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Early Civilizations

LEQs : Why did humans switch from hunting and gathering to settled agriculture? Was this humanity’s BIGGEST mistake?. Early Civilizations. Today’s Warm Up. How would you define CIVILIZATION ? What criteria do you feel must be met for a group to be considered civilized?

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Early Civilizations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LEQs: Why did humans switch from hunting and gathering to settled agriculture? Was this humanity’s BIGGEST mistake? Early Civilizations

  2. Today’s Warm Up • How would you define CIVILIZATION? What criteria do you feel must be met for a group to be considered civilized? • Answer in your notes & be ready to share

  3. Defining Civilization • Societies distinguished by reliance on sedentary agriculture, ability to produce food surpluses, and existence of nonfarming elites, as well as merchant and manufacturing groups

  4. Early Civilizations We’ll Study: • Mesopotamia in the Tigris and Euphrates River Valleys • Egypt in the Nile River Valley • Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa in the Indus River Valley • Shang in the Yellow River or Huang He Valley • Olmecsin Mesoamerica • Chavinin Andean South America

  5. Why Did Civilization Begin? • Agriculture & pastoralism led to increased populations • Family groups gave way to village life and eventually urban life • Led to new and more complex economic and social systems • Civilization began

  6. Innovation vs. Diffusion

  7. Cities Formed along River • Rivers provided: • Water supply • Transportation • Food supply from animals • Rivers provided Challenges • Flooding • Irrigation • Required organized, mass labor • Construction and repair of canals and irrigation ditches

  8. Social Hierarchies • WHY? Surpluses in food led to specialization of labor • Not everyone had to farm; others free to build, invent, etc. • Led to social stratification • Patriarchy– rule by males/women viewed as needing protection or control

  9. Organized Central Governments • First needed to control food surpluses • Labor, storage, dispersion • Needs become more complex: • Tax collecting • Law making • Handling public works projects • Organizing defense

  10. Jobs Specialization & the Arts • Artisans specialized in various jobs • Bricklayers • Blacksmiths • Production of luxuries (not related to survival) • Metal technology • i.e. weapons, tools • Great architecture and art created • i.e. pyramids

  11. Writing Developed • Pictograms first; symbols later added to represent words and then sounds • Scribes specially trained to read, write, record information • Religion, trade, gov’t

  12. Complex Religions • Generally polytheistic • Represented natural forces • Controlled human activities • Rituals and sacrifice used to gain gods’ favor • Rulers regarded as a god or gods’ agent • Temples often built to honor specific gods and goddesses

  13. Outside Contact • Trade intensified within and between civilizations, as well as with nomadic pastoralists • Walls indicate some were fearful; others more peaceful • Accumulation of wealth spurred warfare between communities and/or with pastoralists • Drove development of war technologies and urban defense

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