The Sleepover By Cody
One sunny day Drake woke up and got dressed. He woke up his mom and she got dressed and ran out the door -Zoom! She turned the key and drove off - Zoom! When they finally got there it was dark. Drake was really tired but Jake wasn't tired at all so Jake asked if Drake wanted to play laser tag.
But Drake did not want to play laser tag so he put on his pajamas. Then Jake wanted to play a video game but Drake wanted to brush his teeth. “YAWN!!!!” said Drake. He was really tired. WACK!!!! Drake got hit in the head by a dart gun and Jake was holding it. That made Drake mad. He started run at Jake and that scared Jake. Jake started to run away but Drake was too fast and Jake got caught.
So Drake almost hit Jake but Drake got caught. Drake was in big trouble! Drake blamed it on Jake but it was not Jake’s fault.
They talked the problem out Drake was not mad at Jake anymore.