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Washington Administration's Challenges & Foreign Relations

Explore how Washington dealt with domestic issues & foreign relations, including the Whiskey Rebellion, French Revolution impact, and treaties with Britain and Spain.

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Washington Administration's Challenges & Foreign Relations

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  1. Lesson 9.2: Challenges to the New Government Today’s Essential Question: How did the Washington administration face its problems at home and with foreign countries?

  2. Securing the Northwest Territory • The Trans-Appalachian West • Spain claimed the land west of theMississippi, Florida, and the port of New Orleans.

  3. The Port of New Orleans • Key to trade for American settlers in the West • Goods carried to market by flatboat • The Spanish threatened to close the port of New Orleans to Americans.

  4. Securing the Northwest Territory The Spanish stirred up trouble between the white settlers and Native American groups in the Southeast.

  5. Securing the Northwest Territory • The British still held forts north of the Ohio River in order to maintain its access to the fur in these territories. • Indian resistance to white settlement encouraged by Britain

  6. Securing the Northwest Territory • In the Northwest, American settlers met fierce resistance from Native Americans. • 1790 – Chief Little Turtle wins two decisive victories against U.S. troops by uniting many tribes in a confederation to defeat the federal army.

  7. The Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794) Without Little Turtle’s leadership, the Indians were defeated by General Anthony Wayne’s troops.

  8. The Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794) The British refused to help the retreating Indians because they did not want war with the United States, refused to help them.

  9. The Treaty of Greenville • Native Americans surrender most of Ohioand Indiana • Treaty ended Indian hopes of keeping theirland in Ohio

  10. The Whiskey Rebellion • Whiskey was used by farmers as money to trade forother goods. • 1794 – farmers in westernPennsylvania rebelled

  11. Washington sent an army to crush the Whiskey Rebellion. Washington meant to show that the government had thepower and the will to enforce its laws.

  12. The French Revolution • 1789 – French Revolution (liberte, egalite, fraternite) • Strong U.S. support until the struggle turned violent • Louis XVI and thousands of citizens killed

  13. The French Revolution • Britain, Spain, and Holland declared war against France. • United States caught in the middle • France had been America’s ally against theBritish • Britain had become America’s #1 trade partner

  14. The French Revolution Hamilton – ‘British trade is too important to risk in war.’ Jefferson – ‘Any move against the French Revolution is an attack on liberty everywhere.’

  15. Washington declared U.S would remain neutral.

  16. Remaining neutral proved difficult. • 1792 – Britain began seizing the cargoes of American ships sailing to Europe. • This angered many Americans and made it hard for the UnitedStates to remain neutral.

  17. Jay’s Treaty • John Jay sent to England to negotiate an end to the seizures of American ships • Also to get them to give up their NW Territory forts

  18. Jay’s Treaty • News of the Battle of Fallen Timbers helpedconvince Britain to give up the forts by 1796. • The British also agreed to paydamages for vessels they had seized.

  19. Jay’s Treaty Jay’streaty was unpopular,because he didnot convince the British to open trade with the BritishWest Indies to Americans.

  20. Pinckney’s Treaty with Spain (1795) • Americans could travel freely on the MississippiRiver and to New Orleans. • Spain acceptedthe 31st parallel as the boundary between Spanish FloridaandUnited States.

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