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Key aspect of DTT in Slovenia

Key aspect of DTT in Slovenia. CERD 2009 Na č om závisí spokojnost’ koncového pou ž ívatel’a DVB? 12. februar 2009, Kongresové centrum Technopol, Bratislava mag. Miha Krišelj Agencija za pošto in elektronske komunikacije Republike Slovenije. Content. DTT - what was our goal?

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Key aspect of DTT in Slovenia

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  1. Key aspect of DTT in Slovenia CERD 2009 Na čom závisí spokojnost’ koncového používatel’a DVB? 12. februar 2009, Kongresové centrum Technopol, Bratislava mag. Miha Krišelj Agencija za pošto in elektronske komunikacije Republike Slovenije

  2. Content • DTT - what was our goal? • What we have learned so far... • Multiplex A situation • Public awareness • MUX B operator tender procedure • How to select new digital channels? • The way ahead... • Analogue switch off plan • Increasing public and broadcasters awareness • To be in line with the time schedule

  3. TV platforms While we are trying to put in operation the DTT platform, some other TV platforms in Slovenia are developing quickly: • Rapid growth of IPTV penetration • Introduction of DTH platform which competes for the same audience as DTT (in rural areas) Penetration of different TV platforms in Slovenia. Source: AGB Media Research*, 2008 *basic research carried out by GFK Slovenia

  4. DTT - what was our goal? • To implement new TV formats (16/9, HDTV) • Decision on MPEG-4 as future oriented solution • By determining MPEG-4 for the obligatory AVC standard, Slovenia decided both for more efficient use of spectrum and for more diverse choice of high quality TV services (+new services and HDTV) • At the beginning more SD channels (to compete with other broadcasting platforms) • Later to implement more HDTV channels • To reduce the costs of broadcasting networks 03.11.20006 Zapisnik 2. sestanka Foruma za digitalno radiodifuzijo Drugega sestanka Foruma za digitalno radiodifuzijo, ki je bil v sredo, 26. oktober 2006, ob 14.00 uri, v Cankarjevem domu, v preddverju Gallusove dvorane, na Prešernovi cesti 10 v Ljubljani, se je udeležilo 23 članov foruma in 19 ostalih povabljenih, kar kaže, da je interes in zavedanje pomembnosti procesa med slovenskimi akterji zelo veliko. Sestanek se je odvijal po naslednjem dnevnem redu: 1. Predstavitev izhodišč za pripravo Strategije razvoja radijskih in televizijskih programov v Republiki Sloveniji (javna obravnava), APEK 2. Obravnava načina kodiranja (MPEG-2 ali/in MPEG-4),MG-DEK 3. Razno

  5. MUX-A situation • Frequencies for the 1st national DTT network issued (beginning of 2007) • Temporary division (3/7, 4/7) of 1st national multiplex (mid 2007) • First digital programme licenses issued (end 2007) • Notification of market 18 (Broadcast content delivery) • RTV Slovenia became SMP (Significant Market Power) operator • Digital Broadcasting Act (end of 2007) • Extended notification of Market 18 (for digital terrestrial network) • RTVS Slovenia became SMP for digital network

  6. MUX-A situation (con’t) • Solving dispute on cost (450.000 EUR) of 1st multiplex (between RTV Slovenia and commercial TV channels (POP TV, Kanal A and TV3) • Reasonable price set to 79.000 EUR until 1st of March 2009 • Entering TV3 into 1st multiplex - for the time of EURO 2008 (May 2008) • Entering POP TV and Kanal A (1.9.2008) • TV3 decided not to extend the contract with RTVS (8.9.2008) • TV3 has paid 15.747 EUR • Despite Euro 2008 the demand for DTT STB was neglectable • AGB Nielsen didn’t detect any DTT STB in the panel • The 3 month investment into DTT network is not reasonable • Official DTT launch in Slovenia? Ljubljana, 29.8.2008 - POP TV in Kanal A sta danes podpisala pogodbo z Oddajniki in zvezami RTV SLO za vključitev svojih televizijskih programov v 1. nacionalni digitalni multipleks. Oba televizijska programa bosta tako na podlagi ustreznih dovoljenj (APEKA -Agencije za pošto in elektronske komunikacije) in podpisane pogodbe vključena v mulitipleks s 1. septembrom 2008 in poleg analogne mreže oddajala tudi v digitalni obliki. PRO PLUS, ki ustvarja televizijska programa POP TV in Kanal A, z vključitvijo programov v multipleks tako izpolnjuje Zakon o digitalni radiodifuziji, ki določa, da najkasneje do začetka leta 2011 ugasnemo vse analogne televizijske oddajnike. Več o digitalnem oddajanju-prednostih, namenu, pokritosti s televizijskim signalom, kaj potrebujemo za sprejem, pa si posamezniki lahko pridobijo na spletni strani http:// dvb-t.apek.si/.

