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CHAPTER 16: WORLD WAR LOOMS. Dictators in Europe. DICTATORS THREATEN WORLD PEACE: SECTION ONE. NATIONALISM GRIPS EUROPE AND ASIA Postwar Europe experiences Depression and democracies collapse Dictators promise nationalism and expansion Problems with the Treaty of Versailles*.
CHAPTER 16: WORLD WAR LOOMS Dictators in Europe
DICTATORS THREATEN WORLD PEACE: SECTION ONE NATIONALISM GRIPS EUROPE AND ASIA • Postwar Europe experiences Depression and democracies collapse • Dictators promise nationalism and expansion • Problems with the Treaty of Versailles*
DICTATORS THREATEN WORLD PEACE • Joseph Stalin* • Gets rid of private farms and makes them into collective farms • Soviet Union became a powerful nation with his “five year” plans* • Death toll in the millions due to restructuring, famine, and mistrust • Totalitarian*
DICTATORS THREATEN WORLD PEACE • Benito Mussolini* • Establishes the Fascist Party based on fascism* • Marched to Rome with the “Black Shirts” • Made head of govt. and called himself Il Duce
DICTATORS THREATEN WORLD PEACE • Adolf Hitler* • Becomes Der Fuhrer and writes Mein Kampf • Nazism* • Aryan race is superior, while inferior races are meant to serve • Looked for living space for new German empire • 1. Nazi party gains strength 2. Hitler becomes Chancellor 3. Est. Third Reich government
DICTATORS THREATEN WORLD PEACE • Military leaders in Japan seize control of Manchuria* • League of Nations condemned Japan; Japan and Germany quit • Hitler takes over the Rhineland; Ethiopia taken over my Mussolini • League does nothing
DICTATORS THREATEN WORLD PEACE • Francisco Franco* • 3,000 Americans fight against Franco, but it is not enough • Soviet Union sent equipment and advisors; Germany and Italy sent equipment and troops • Rome-Berlin Axis formed*
DICTATORS THREATEN WORLD PEACE THE UNITED STATES RESPONDS CAUTIOUSLY • Americans want to remain isolated • Neutrality Acts* • Roosevelt finds a loophole and helps to supply China • Roosevelt felt we should take action against agressors
WAR IN EUROPE: SECTION TWO AUSTRIA AND CZECHOSLAVAKIA FALL • Most Austrians favor Hitler taking over • Anschluss* • 3 million German speaking people live in Sudetenland, Czech. • Want to annex this country for living space and resources • Claim for invasion of the country*
WAR IN EUROPE GERMAN OFFENSIVE BEGINS • Meets with France and Britain and promises that this is the last territory • Signs the Munich Agreement* • Winston Churchill proclaims appeasement* • Afterward, Hitler takes over the rest of Czech • Poland is the next conquest with the same reasoning being used • Nonagression pact signed*
WAR IN EUROPE Sept. 1, 1939 Poland invaded by Luftwaffe Blitzkrieg* Poland falls in two days; Germany and France declare war EastSoviet Union WestGermany
WAR IN EUROPE • French and British forces sat on the Maginot Line staring at Germany, waiting for something to happen • Soviet Union takes over Estonia, Finland, Latvia, and Lithuania • Hitler takes over Denmark and Norway with the following reasons* • Proceeds to take over Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg
WAR IN EUROPE FRANCE AND BRITAIN FIGHT ON • Hitler sneaks around the Allied forces and goes through NE France • 400,000 French and British flee to Dunkirk where they are trapped—330,000 make it to Britain • Days later, Italy joins the war and invades S. France, while Germans close in on Paris in the north
Germans occupy N. France and a puppet govt. set up in S. France • Charles de Gaulle* • Luftwaffe begin bombing raids over Britain • Every night for two months • British Royal Airforce has a new weapon* WAR IN EUROPE
THE HOLOCAUST: SECTION THREE THE PERSECUTION BEGINS Holocaust* Germans blamed Jews for loss of WWI and Great Depression Took away jobs, property, and citizenship; wear Star of David for identification Kristallnacht*
THE HOLOCAUST • Jews flee to United States, Britain, France, and Palestine, but numbers are limited • Americans do not want refugees for fear of job competition and spies HITLER’S FINAL SOLUTION • Genocide* • Based on Aryans must be the master race and it has to be perserved
THE HOLOCAUST • Targeted Jews, gypsies, Freemasons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Catholics, Slavs, homosexuals, mentally ill, physically ill, and terminally ill • Used death squads* • Ordered into ghettos • Living conditions terrible: dead bodies, lived in crowed apartments, forced people to work long hours in factories
THE HOLOCAUST Dragged from homes or placed in trains or trucks and sent to concentration camps Slept wooden barracks that held up to 1,000 people Fleas and rats; intense hunger; worked long hours
THE HOLOCAUST THE FINAL STAGE • Ghettos and concentration camps not working • In 1942, death camps were created • Gas chambers use Zyklon B; gas thousands of people each day • Before the gassing*
THE HOLOCAUST • Bodies deposited in pits at first; it was not effective • Created crematoriums* • Prisoners were also shot, hanged, injected with poison, or had to be a part of medical experiments • Is it on us to solve this problem?
AMERICA MOVES TOWARD WAR: SECTION FOUR THE UNITED STATES MUSTERS ITS FORCES • Cash and carry method* • Americans are shocked by the Tripartite Pact and the formation of the Axis Powers* • Roosevelt asks Congress to increase spending on national defense and Selective Service Act begins to train men
Britain runs out of money, Roosevelt suggests the Lend-Lease Act* • June 1941, Hitler breaks his promise and invades Soviet Union; we, now, give money to Soviets • To prevent lend-lease shipments, German wolf packs were used* • Roosevelt gives permission to use warships to protect investments (use radar) AMERICA MOVES TOWARD WAR
AMERICA MOVES TOWARD WAR FDR PLANS FOR WAR • Atlantic Charter* • Roosevelt, despite disapproval, promises Churchill that he will push for war • The United Nations, 26 countries, become the Allies to fight the Axis Powers
AMERICA MOVES TOWARD WAR JAPAN ATTACKS THE UNITED STATES • Hideki Tojo* • Seizes unprotected British, French, and Dutch territories (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos) • U.S. cuts off trade and oil with Japan • Prime Minister Tojo promises the emperor to keep peace with the Americans • Yet, ordered the navy to prepare to attack
Americans able to break Japanese codes and found out about the attacks but did not know when or where • Peace talks were going on for a month; rejected our peace proposals • December 7th, 1941* • Less than two hours, the Japanese had killed 2,403 Americans and wounded 1,178; 21 ships damaged or sunk; 300 aircraft damaged or destroyed AMERICA MOVES TOWARD WAR
AMERICA MOVES TOWARD WAR • Roosevelt refers to this as “a date which will live in infamy.” • Congress approves Roosevelt’s request for war against Japan • Three days later, Germany and Italy declare war against the United States