2. - add health/nutrition/sanitation etc- add health/nutrition/sanitation etc
6. AID Initiatives in India Women’s rights & empowerment
Literacy & education
Sustainable lifestyles
Responsible governance
Health and well-being
Vocational training & micro-credit
Rural development
Social awareness
Gujarat and Orissa disasters
Eliminate corruption - ECAAL
Anti-dowry campaign
7. - delete? Add to looping pics? - delete? Add to looping pics?
9. Aims toTo improve the utilization of primary health care services by organizing community initiatives and building the capacity of panchayatsTo make a measurable improvement in child healthby training village women activists and by improving community awareness and organizationTo organize and empower women around their health needsInterventions on health related sectors like micro-credit, sanitation, information services and others
10. From one of the core visionaries of the program, Balaji Sampath“I want you to see the development of a plan for integrated development all over the country and this as the first step… but, do remember that funds will not drive this program… Funds will help. If AID, ASHA,ILP,IDS help, it can happen faster and on a larger scale. If not, it will still happen but on a smaller scale. It is as partners that we need your support, not as funders…”