  7. TV KP POP TV (from 1.9.08) Kanal A (from 1.9.08) TV3 (until 10.9.08) TV Pika (after 23.12.08) ? Tele M SLO 1 SLO 2 SLO 3 Mux A (Coverage&Content) • PSB TV channels: 3 national, 2 regional (occupying 4 places) • Commercial TV channels: 3 national (min 40% analogue coverage) Current DTT Coverage of MUX A

  8. Current coverage (analog/digital) Kanal A POP TV

  9. Regional General Channel General Channel News Channel Sport Channel Regional Regional POP TV* Kanal A* TV3* 2 Tenders Needed to Put in Operation Mux B • The only way to establish the 2nd national multiplex was through two separate public tenders: • one for selecting the network operator, • the other one for granting digital programme licenses. • The operator, once chosen through the tender, will have to build the national network and put multiplex in operation by transmitting the TV channels with digital programme licenses. • The conditions for programme licenses: * Existing linceses

  10. MUX B operator licensing • Tender published(UL RS št. 59, 13.6. 2008) • Field strength for portable outdoor according to the GE-06 (88 dBV/m, 78 dBV/m) channels 67,64 (Center),66 (Zahod), 22Mbit/s min. • Dynamics 1.6.2009 50%, 1.6.2010 70% • Price for 90% coverage • References TX 2KW analog or digital max 20 pcs. • 3 offers (ORS, BCE-TT and Telenor) • Nobody was chosen • Tender published 2nd time(UL RS št. 101, 24.10.2008) • Different field strength 80 dBV/m, 70 dBV/m • Dinamics 1.9.2009 50%, 1.9.2010 70% • Dead line for applications 25.11.2008 • Opening 27.11.2008, decision23.12.2008

  11. MUX B operator licensing (con’t) • In the 2nd tender process the same operators compete for the MUX B licence • Norkring (Telenor) has won the tender and got a 10 year licence • The price for one TV programme per year (90%) coverage is set to be 360.000 EUR

  12. dTV programme licensing • Broadcasting council accepted tender documentation on 26.8.2008 • Tender published (UL RS št. 86, 05.09.2008) • Programme conditions • What is demanded • Why tender (ZdRad) • Deadline for submission. 5.11.2008 • The Broadcasting Council brought the decision at the session on 16.12.2008

  13. Vzhod Odpiranje 11/11-08 ob 10:00 Odpiranje 10/11-08 ob 10:00 Odpiranje 10/11-08 ob 11:00 Odpiranje 10/11-08 ob 12:00 • RTS • VTV 38141-11/2008 Odpiranje 11/11-08 ob 12:00 RTS+ TV Pika ASPN Info TV • Vaš kanal 38141-13/2008 Odpiranje 11/11-08 ob 11:00 • Primorka • Vitel • Sponka 38141-9/2008 38141-10/2008 38141-12/2008 38141-8/2008 Zahod RTS RTS+ TV Pika Info TV Šport TV Vaš kanal Primorka POP TV* Kanal A* TV3* dTV programme tender Competing programmes: The results of the tender: * Existing linceses

  14. Local Television • Local channels in DTT • Digital broadcasting act provide automatic conversion of analogue coverage rights into digital • Frequencies for local networks are being prepared • No need to use programme tender if the coverage is not extended

  15. DTT awareness • Public awareness still very low • MPEG-4 STB still not present enough in electronic shop chains • 4% STB penetration • Manufacturers of STB and IRD claimed: MPEG-4 is a standard for HDTV • In SLO the MPEG4 SD STB specification was adopted without HDTV option while HDTV will follow successful MPEG-4 SD introduction • Some manufacturers decided to develop only integrated digital TV sets which people will use for many years so the question was raised: will those iTV sets work properly when SLO broadcasters introduces HDTV? • Broadcasters are not promoting DTT even if they have reached higher coverage with DVB-T network

  16. Set top box situation • MPEG-4 = HDTV • We decided to prepare MPEG-4 STB specification • SLO to use existing standard E-book and EICTA views on HD extension of the standard..so any receiver which complies with that will be O.K. • But there are specifications beyond EICTA proposal (France and Scandinavia) • SLO decided to specify the SLO specification of HD MPEG-4 STBs (published 4.11.2008) Source: http://dvb-t.apek.si

  17. STB Specification & test results

  18. STB situation on the market Mercator je v brošuri "Tehnika" objavil prodajo Iskrinega MPEG-4 DVB-T sprejemnika DVB-T4000 (SD + HD). Na voljo je v Hipermarketih Ljubljana, Maribor, Maribor Pobrežje, Nova Gorica, Celje, Koper, Kranj Primskovo in v M Centrih tehnike. Cena za sprejemnik je 149,90 EUR. Vir: Mercatorjeva brošura "Tehnika" (ponudba za čas od 10.4. do 7.5.2008) Denis Re: Mercator začel ponujati Iskrin MPEG-4 DVB-T sprejemnik DVB-T4000 12.04.2008 01:47 Datum registracije: 5 tednov nazaj Sporočil: 2 Lep pozdrav vsem na forumu. Zakaj pa so sploh testirali sprejemnike, če se potem v trgovinah pojavijo neki drugi ki sploh niso bli testirani ?

  19. The way ahead • APEK is preparing the plan for analogue switch off by the broadcasting regions • Awareness of TV stations is getting higher while they must pay for the simulcasting • Timing for the general analogue switch off is maintained • Current coverage of MUX-A is 80% • By June. 2009 50% of population will be covered with MUX-B (in sept. 2009 70% and in sept. 2010 90%) • The problem of long simulcasting period beeing heavily discussed

  20. Analogue switch off? • Action plan defined in the Digital Switchover Strategy is maintanied as agreed • Analogue Switch off is schedulled for december 2010 (1.12.2010 is the end of the simulcasting period, 31.12.2010 is deadline for switching off analogue transmitters)

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