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Journey of Civilizations: Berengia to Tenochtitlan

Explore the emergence of civilizations, from the Berengia land bridge to the Aztecs in Tenochtitlan. Learn about the criteria for civilization, culture, and the unique traits of the Iroquois tribe.

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Journey of Civilizations: Berengia to Tenochtitlan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ch 1 Sec 1 How did we get here? Berengia (a land bridge btwn Asia and Alaska) Came by many water routes in boats

  2. Emergence of Civilizations In order to be considered a civilization 5 things must be present • Cities that have trade • Specialized trade • Organized government and religion • System of record keeping • Advanced tools

  3. Culture A way of life that people share including art, belief, customs, ideas

  4. Peoples of the North and West

  5. People of Mexico Aztecs Captial Tenochtitlan Known for: • Irrigation, • Conquering neighbors • Developing a class system

  6. People of the Great Plains/East Iroquois Tribe Known for: • Slash and Burn agriculture • Creating tribal alliances (Iroquois League)

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