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Cultural Proficiency: A Manual for School Leaders Lindsey, Robins, & Terrell

Cultural Proficiency: A Manual for School Leaders Lindsey, Robins, & Terrell. Dale Ellis, Ed. D Superintendent Montgomery County Schools April 10, 2013. Article Review. Read the Article provided. What do you think in light of our recent studies in Cultural Proficiency?

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Cultural Proficiency: A Manual for School Leaders Lindsey, Robins, & Terrell

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  1. Cultural Proficiency: A Manual for School LeadersLindsey, Robins, & Terrell Dale Ellis, Ed. D Superintendent Montgomery County Schools April 10, 2013

  2. Article Review • Read the Article provided. • What do you think in light of our recent studies in Cultural Proficiency? • Do you see Systems of Oppression and Entitlement?

  3. Chapter 7: Tool 3 – The Continuum • Cultural Proficiency provides a way to respond to issues that emerge in diverse environments. • Provide examples of such “issues.”

  4. Left Side = Reactive • Cultural Destructiveness – Seeks to eliminate cultures within the school. • Cultural Incapacity – Trivializing and stereotyping other cultures….making others inferior to the dominant group. • Cultural blindness – Not noticing or acknowledging other cultures and being blind to the need for differentiation. • “Others” are problematic!

  5. Right Side = Proactive • Cultural Precompetence– Increasing awareness of what you and the school don’t know about working in diverse settings. Can move forward or regress from here. • Cultural Competence – Inclusive of different views in such a way that healthy and positive interactions can take place. • Cultural Proficiency – Holding the vision that you and the school are instruments for creating a socially-just democracy; interacting with your colleagues, your students, their families, and their communities as an advocate for lifelong learning to serve effectively the educational needs of all cultural groups. • Focused on transforming one’s practice.

  6. Macroaggressions and Microagreesions • Macroagressions are behaviors and policies that are obviously wrong and offensive. • Macroagressions occur to the left of the continuum, particularly in the areas of Cultural Destuctiveness and Incapacity • Microagressions are treated as isolated and the violator may not even know that they did anything wrong. Over time they worsen if not effectively dealt with. • Microagressions occur toward the center, in the areas of Cultural Blindness and Precompetence.

  7. The Continnum in Practical Terms • Cultural Destructiveness – See the Difference and stomp it out. • Cultural Incapacity – See the Difference and make it wrong. • Cultural Blindness – See the Difference and dismiss it. • Cultural Precompetence – See the Difference and recognize what you don’t know. • Cultural Competence – See the Difference and understand the difference that difference makes. • Cultural Proficiency – See the Differences and respond positively and affirmingly. • See the examples in your book (pp.115-121)

  8. Chapter 8: Tool 4 – The Essential Elements • Culture is a problem-solving resource we need to draw on, not a problem to be solved. - Terry Cross (1989, p. 34) Are we still hearing “these kids” statements? That is a view that there is a problem to solve with certain populations. • I profess to you that the only problem to be solved in the education profession is why we do not set HIGH EXPECTATIONS for ALL STUDENTS and carry out our most important work with FIDELITY!

  9. A few moments for a Diatribe • Thank you for listening… • Amen!

  10. Review Activity • Review Table 8.1 on page 126. • How can you use this table and the essential elements of cultural proficiency with your staff? • On page 135, answers question 2. You may not want to or need to use 3 PDs for each, but what could they be?

  11. Chapter 9 – The Case • Take a few minutes to review the case in Ch. 9 with your table group. • Answer the questions on page 155. • Let’s discuss

  12. Homework • Review the resources in the back of the book in light of our chapter studies and your new knowledge regarding Cultural Proficiency. • Bring a plan for YOUR school to our next principal’s meeting for discussion. • The next session will not be a presentation from me, but working as a team on plans to help OUR SYSTEM become more Culturally Proficient at each and every one of our schools. • Thank you for your attention during these sessions!!!

  13. Conclusion • Questions? • Comments. • Concerns!

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