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Visual adaptation. Visual adaptation is a mechanism by which processing of visual information is continuously recalibrated according to the prevailing statistics of the input. What is adaptation- perceptual level Why is adaptation interesting and usefull? Correlates of adaptation- neural level
Visual adaptation Visual adaptation is a mechanism by which processing of visual information is continuously recalibrated according to the prevailing statistics of the input
What is adaptation- perceptual level • Why is adaptation interesting and usefull? • Correlates of adaptation- neural level • Eeg/erp • Single cell • fMRIa • Mechanisms of adaptation- theories
Early examples of aftereffects • TAE Gibson, 1937 Köhler-Wallach, 1944
Early examples of aftereffects • MAE Aristoteles, 1955 Addams, 1834
MAE • Classic.mov
Further aftereffects Adaptor Test Percept • Symmetry • Köhler-Wallach 1944 • Opponent shape • Regan Hamstra 1992 • Suzuki Cavanagh 1998 (aspect ratio,taper, curvature,skew, convexity)
Face distortion aftereffect Webster and MacLin, 1999
Fixate... X Webster and MacLin, 1999
A vizuális tapasztalat típusai • A vizuális környezet statisztikáján alapuló • A vizuális információ relevanciájának statisztikáján alapuló
A környezet statisztikáján alapuló tapasztalat A vizuális inputnak mindig többféle értelmezése lehetséges, nem lehet visszavetíteni egyértelműen a fizikai forrására, nem működik az inverz optika (Helmholtz)
megoldás: Tapasztalat
A környezet statisztikáján alapuló tapasztalat kérdés Mennyire képlékeny?
A környezet statisztikáján alapuló tapasztalat Folyamatos frissítés
A környezet statisztikáján alapuló tapasztalat Összetett tulajdonságok - identitás Átlag arc A környezet statisztikája alapján folyamatosan frissítve
A környezet statisztikáján alapuló tapasztalat Rövid távú - adaptáció Minden tulajdonságra kimutatható Identitás Emóció Nem
2. Why to bother? • „the microelectrode of the psychologist (Frisby, 1979)„ • 1. If we can demonstrate adaptation to a specific property, then there must exist some neurons in the brainresponding selectively to that property.
2. Why to bother? • 2. The properties of the observed adaptations may reveal the processing steps of the adapted feature.
2.2. Properties of TAE • E.g.: TAE suggests adaptation to orientation. Where could it occur? • Orientation selective • Color selective • Spatial frequency selective • Transfers from one eye to the other • Transfers to even illusory contours • Retina? • Monocular v1 neurons? • Binocular v1 or v2 neurons? • Higher order neurons, e.g. IT?
2.2. Properties of FAEs • Size invariant • Position invariant • Insensitive to the rel. orientation of adaptor and test • Thus • face senisitive neurons (w large RF and showing the above invariances) might also adapt.
2. Why to bother? • 3. Contingent adaptations help to determine specificity and neural correlates • E.g.:TAE is color specific: • Celeste McCollough , 1965
3. Neural correlates of adaptation • Single cell • ERP • fMRIa
3. 1. Single cells • Repetition supression • Inferior temporal cortex Sobotka, Ringo, 1996
3. 1. Single cells • MT • Cca 30 % reduction Preferred Static Non-preferred VanWezel, Britten, 2002
3. 1. Single cells • Awake and anesthetised animals • Stimulus specific • Persists over many stimuli • Persists over gaps • Increases w/ more repetitions of the stimulus • Cca 50% of IT neurons show it
3. 2. EEG/MEG • The first repetition effect is after 200 ms (Henson, 2004) • Objects, familiarity, priming • Viewpoints • Decreased high fr. Power also >220
ERP correlates of shape aftereffects N170 (face specific) Does it really occur only at 200 ms?
inger megjelenése (decrease) ** ** Adaptation effect N170 ** ** (increase) N170 N170 does reflect adaptation
Hands • (Kovács et al, 2005, 2006
Methods • 5 deg peripheral presentation • Adaptor and test stimuli could overlap (OL) in the same HF or non-overlapping (non-OL) in opposite HFs.
Electrophysiology • The N170 amplitude difference between OL and non-OL disappeares at short term adaptation
4. Mechanisms of adaptation Before adaptation After adaptation • PERCEPTUAL LEVEL Relative channel sensitivity Relative activity (answer) Percept
4. Mechanisms of adaptation • NEURAL LEVEL • Fatigue
4.1. Fatigue • Each neuron fires less for repeated stimulation • Mean population resp decreases • Repsonse pattern remains the same
Investigation of the neural processes of adaptation and learning using fMRI
Descartes, De l´Homme (1632) Tobozmirigy- ahol a test a lélekkel találkozik