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Sajjad Zohir sajjadzohir@yahoo presented at the Learning Event, 19-21 July 2005, Rome

Politics and Processes of National Planning and Budgeting in Bangladesh How far are these tuned to realize MDGs?. Sajjad Zohir sajjadzohir@yahoo.com presented at the Learning Event, 19-21 July 2005, Rome. Basics.

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Sajjad Zohir sajjadzohir@yahoo presented at the Learning Event, 19-21 July 2005, Rome

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  1. Politics and Processes of National Planning and Budgeting in BangladeshHow far are these tuned to realize MDGs? Sajjad Zohir sajjadzohir@yahoo.com presented at the Learning Event, 19-21 July 2005, Rome Sajjad Zohir//MDG-Plans-Budgets

  2. Basics • National Plans are normally of five years – the sixth one covers 2000-05 and the one with PRS is meant to be for 2006-10 • The three years revolving investment plans are no more in vogue – while these are expected to be replaced by MTEF, the latter is yet to surface • Annual budgets remain annual and are going through changes • MDGs remain longer term goals to which political leaders expressed their commitments, and the country’s first MDG progress report came out in early 2005 Sajjad Zohir//MDG-Plans-Budgets

  3. MDGs, Plans and Budgets MDGs Goals and Strategies Monitoring Indicators Plan/PRSP ? ? Budgets Or, do plans and budgets remain invariant to MDGs, and simply provide ex-post linkages? Sajjad Zohir//MDG-Plans-Budgets

  4. MDG Process in Bangladesh • - Workshop in February 2004 drawing up plan of action for preparing 1st MDG progress report • 13 Technical Working Groups, NGOs & CBOs were included • - Facilitated by UN system, with ERD the focal point Goals Targets Indicators (data) Targets Interventions Needs Assessment • - BIDS supports to global MP initiative • Costing education using SHD model under the 1st MDGR Sajjad Zohir//MDG-Plans-Budgets

  5. Planning Process • Perspective Plan – participatory (during early 1990s) • IPRSP – October 2003 to January 2004 - divisional consultations on 12 sectors, 13 groups at national level –BRAC (a large NGO) was the event manager – WB, DfID and ADB were the key actors with contributions from consultants - with GED as the intended focal point • End December 2003 - early January 2004: Steering Committee for formulation of PRSP formed with Principal Secretary at the Prime Minister’s Office as the Chairperson and Member, GED, as the Member-Secretary - the process was funded by GoB (GED was also named the national poverty focal point) • 19 Thematic groups for the 19 ministries – while consultations on prioritizing activities were undertaken by GOB, reports were prepared by consultants • Unlocking the Potentials: Poverty Reduction Strategies for Bangladesh is nearing completion Sajjad Zohir//MDG-Plans-Budgets

  6. The Annual Budget • Responsibility of the Finance Division, Ministry of Finance – relies mostly on in-house capacity • Redefined accounting categories – recurrent and capital expenditures – introduced since FY 2005 • Budgets of 4 ministries brought under MTBF/MTEF since FY 2006. A total of 15 will be targeted in the next budget • Revenue and Development wings merged so that a single person may look into all aspects of a ministry • Budget accounts are now in the process of being poverty and gender sensitized – with supports from FMRP • Currently the MoF is in the process of developing the monitoring indicators – intention is to have PC participate in outcome/output monitoring and leave input monitoring to the line ministries Sajjad Zohir//MDG-Plans-Budgets

  7. A Framework to Understand the Political Undercurrents Multilateral and bilateral development partners Outcomes/ impacts at aggregate levels Subset of MDGs GOB Planning Process Ministry of Planning External Resource Division (ERD) Strategies (subset of MDGs and some of the missing ones) Output - includes impacts of sector-specific programs as well as total services delivered (may be divided further) Sector Plans / interventions Ministry of Finance GOB Budget/ MTEF/Needs Assessment Inputs (may be further divided) Assessing resource needs and their costing Multilateral and bilateral development partners Sajjad Zohir//MDG-Plans-Budgets

  8. Selected Observations on the Politics • Multiple perspectives across development partners – Un and the non-UN • The legacy of differences between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning – the imposed harmony with a single minister may not last long! • Shortage of in-house capacity – across agencies • Partial progress made in ensuring ownership by political leaders – yet a long way to go • Voices of the people heard through consultations – but sustaining these at upper tiers of decision process prove difficult Sajjad Zohir//MDG-Plans-Budgets

  9. Concluding Observations • Politics of numbers, stakeholders’ interests and possible degeneration of numerical exercises on monitoring • Reform of the budgetary process will most likely get completed – but establishing transparency may remain elusive – there may be gains by introducing elements of the MDG Needs Assessments in the exercise • MDGs have contributed towards giving focus to national as well as donor plans – these need to be formally institutionalized • Joint initiative from the two ministries is critical and the role of ERD needs revisiting • At conceptual levels, the positions of UN and the non-UN development partners need to be harmonized Sajjad Zohir//MDG-Plans-Budgets

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