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English IV

English IV. Semester Project. CHOOSE YOUR PROJECT. Be careful in choosing your Project. It has to be something which interests you. You will have to live with your decision until the end of the semester. Choose a project that will make you happy!

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English IV

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  1. English IV Semester Project

  2. CHOOSE YOUR PROJECT Be careful in choosing your Project. It has to be something which interests you. You will have to live with your decision until the end of the semester. Choose a project that will make you happy! Ask yourself: What is my passion? And How can I share it with others?

  3. How I learned NOT to Procrastinate!

  4. PROCRASTINATION IS THE ENEMY!Don’t let it get You!

  5. An Overview of the Semester Project • Research paper • Physical Application of Knowledge • Portfolio Assessment • Final Presentation

  6. A FEW BASIC RULES….. • Mentors are required for student projects. • Faculty advisors are required. • The project must be a “learning stretch”, not something the student already knows. • Due dates will NOT be extended. • Project activities must be fully documented.

  7. More basic rules…. • All projects must be approved. No project will be approved which is illegal, immoral, dangerous, or which violates school rules. • If a student changes the topic for his or her project after approval has been given, the student must submit new Parental Consent forms, Letters of Intent, and Project Proposals. • Topics may not be changed after the first 4 weeks of the semester. • Students must complete all parts of the semester project in order to pass the EXAM for English IV.

  8. MENTOR REQUIREMENTS • Mentors are required for all semester projects. Each student would select a mentor who has experience in the project area and can provide guidance in completing the project. Members of your family may be mentors if they are experts in your area. When selecting a mentor, consider the following questions: • Will the mentor have time to help you? • Does the mentor have information you can use in your research paper or project? • Will the mentor give you support and encouragement? • Will the mentor be able to verify the hours you spend on the project? • Will you be able to interview the mentor as your primary source for your research paper or • Will the mentor be able to locate someone else for you to interview? • At the end of the project, one of the required items in your portfolio will be a form your mentor fills out detailing how much time you spent together working on the project and evaluating your work effort. • The mentor may terminate the relationship if you are not meeting with the mentor and/ or are not doing what is required towards completing your project.

  9. MENTOR REQUIREMENTS • Mentors must be age 21 or older. • Mentors may NOT reside in the same household as the student. • Mentor forms MUST be signed by the parent or guardian.

  10. THE COMPOSITE SCORE • In order to pass the semester project, students must complete all components of the project and must earn 70% of the total possible points (280/400 points) for their composite score.

  11. The composite score consists of four equal parts. • Research Paper 100 points • Portfolio Assessment (includes Physical Application of Knowledge) 200 points • Final Presentation 100 points

  12. HOW WILL I BE GRADED? • All components--the research paper, the portfolio assessment, and the final presentation--must be completed during one semester in English IV. • Any student who does not complete all components will automatically earn an “F” on the final exam. • Additional points may be earned by submitting a DIGITAL PORTFOLIO of the semester project.

  13. Follow the schedule you have been given. Please be reminded, these are DEADLINE DUE DATES. Students may finish these assignments at ANY time before the due dates. The MOST important skill the semester project teaches is TIME MANAGEMENT.


  15. The Research Paper

  16. The research paper demonstrates the student’s ability to gather and organize information beyond the encyclopedia; primary sources are REQUIRED. • The length of the paper may depend on the nature of the topic, but at least 8-10 pages of text is required. The paper will be typed. • DIGITAL SUBMISSION IS REQUIRED.

  17. Research Paper Component A Closer Look

  18. Plagiarism • Plagiarism is taking credit for the words and/or ideas of others. • It is possible for students to plagiarize without their knowledge. • To determine whether plagiarism is intentional or unintentional, the English teacher will look at the age of the student, the nature of the offence, and the scope of the offence. • Given the time, instruction, and resources available, there is no excuse for plagiarism.

  19. Copying portions of or an entire source without using quotation marks and/or giving credit Submission of a paper written by someone else Omission of quotation marks around quoted material Failure to give credit with paraphrased material Providing false quotations and/or sources Insufficient paraphrasing -- failure to sufficiently alter the sentence structure or wording of a source Insufficient quoting -- failure to put quotation marks around all quoted material Insufficient citing -- inaccurate and/or omitted citations Intentional Unintentional

  20. Penalties of Plagiarism at SPHS • Intentional plagiarism – Students will automatically receive a zero on the assignment. Students will not be allowed to resubmit. • Unintentional plagiarism – Students will automatically receive an F on the assignment, but the number of points awarded depends on the extent of the plagiarism. Students may be allowed to resubmit.

  21. Penalties of Plagiarism Elsewhere • Failing grade on a paper in a course • Failing grade in a college/university course • Suspension from a college/university • Expulsion from a college/university • Termination of employment • Fines • Jail time

  22. Tips to Avoid Plagiarism • Outline your paper, and write the paper based off your outline. • Have a printout/copy of the sources you use. • Read a section, then do not refer back to it until the paraphrase/summary is complete. • If unsure whether or not to cite, cite the source. • When paraphrasing, change both the wording and the sentence structure of theoriginal text.

  23. Research Paper Tips • Read the paper aloud at a moderate pace. • Use spell-check but realize that it is not always correct. • When in doubt, ask someone for help. • Use your faculty advisor – five meetings are required, more are encouraged. • Use your English teacher – two meetings are required, more are encouraged. • Never turn down an extra set of eyes. • Be more concerned with quality than with quantity, with content than with conventions. • When given suggestions, revise!


  25. The physical application presents a hands-on experience dealing with some aspect of the research paper. It allows a student to apply the information learned during the research phase to create a demonstration of the learning and mastery of the project.  • Completion of the product requires a minimum of 10 hours of out of class work (although some students may have more than 10 hours). • The project must be done on the student’s own time. • Students may choose from the following types of application: community service, internship, or creation of a physical product of some kind. • The 10 hours may be shown in one area or in a combination of areas. (For example, the student may work a 5 hour internship with his or her mentor, then apply that experience towards volunteer hours. • Adequate documentation is required in the form of journal/ reflections, as well as photographs. • This component is scored as part of the portfolio.

  26. The Portfolio

  27. This part of the project is basically a collection of all documentation for the project. • It will include the actual research paper, project overviews, letters to and from mentors, project logs and journals, photos, and any other artifacts which document work on the project. • The portfolio also includes work samples from the semester. • These items will be bound in a photo-album type notebook which will be evaluated by outside judges.

  28. The Presentation Exit Speech

  29. The final step of the Semester Project takes place at the end of the semester. • Each student must present an 8-10 minute presentation about his or her project and research. • This will be an evening event. • Community members comprise the judging panel and will ask five minutes of questions after the presentation. • The Semester Project website contains materials which will help guide the students in planning and executing this presentation.

  30. Finally…. • As you can see, the Semester Project is quite a challenge, but it is very “do-able”. It takes hard work and dedication. Most importantly, it requires prioritizing and planning.

  31. DON’T PROCRASTINATE!!! You cannot wait until the last minute to begin the research paper and expect to get a decent grade.

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