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Putting together a mind map for a case study using Inspiration. Step One. To compose my case study outline I started with background information of the client which I added via the ‘add or edit note’ section behind the icon of an elderly woman. I chose a cartoon of an elderly
Putting together a mind map for a case study using Inspiration
Step One To compose my case study outline I started with background information of the client which I added via the ‘add or edit note’ section behind the icon of an elderly woman. I chose a cartoon of an elderly woman to represent the client. I found this easier to recall than just a coloured shape. You can also label your chosen picture as I have. There are lots of alternatives to choose from so you can tailor the mind map to your own specifications whatever makes it easier for you to remember the information.
Step Two I then made a problem list and chose a puzzle icon to list these behind.
Step Three For the short term goals again I chose a picture which would remind me of the information stored in the notes behind the icon.
Step Four I then repeated this for long term goals using a different picture. As well as placing book, article and web links behind the references icon (see next slide) I also added some links under short and long term goals which made it easier for me to link the goal with the reference. Using this software you can also add video and audio links although I didn’t use these in this case study.
Step Five I found saving my references within the mind map structure very useful. Having all your references listed here saves you time searching for that scrap of paper you originally wrote the link on and it also enables you to cut and paste them into the finished article.
Case Study Outline The software also structures your mind map notes into a linear format (see following slides) which forms the basis of your written case study. The structure of the outline can be reordered and you can add and edit the notes as you go along. I found by the time I done the 5 steps the case study had practically written itself. I then used Spellex to check the spelling and grammar and Texthelp to read it back to me as I often find after working on an assignment for a while you tend to read what you think you have written and not what is actually on the paper.
Case Study Outline Background: 75 years old female Previously admitted to A&E #NOF, Surgery DHS fitted, Current admission due to fall at home. Problem List: 1.Reduced mobility 2.Reduced muscle strength/mild residual L sided weakness (CVA 5yrs ago) 3. Pain 4. Hypertension 5. Reduced b/c, confidence, fear of falling 6. Reduced stance on L side. 7. Mild RA in hands 8. Environmental factors Short term goals - Within 4 weeks: 1. Review use/technique of walking aid 2. Independent with bed/chair exs 3/7. Independent with functional activities 1/52 Outcome measure: TUSS 3. Liaise with Drs to ensure adequate pain ctl 1/7. Reassess b4 each Rx 4. As above. Review and modify check Polypharmacy. 5. Balance exs, decrease EMS by 4 within 1/52, increase Berg b/c to 48 within 2/52 Outcome measure: EMS and Berg b/c scores and SMART goals. 6. Re-education of gait. 7. Medical problem - Liaise with Drs 1/7. Avoid intervention during flare ups. 8. Liaise with OT and SS to assess home hazards, home improvements, POC?
Case Study Outline contd. Long term goals - More than 4 weeks: 1. Increase distance to 30m independently outside with appropriate walking aid 3/12 2. Group ex classes +/or ORTAGO (home exercise plan) http://www.acc.co.nz/injury-prevention/home-safety/older-adults/preventing-falls/otago-exercise-programme/index.htm?ssSourceNodeId=4001&ssSourceSiteId=1494 [Accessed 30/05/07] 3. As ST( short term) goal 4. As ST goal 5. Reduce EMS to 0 within 3/52, Increase Berg b/c to 56 within 3/52 6. Parallell bars, WZF...> Delta rollator, Hydrotherapy? 7. As ST goal. 8. Plan EDD, arrange community physio follow up (as deemed necessary) in consultation with MDT
Case Study Outline contd. References: American Geriatrics Society (2001) Guideline for the prevention of falls in older people Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 49, 664-672 Buchner, D.M., Beresford, S.A., Larson, E.B., LaCroix, A.Z. and Wagner, E.H. (1992) Effects of physical activity on health status in older adults IN: Lord, S.R., Sherrington, C., Menz, H.B. and Close, J.C.T. (2007) Falls in Older People - Risk factors and strategies for Prevention Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Chartered Society of Physiotherapists (CSP), (2007) Osteoporosis audit pack - guidelines for management of osteoporosis Available from: http:// www.csp.org.uk/uploads/documents/OsteoAudit.pdf [Accessed 29/05/07] Department of Health (dh), (2001) National Service Framework (NSF) for Older People Available from: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_4003066 [Accessed 30/05/07] Jack, C.I., Smith, T. and Neoh, C (1995) Visual intervention IN: American Geriatrics Society (2001) Guideline for the prevention of falls in older people Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 49, 669 Lord, S.R. and Bashford G.M. (1996) Shoe characteristics and balance in older women Journal of American Geriatrics Society 44, 429-433 Lord, S.R., Sherrington, C., Menz, H.B. and Close, J.C.T. (2007) Falls in Older People - Risk factors and strategies for Prevention Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Case Study Outline contd. Lawrence, T.M., White, C.T., Wenn, R. and Moran, C.G. (2005) The current hospital costs of treating hip fractures Injury, 36, 88-91 Lord, S.R., Sambrook, P.N. and Gilbert, C. (1994) Postural stability, falls and fractures in the elderly Medical Journal of Australia 160, 684-91 Mitchell, E. and Dyer, J. (2002) Preventing falls in older people - charting practice change by audit Professional Nurse July 2002, 17 (11) 665-668 National Osteoporosis Society (nos), (2007) Bone density scanning Available from: http://www.nos.org.uk/dr_media/nos/Bone_Density.pdf_ [Accessed 03/05/07] National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), (2004) 048 New guidelines for the NHS on the assessment and prevention of falls in older people Available from: http:// www.nice.org.uk/page.aspx?o=233389 [Accessed 30/05/07] National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), (2005) CG21 Falls guidance Available from: http://guidance.nice.org.uk/CG21/guidance/pdf/English [Accessed 28/05/07] Peden, M., McGee, K. and Sharma, G. (2002) The injury chart book - a graphical overview of the global burden of injuries Available from: http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/924156220X.pdf [Accessed 30/05/07]
Case Study Outline contd. Skelton, D.A. and Dinan, S. M. (1999) Exercise for falls management - rationale for an exercised programme aimed at reducing postural instability Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 15 (2) 105-120 Skelton, D.A. and McLaughlin, A. (1996) Training functional ability in old age Physiotherapy 82, 159-167 Simpson, J.M., Marsh, N. and Harrington, R. (1998) Guidelines for Managing Falls among Elderly People British Journal of Occupational Therapy 1998 61 (4) 165-168 Studenski, S., Duncan, P.W. and Chandler, J. (1994) Predicting falls - the role of mobility and non-physical factors Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 42, 297-302 World Health Organisation (WHO), (2007) - Incidence of Falls in older people Available from: http://www.euro.who.int/HEN/Syntheses/Fallsrisk/20040319_5 [Accessed 30/05/07] World Health Organisation Regional Office for Europe (WHO), (2007) Summary of evidence to support interventions to reduce falls and injuries Available from: http://www.euro.who.int/HEN/Syntheses/Fallsrisk/20040318_6 [Accessed 30/05/07]