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MDGs. ” Poverty is the parent of crime and war ” --Aristotle. Why Fight Poverty ?. Humanitarian Reasons Prevent suffereing where and when you can. Why Fight Poverty ?. 2) Justice and Fairness Why are there rich and poor countries ?

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  1. MDGs ”Poverty is the parent of crime and war” --Aristotle

  2. Why Fight Poverty? • HumanitarianReasons Preventsuffereingwhere and when you can

  3. Why Fight Poverty? • 2) Justice and Fairness • Why are thererich and poorcountries? • Why is wealthdistributed the way it is in the world? • Do MDCs and LCDs ”owe” eachotheranything? Whatdothey ”owe” themselves? • Who ”owns” what? Resources, knowledge.

  4. Why Fight Poverty? • 3) Practicalities • Some problems can be solved with practical solutions • It’sbetter for mewhenit’sbetter for you. • Paynow or pay later: if you don’t work to buildup/prevent, you work to protectagainst the effects • Fanaticism. Climatechange. WarsDiseases.

  5. A Global World • Whenwheatcropsburn up due to draughts, effectsprices and access in whole world • When Apple needsbettereducatedfactoryworkers, raiseseducation in the whole country

  6. 1. Extreme Poverty / Hunger • increase agricultural productivity – and more sustainable • own land ownership • diversify the economy, more small businesses • infrastructure • human rights • balance population and sustainability

  7. 2. Universal PrimaryEducation • Fees and uniforms • Stay home to work • Edu. Women, fewer children and better health for family • To do: • Female teachers • Flexible schools • Edu. Benefits the poorest most (???) – fairer

  8. Learningout of poverty • http://50.usaid.gov/learning-out-of-poverty/4n8b-usaid-final2-2/?size=original

  9. GenderEquality / W.’sempowerment • --legal: property and legal rights • --girls school enrollment • --doweries • Gender imbalances – social instability

  10. Why Invest in Women? • http://50.usaid.gov/infographic-why-invest-in-women/usaid-women/?size=infographicSmall

  11. 4 Child Mortality • --preventable illnesses: malaria, diarrhea • --vitamins, clean-water, nets • Goal is not FEWER kids, but the ones you have are healthier (= fewer kids!)

  12. 7 Sustainable Development • --Contradictions: Use land for food / fuel, hurts the land/forests • Flood regulation, draught control • --pollution, forests cut down, fish lost – effects poor people the most • --large scale business do the most damage • --lost access to resources like water and fuel (deforestation) affects girls and women most – 3 hours per day • --to do: democracy, how people influence – grassroots – best at deciding what they need • -- fighting corruption

  13. 8 Global Partnership • Debt relief, subsidies and tarrifs • 900 billion dollars – military • 300 b subsidies • 70 MDGs • 5 countries give .7% of GNP to development

  14. Global Partnership • Responsibilities of the LDCs • Responsibilities of the MDCs

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