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Visual Supports for Autism: Enhancing Communication and Understanding

Understand how visual aids like picture cards and schedules can help individuals with Autism structure tasks, reduce frustration, and improve communication skills. Explore examples, tools, and techniques to support learning and organization in school and daily life.

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Visual Supports for Autism: Enhancing Communication and Understanding

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  1. Visuals Presented by the EACS Autism Team

  2. To be able to communicate, a person needs to understand their environment and know what is expected of him or her. • Frustration due to lack of understanding can lead inappropriate behavior. This is especially true for students with Autism. • Picture cards are used to visually present information in order to help structure tasks and explain processes.

  3. Schedules and Agendas • Picture cards can be used to build schedules to organize and structure daily activities. • For school use, a picture schedule can list the day's activities as well as procedures, such as entering the classroom (put up backpack, put away lunch box, hang up coat, sit at desk). High-stress situations require a more detailed breakdown using sequential pictures.

  4. Example of Visual Schedules

  5. Examples of Story Strips "It is time to sit and work. Time to be quiet." “First we will have circle time, then we will make an art project "

  6. How to Use Individual Pictures • Create a “choice board” using cardboard or plastic with behaviors or choices (foods, activities, etc.) for the student to point to

  7. There’s an App for That! • Create your own, using Pages (Word), Powerpoint (Keynote) or Publisher • AutiPlan Pictoplanner (free version) • 4Kid Share ($.99) • Autism/Special Needs Daily Organizer ($4.99) • Abc Notes Lite (free version) • Sticky (free version)

  8. Visual Supports ModuleLocated in Canvas under SPED Professional Development, or click here

  9. Find More On Our WebsiteLocated on EACS Website- Departments>Special Services>Autism>Tip of the Month Or Click Here

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