in this section.

  24. CONTENTS Guidelines for the Ministerial Order that will regulate international co-tutelle in doctoral studies

  25. International Co-Tutelle:Whatwe mean in Spain? Agreements between higher education institutions enabling the issue of a doctor diploma. The doctorate is assigned two supervisors from each of the high education institution involved in the signed agreement, as well as a tutor that could also play the role of the director in the Spanish Higher Education institution. In Spain, the mention of intenational Doctor could be included in the doctor diploma, whenever the responsible for the stage will be different from the director of the thesis. The agreement must be signed during the first year of the doctorate admission. The writing out of the thesis work should be distributed among both higher education institutions. The stage should take a minimum of 9 months in each institutions and the period could be splitted.

  26. What kind of information should the agreement contain? A general agreementwith a specificannexcontainingthefollowingitems: • A joint diploma issue, wheneverthenational legal framework of thecountries involvedcouldaffordit, includingtheinformationrelatedtobothinstitutions, & boththesisdirectors (supervisors), • Periods of stage in bothinstitutionsbythe doctoral candidate • HEI wherethethesiswill be presented and debated • Language in whichthethesiswill be writingoutand debated • Activitiesthatwill be carriedoutbythe doctoral candidate in eachinstitution. • Registration and fees and in whichinstitutiontheyshould be made and paid. • Agreementstofinancetravelcostsforexaminationboardmembers • Theduration of thethesisaccordingtothecorresponding legal framework • Thecomposition of theexaminationboard. • Use and protection of research data & results

  27. Some recommedations… • Possibility to sign a general agreement between/among universities and a specific agreement addressed to students. • To consider the legal issues on thesis examination boards of both/all HEIs • To analyse the possibility that the other foreign HEIs could also award the excellence label of International Doctorate (usual in Spain). • To take into account the legislation on the awarding degrees in the other country(ies) • To establish how the annual fees are paid: Possibility to pay them every year in a different HEI. • To establish the minimum and maximum duration of the thesis and a possible extra time if needed. • To revise the facilities provided to the doctoral candidates: access and use of the library, laboratories, institutional identification cards, etc.

  28. CONTENTS • Royal Decree1002/2010, 5th August Spanish Model of joint diploma for Erasmus Mundus Doctoral studies

  29. Some specificities in Spain related to ECTS in doctoral studies Royal Decree RD99/2011 that regulates doctoral studies in Spain: Doctoral study programmes do not accredit ECTS. The whole programme is focused on research activities leading to the doctoral thesis and to dissemination activities of research work. Exception: Erasmus Mundus Doctorates • The study programme consists of organised forms of teaching and research. Organised teaching comprises 60 credits; the remaining credits are intended for research work on the doctoral thesis and other activities to disseminate research work.

  30. Some specificities in Spain on Quality Assurance of Doctorate Programmes Royal Decree 861/2010, 2nd Julythat regulates higher education studies in Spain: Disposición adicional duodécima. Verification (Ex ante evaluation) of Erasmus MundusjointDegrees: Masters and Doctorates. • The Erasmus Mundusprogrammescreatedbymeans of internationalconsortiathathavebeenselected in competitivecallsbythe EACEA Agency and awardedwiththe Erasmus label of excellencebythe EC willobtainthecorresponding positive authorisation (exanteevaluation) bytheMinistry of Education. Label of Excellencefordoctorateprogrammesunder a nationalcallon a voluntarybasismanagedbytheNationalQualityassuranceagency (ANECA)

  31. MAY THE DOCTORAL CYCLE CARRY CREDITS? • ECTS can be applied both to taught courses and to research activities. • Hence it can be applied to the doctoral cycle. The learning which takes place in the doctoral cycle, as in any other, can be described in terms of learning outcomes and work time expressed in ECTS credits. • In the case of doctoral programmes focused only on research (Spain), ECTS could also be applied only to research activities and to measure the workload needed to complete them.

  32. MAY THE DOCTORAL CYCLE CARRY CREDITS? • Model of Doctoral Study Programme at Latvian Academy of Music • Individual research & working out of doctoral thesis150 ECTS • Theoreticalcourses36 ECTS • Electivecourses9 ECTS • Approbation practice (Assistant/lecturerpractice,conferencepapers, publications, etc.) 21 ECTS

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