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Egyptian Nuclear Programme Strategy & Infrastructure Development Action Plan

Egyptian Nuclear Programme Strategy & Infrastructure Development Action Plan. Mostafa El-Asiry Nuclear Power Plants Authority (NPPA), Cairo, Egypt elasiry@link.net. International Atomic Energy Agency TM/ WS on Topical Issues on Infrastructure Development:

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Egyptian Nuclear Programme Strategy & Infrastructure Development Action Plan

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  1. Egyptian Nuclear Programme Strategy & Infrastructure Development Action Plan Mostafa El-Asiry Nuclear Power Plants Authority (NPPA), Cairo, Egypt elasiry@link.net International Atomic Energy Agency TM/WS on Topical Issues on Infrastructure Development: Managing the Development of a National Infrastructure for Nuclear Power 9 to 12 Feb 2010, Vienna, Austria


  3. Electricity Demand And Supply • Electricity demand increased at an average annual growth rate of 7% in the last decade. In 2006 growth rate was 10.3%. • In 2008 peak load was 20 GW. • Current total installed capacity is 23 GW, and it is expected to reach 63 GW by year 2027. • Hydro sources are currently almost fully utilized. • Wind Energy installed capacity at the Red Sea coast are 230 MW (~1% of total installed capacity) and it is expected to reach 3% by 2010. • The first integrated solar-thermal power plant (140 MW with solar contribution by 20 MW) is financed, and commercial operation of the project is scheduled to be mid 2010. IAEA TM 9-12 Feb, 2010

  4. Electricity distribution The mix of the electrical energy generated in 2008 by Egyptian Electricity Sector IAEA TM 9-12 Feb, 2010

  5. Key concerns of Egypt • The growing demand for energy in Egypt and limited recourses of oil and natural gas mean that we must be more concerned with nuclear energy and with diversifying sources of energy. • Consideration of nuclear energy as an option for electricity generation in Egypt has been revived by Presidential Decision to go ahead in October 2007 • Start a programme to construct a number of Nuclear Power Plants for electricity generation; • Start the implementation of the necessary steps to construct the first Nuclear Power Plant for electricity generation; • Start legislative and structural procedures related to the energy sector in general, and the mechanisms and bodies specific to nuclear energy in particular. IAEA TM 9-12 Feb, 2010

  6. The Introduction OfNuclear Power In Egypt • Within the framework between the IAEA and Egypt, Assistance was specifically requested in the areas of nuclear safety, comparative energy assessment and siting; • An action Plan in support of Egypt’s ongoing studies concerning the feasibility of introducing nuclear power into the national energy mix has been set in March 2007; • A work plan in cooperation with the IAEA has been developed for the period 2009-2011 following the IAEA NG-G-3.1 “Milestones in the Development of a National Infrastructure for Nuclear Power”; • Egypt is proceeding with its Nuclear Power Programme. IAEA TM 9-12 Feb, 2010

  7. Hiring an International Consultant Following the Presidential Strategic Decision • Bid invitation for consulting services announced in February 2008. Bid evaluation process completed, and Contract concluded on June 18th, 2009. • The scope of services include: • Sites Selection and Evaluation, and Pre-contract Activities: • Updating El-Dabaa site studies; • Selection of Additional Sites; • Pre-contract activities including Technology Assessment, Development of Infrastructure, Quality Assurance Program, Preparation of Contract, Training and Technology Transfer to NPPA Personnel, and Financial Assessment . • Consultation Services for Project Implementation: • Construction management, • Field engineering, • Start-up and commissioning services. IAEA TM 9-12 Feb, 2010

  8. NPPA NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS AUTHORITY هيئة المحطات النووية لتوليد الكهرباء Potential Sites Selection and Evaluation Regional Analysis Screening Comparison & Ranking Evaluation EIA & Application for Site Permit Updating El Dabaa Site Studies Updating Site Investigations Site Evaluation Report EIA & Site Approval Permit Pre-Contract Activities Technology Assessment Development of Infrastructure Quality Assurance Program Preparation of Turnkey Contract Training &Technology Transfer Financing Assessment IAEA TM 9-12 Feb, 2010

  9. Accomplishment/ Highlights • Updating El-Dabaa Site Studies was accomplished; • El-Dabaa Site Approval Permit Application was issued; • Alternate Site Selection Report and Comparative Assessment of Preferred Sites are completed; • The Quality Assurance activities in the frame of Site Approval Permit Application was completed and included in the report; • The Technology Assessment, Training and Technology Transfer, and Development of Infrastructure are in progress. IAEA TM 9-12 Feb, 2010

  10. A highlight to the Development of Infrastructure • The Development of Infrastructure Methodology has been elaborated • The methodology describes the principles, references and methods that will be applied for planning and supporting the development of infrastructure necessary for the implementation of the first Egyptian NPP. • The infrastructure development includes broad topics, such as legal frame, government commitment, physical facilities, educational, human resources, public relation campaign, and local participation. IAEA TM 9-12 Feb, 2010

  11. CONCLUSION • Consideration of nuclear energy as an option for electricity generation was revived in 2006 and in October 2007 the strategic decision to start a programme to construct a number of Nuclear Power Plants for electricity generation was taken by the President; • The strategic decision triggered a number of activities including hiring an international consultant to advise the country on the needed actions to launch the first nuclear power plant; • The self-assessment of the Egyptian infrastructure readiness indicates that Egypt is moving in the right path. IAEA TM 9-12 Feb, 2010

  12. REFERENCES • NPPA/ IAEA, "Feasibility of Nuclear and Desalination on Dabaa Site", Project (EGY/4/040) Report, Cairo, May 2001; • Basic Infrastructure for a Nuclear Power Project, IAEA-TECDOC-1513, IAEA, Vienna (2006); • Considerations to Launch a Nuclear Power Programme, IAEA- GOV/INF/2007/2, IAEA, Vienna (2007); • Managing the First Nuclear Power Plant Project, IAEA-TECDOC-1555, IAEA, Vienna (2007); • Milestones in the Development of a National Infrastructure for Nuclear Power, IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NG-G-3.1, IAEA, Vienna (2007); • Evaluation of the Status of National Nuclear Infrastructure Development, IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NG-T-3.2, IAEA, Vienna (2008). IAEA TM 9-12 Feb, 2010

  13. Thank you for yourkind attention IAEA TM 9-12 Feb, 2010

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