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Promoting Anti-Litter Education in Belfast Schools

Belfast City Council's Cleansing Services offers workshops, interactive packs, and cleanup kits to help schools educate students about anti-littering. From nursery to post-primary, the programs are engaging and informative. Teachers can request visits from Sammy the Squirrel or participate in seasonal workshops like the Christmas ELF. Workshops for Key Stages 1, 2, and post-primary are tailored to syllabus areas and include activities like electronic quizzes and acting workshops. Additional resources, such as cleanup kits and education packs, empower teachers to continue promoting anti-litter messages in the classroom. Stay tuned to City Matters magazine and the council's website for upcoming projects and competitions.

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Promoting Anti-Litter Education in Belfast Schools

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  1. Anti-litter education Free to all schools in Belfast

  2. Overview Belfast City Council, Cleansing Services offers a wide range of programmes to help schools with Anti-Litter Education, including visits and support for teachers when organising their own anti-litter exercises. • We hold workshops for; • Nursery and Foundation • Key Stage 1 and 2 • Post Primary • And provide; • Cleanup Kits • Interactive Education Packs • An Anti-Litter Captain Cleanup CD Game • A Captain Cleanup Litter bin for the school playground • Anti-litter posters and gum wraps We deliver extra projects such as puppet shows, drama workshops and competitions – watch out for advertisements in City Matters!

  3. Nursery and Foundation All of our workshops aim to be fully interactive. At this stage the programme is short, simple, very visual and most importantly, informative. Arrange a ‘Sammy the Squirrel’ visit! We will call out to your school or nursery and read an anti-litter story with the help of puppets and storyboards. Click on the video to hear the story We also have seasonal workshops such as the Christmas ELF, who comes out to read a Christmas anti-litter story. We recently held the ‘Captain Cleanup and General Grime Puppet Show’ to great acclaim. These are advertised through City Matters magazine so keep a close eye out for them and; book early as demand is high!

  4. Key Stage 1 and 2 During a 45minute/1 hour session, our officers will hold the relevant workshop that is engaging, interactive and fun. The key features of these workshops are that they; • are linked to the NI Syllabus and especially to ‘The World Around Us’ and ‘PDMU’, • are packed with fun activities and video clips, • focus on group work; and • can be tailored to your school’s needs, for example, an after schools eco-club.

  5. Post Primary Feeding into syllabus areas such as Environment & Society, Citizenship and Mutual Understanding, our workshops are perfect in passing the anti-litter message to young people at post primary. Workshops take the form of electronic quizzes, with ‘fastest fingers first’ questions dotted throughout the session. The students answer litter-based questions using Qwizdom interactive handsets, the results of which are then electronically analysed. We can tailor all of our workshops to suit your needs – just let us know when booking a visit

  6. Post Primary – continued We also run special projects throughout the year for Key Stages 3 and 4 – keep an eye out for these in City Matters and on our website. ‘Rubbish Acting’ involved an acting workshop led by a professional actress to examine littering behaviour through acting out. ‘Litterflicks’ had an expert in motion animation visit school to hold workshops. The students were then encouraged to make their own anti-litter animations and enter them into our Litterflicks Competition.

  7. Additional Resources Following the delivery of one of our workshops, we aim to support the teachers in continuing the promotion of the anti-litter message in the classroom. Organising a cleanup • We provide • Hi-viz jackets • Litterpicks • Gloves • Bags These can be kept by the school for use in further cleanups.

  8. Additional Resources Our new Anti-Litter Education Resource Pack for Primary Schools with interactive CD can help you plan you further anti-litter activities.

  9. Additional Resources The Education Pack This 64 page teacher’s book is packed with fun activities and resources, clear lesson plans and an interactive CD. It is linked to the NI Curriculum incorporating the Arts, Literacy, TSPC, PDMU, The World Around Us and Cross Curricular Skills making the Anti-Litter message the perfect Idea for Connecting Learning. A pack can be delivered for each Key Stage at your school and is the ideal resource for keeping the anti-litter message fresh following a visit from our officers and help your school work towards gaining/maintaining your Eco-schools Flag. See the following slide for an example of Unit 8 (Key Stage 1)

  10. Now, double click on this icon to see ‘a day in the life of a bin man’ First, double click on the TV icon to see ‘A day in the life of a street sweeper’

  11. Additional Resources We have further resources to help you maintain the anti-litter message in your schools, including posters and gum wraps.

  12. Additional Resources And always watch our for City Matters and our website as there are different projects throughout the year. For example the ‘School Bin Giveaway’ is still open. To get a brand new Captain Cleanup bin for your playground, get in touch to book one of our workshops

  13. All of our workshops, resources and competitions are open to all schools in Belfast and are completely free. Contact us at; Belfast City Council, Cleansing Services 5th Floor, 9 Lanyon Place Belfast BT1 3LP Tel: 9032 0202 ext 5421 Or Email: catcleansing@belfastcity.gov.uk

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