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Pupil Assessment in Sutton Park Intermediate School. Wednesday 7 th October 2009. Sutton Park School Mission Statement. “We nurture and develop all that is best in each of our students.” We are committed to fostering a sense of identity and self-worth in each of our students.
Pupil Assessment in Sutton Park Intermediate School Wednesday 7th October 2009
Sutton Park School Mission Statement “We nurture and develop all that is best in each of our students.” • We are committed to fostering a sense of identity and self-worth in each of our students. • We are committed to developing a well-rounded individual with skills, attitudes, sensibilities and personal initiative that will allow each to grow into a mature, confident adult. • We are committed to developing the whole person – morally, intellectually, aesthetically, spiritually and physically – in a caring, innovative, multi-denominational environment. • We are committed to striving for high academic standards and in so doing we seek to challenge each of our students to achieve the best that they can. • We are committed to ensuring that each of our students embraces the whole world community and culture, while at the same time fostering an appreciation of Irish culture in which the school is rooted. • We recognise that serving both the school (students, staff and parents) and the wider community is a cornerstone of our philosophy, and we are committed to developing in each student innovative capabilities to participate in a dynamic world environment.
Why Assess? • to identify current achievement levels in children • to improve the quality of learning for students and to provide informed objective evidence on the progress for students, teachers and parents • to communicate this achievement to children • to diagnose difficulties and strengths and specific learning needs • to allow children to identify ways of self-improvement • to ensure continuity between year groups • to provide reports and records to pass on to subsequent teachers • to identify resource and curriculum need • to foster high self-esteem and ensure progress • to inform parent(s)/guardian(s) of their children’s progress • to allow the school to set achievable targets for the improvement of the school
Forms of Assessment Assessment traditionally falls into four categories: Formative, Summative, Diagnostic and Evaluative. Formative Assessment This involves the continuous monitoring of students’ progress on a daily/weekly basis. It includes the teacher’s assessment of the oral responses of students in class, class exercises, homework and end of topics/unit tests. It also includes the students’ self-assessment of their own progress. Summative Assessment This indicates a student’s achievements at significant points during his/her school career. End of term, end of year or external examinations fall into this category. Diagnostic Assessment This identifies the strengths and weaknesses of pupils so that appropriate steps may be taken. Evaluative Assessment The information gathered about pupil achievement is used by the school in the making of decisions regarding resources and curriculum planning.
Assessment for Learning Assessment for learning involves using assessment in the classroom to raise pupils’ achievement. It is based on the idea that pupils will improve most if they understand • the aim of their learning, • where they are in relation to this aim and • how they can achieve the aim (or close the gap in their knowledge). Assessment for Learning requires children to actively engage in evaluating their own progress.
WALT (We are learning to) Calculate Equivalent Fractions Success Criteria Thetopnumber of a fraction is called the Numerator Thebottomnumber of a fraction is called the Denominator An equivalent fraction means that both fractions have the same value You make fractions equivalent by either multiplyingthem or dividingthem. Whatever you do to the denominator, you do to the numerator E.g ¼ x 2 =2/8 OR 2/8 ÷ 2 = ¼
Assessment for Learning Immediate practical implications for this in SPS Intermediate School is the regular use of WALT boards clearly identifying key learning outcomes and success criteria against which these outcomes can be measured.
Class Assessments • Class tests may be daily, weekly, half-termly, termly or at the end of topic work. • Teachers may use methods such as planned and recorded observation, class activities, diagnostic tests, standardised tests, pupil self-assessment, peer assessment, • spelling tests, dictations, differentiated written or oral tests. • (See Programme for Pupil Assessment for formal points of assessment) • Standardised Tests • Pupils are to be tested every September using NFER (GL Assessment) standardised tests in • ENGLISH (READING) and • MATHS • Pupils are to be tested every April using the • c. DRUMCONDRA READING TEST • d. DRUMCONDRA SPELLING TEST and the • e. DRUMCONDRA MATHEMATICS TEST • The use of these standardised tests focuses the teachers’ subsequent planning whilst also allowing a comparison with the • National Average.
Programme for Pupil Assessment Term One September – NFER Nelson Standardised Tests in Maths And English End of October –Class Tests in English, Maths, Science and Irish December – Class Tests in English, Maths, Science, Irish, History and Geography Term Two Mid February –Class Tests in English, Maths, Science and Irish Late March– Class Tests in English, Maths, Science, Irish, History and Geography Term Three Mid April – Drumcondra Reading Test, Drumcondra Spelling Test and the Drumcondra Mathematics Test.
Reporting to Parents Parent/Teacher interviews are held in the first and third terms each year. Teachers will outline clearly the purpose of standardised tests and will present the raw score and the standardised scores. They will also offer a brief analysis of their implications. Teachers will also outline attainment in class tests and general progress across the curriculum. Parents receive written reports in both terms. Both of the reports may include information on their children’s progress in all aspects of the curriculum, attendance, behaviour, social skills and attitude. Every effort will be made to accentuate the positive elements of a child’s work whilst also giving advice on how pupil’s work may be improved.
Reporting to Parents(cont) • The grades awarded in these reports will be based on test scores attained throughout the year together with the teacher’s overall impression of a child. • Purely academic attainment will be noted on tests. • All Grade 6 results will be made available to Senior School staff through provision of an electronic folder on the school network.
Timetable for Reporting to Parents Late November -First Parent/Teacher Meeting and written report. Late April- Second Parent/Teacher Meeting and verbal report End of May written report.
Grading System to Be Used It is important that our grading system is clearly outlined and understood by parents. The grading system must serve several purposes. It must give parents a clear indication of how children are performing academically. It should indicate how children are likely to perform on transition to Senior School. It should inform the children as to the standards necessary to attain each grade. It should motivate children to work towards achieving higher grades.
Marking System The marking system is the same as that used in the Junior and Senior School. However the lowest grade awarded at Intermediate School shall be D. The grading system shall be as follows: (Please note the above markings differ slightly from the markings discussed at the recent parents meeting. The BOM have determined that the above ratings should be in line with the other divisions of the School) There shall also be an “Effort Grade” awarded to acknowledge the endeavour of children. This shall be as follows and is the same as the procedure adopted in the Senior School:
Record Keeping Assessment records should have a meaningful purpose indicating various achievements by the pupil as well as conforming to departmental recommendations. Teachers are encouraged to keep clear and concise records of children’s progress in a “Pupil Profile”. Records of reports and samples of tests and class work should be kept each year in an individual file. Each child will have an opportunity to select samples of their best work to include in their profile. Two samples of work will be chosen by the children each term. These pupil profiles are passed on to each subsequent teacher as well as any other assessment records, which inform the new teacher.
Information for Pupil Profile Term One NFER Nelson Standardised tests. Two Class Tests in English, Maths, Science and Irish. One test in History and Geography. Two samples of work chosen by child Term Two Drumcondra Standardised tests. Class Tests in English, Maths, Science and Irish. Two samples of work chosen by child Term Three Class Tests in English, Maths, Science, Irish, History and Geography Two samples of work chosen by child. Children shall also continue to contribute to their “portfolio”