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BONES…BONES…BONES!. Study Guide for Health Bone Quiz. HEAD/FACIAL. #8 Frontal. #3 Nasal. # 7 Orbital Bones. #2 Temporal. # 6 Maxilla. #5 Mandible. #1 Cranium/Skull. # 5 Mandible. #8 Frontal. #9 Parietal. # 2 Temporal. #10 Occipitial. # 6 Maxilla. #4 Mastoid Process.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BONES…BONES…BONES! Study Guide for Health Bone Quiz

  2. HEAD/FACIAL #8 Frontal #3 Nasal # 7 Orbital Bones #2 Temporal # 6 Maxilla #5 Mandible

  3. #1 Cranium/Skull # 5 Mandible #8 Frontal #9 Parietal # 2 Temporal #10 Occipitial # 6 Maxilla #4 Mastoid Process

  4. #12 Sternum # 11 Clavicle # 14 Scapula

  5. # 11 Clavicle #12 Sternum # 14 Scapula # 13 Ribs # 15 Xiphoid Process

  6. #21 Cervical Vert. (7) #20 Thoracic Vert. (12) #18 Lumbar Vert. (5) #17 Sacrum #16 Coccyx

  7. #19 Illium #17 Sacrum

  8. BONES…BONES…BONES! Study Guide for Health Bone Quiz

  9. #22 Humerous

  10. #22 Humerous

  11. #33 Phalanges #32 Metacarpals #26 Ulna THUMB #32 #31 Carpals (8) #24 Radius

  12. #30 Distal Digits #29 Middle Digits #33 Phalanges #28 Proximal Digits #32 Metacarpals #31 Carpals (8)

  13. #23 Femur #23 Femur #25 Patella #36 Tibia #36 Tibia #27 Fibula #27 Fibula

  14. #37 Calcaneus # 34 Tarsals #35 Metatarsals #33 Phalanges

  15. Quiz#1 HEAD/FACIAL BONES Number your answer sheet #1-#10. Label the slide using the word bank provided. Each bone is worth 2 points. (20 points possible)

  16. HEAD/FACIAL QUIZ #1 #2 # 6 #3 # 4 #5

  17. #7 #5 #8 #1 #3 #9 #4 #10

  18. HEAD/FACIAL #1 Frontal #2 Nasal # 6 Orbital Bones #3 Temporal # 4 Maxilla #5 Mandible

  19. #7 Cranium/Skull #5 Mandible #1 Frontal #8 Parietal #3 Temporal #9 Occipitial #4 Maxilla #10 Mastoid Process

  20. Quiz#2 TRUNK/BACK/PELVIS(HIP) BONES Number your answer sheet #11-21. Label the slide using the word bank provided. Each bone is worth 2 points. (22 points possible)

  21. #11 # 12 # 13

  22. # 12 #11 # 13 # 14 # 15

  23. #20 #19 #18 #17 #16

  24. #21 #17

  25. #11 Sternum # 12 Clavicle # 13 Scapula

  26. # 12 Clavicle #11 Sternum # 13 Scapula # 14 Ribs # 15 Xiphoid Process

  27. #20 Cervical Vert. (7) #19 Thoracic Vert. (12) #18 Lumbar Vert. (5) #17 Sacrum #16 Coccyx

  28. #21 Illium #17 Sacrum

  29. Quiz#3 ARM/HAND BONES Number your answer sheet #1-#9. Label the slide using the word bank provided. Each bone is worth 2 points. (18 points possible)

  30. #1

  31. #2 #3 #6 THUMB #3 #4 #5

  32. #9 #8 #2 #7 #3 #4

  33. #1 Humerous

  34. #2 Phalanges #3 Metacarpals #6 Ulna THUMB #3 #4 Carpals (8) #5 Radius

  35. #9 Distal Digits #8 Middle Digits #2 Phalanges #7 Proximal Digits #3 Metacarpals #4 Carpals (8)

  36. Quiz#4 Leg/Foot Bones Number your answer sheet #1-#7. Label the slide using the word bank provided. Each bone is worth 2 points. (14 points possible)

  37. #1 #1 #2 #3 #3 #4 #4

  38. #5 # 6 #7

  39. #1 Femur #1 Femur #2 Patella #3 Tibia #3 Tibia #4 Fibula #4 Fibula

  40. #5 Calcaneus # 6 Tarsals #7 Metatarsals Phalanges

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