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GPC 150 Psychology of Learning

This guide outlines the steps for creating and measuring progress in a semester-long personal improvement project. Learn key considerations, behavioral objectives, and success evaluation methods.

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GPC 150 Psychology of Learning

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  1. GPC 150 Psychology of Learning Research Methods in Learning Unit 2 Dean Owen, Ph.D., LPCC METU-NCC Spring 2018

  2. Personal Improvement Project It is time to begin thinking of your PIP! Your PIP will be a semester long personal project and should do two things: Provide a chance to apply what you have learned Focus your attention on positive personal change

  3. Personal Improvement Project • Some considerations for choosing your PIP • Choose something that can be changed (increased or decreased) or learned anew during the semester. 2. Select a behavior that can be recorded, observed, or measured. 3. Select something you really want or need. 4. Be willing to ask for assistance.

  4. Learning Objectives 4 Categories 1. Immediate vs Ultimate (when) 2. Process vs Product (Activities or Result) 3. Implicit vs Behavioral (Can I see it?) 4. Restricted vs Inclusive (Case or group of Cases)

  5. Personal Improvement Project Due the 3rd class meeting My PIP project: ______________________________________ To help make this more achievable please define this in terms of a behavioral learning objective….i.e. “By 12th week of this semester I will (insert goal or specific behavior) as demonstrated by the following…….”

  6. Personal Improvement Project By the 5th class meeting Please resubmit your topic along with a detailed plan for measuring progress and for identifying final accomplishment. My PIP proposal/project is: _______________________________________________________ My plan for achieving this goal is to perform the following steps or stages: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How will you know if you’ve been successful in achieving your goal? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  7. Specific Learning Objectives (SLOs) By the end of the second lecture and after a bit of study each of you should be able to: 1. Recall the levels of science discussed in class along with their relative strength. (DEPC) 2. Be able to distinguish between Quantitative and Qualitative research. 3. Recall and be able to distinguish among the types of research including historical, descriptive, causal-comparative and experimental research. 4. Distinguish among the various forms of hypotheses.

  8. Specific Learning Ovjectives (SLOs) By the end of the second lecture and after a bit of study each of you should be able to: 5. Distinguish between a dependentand an independent variable. 6. Recall and recognize examples of various categories of variables including categorical, continuous and confounding. 7. Discriminate between basic and applied research

  9. Science: The use of observation Please watch the following short video and write down what you observe and a possible explanation. Cats and veggies

  10. Much of human history has been consumed with the search for truth and knowledge. Two methods have been used… Philosophy: The use of logic Science: The use of observation Science is organized knowledge. Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) English philosopher. Education.

  11. What is “Knowing” anyway??????????? Ways of Knowing Sensory Experience Agreement with others Expert Opinions Logic Science is the systematic classification of experience. George Henry Lewes (1817-78) English writer and critic.

  12. Some Basic Definitions Science: A body of established knowledge the goal of which is the generation and verification of theory……. Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition. Adam Smith (1723-90) Scottish economist. The Wealth of Nations, 1776.

  13. The four levels of Science… a. Description b. Explanation c. Prediction d. Control

  14. Research: The systematic process of collecting, logically analyzing and interpreting information. The information collected is referred to as “Data”. Researchers collect data using a variety of tools including: Paper and pencil achievement tests, aptitude tests, personality inventories, questionnaires Direct observation using checklists Structured interviews and unstructured interviews with open-ended questions.

  15. Data collection is systematic when researchers plan in advance: What to observe; Whom to observe; When to observe; and How to observe. Source: Holcomb, Z.C. (2006)

  16. Theory: A statement which describes the relationship among variables and seeks to provide a possible explanation or prediction of natural phenomena [Science is] the literature of truth. Josh Billings (Henry Wheeler Shaw) (1818-85) U. S. humorist.

  17. Scientific Inquiry “I know Plato and I know Aristotle, but my best friend is Truth” Issac Newton The search for knowledge using recognized methods of data collection, analysis, and interpretation.

  18. Scientific Method: A sequence of events used in the pursuit of knowledge. These include: Statement & Definition of the problem Statement of a hypothesis Collection and analysis of data Interpretation of results and conclusions [Science is] the labor and handicraft of the mind. Francis Bacon (1561-1626) English essayist, philosopher, statesman.

  19. Two Categories of Research Qualitative Research Words (Narrative) Quantitative Research numbers

  20. Research Methodologies a. Action Research “Would discussion groups improve my students’ achievement in science?” b. Historical Research "The change in women's roles in Turkish literature:1850-1950“

  21. Research Methodologies c. Descriptive Research "Characteristics of first year teachers in rural Turkish elementary schools.“ d. Correlational Research "The relationship between academic performance and self-concept“

  22. Research Methodologies e. Causal-Comparative Research "A comparative analysis of gender and mathematics performance in Geometry“  f. Experimental Research "The effectiveness of token economies as a means of improving school attendance"

  23. Action Research

  24. Historical Research

  25. Ethnographic Research

  26. Descriptive Research

  27. Correlational Research

  28. Causal-Comparative Research Differences in math achievement between males and females.

  29. Types of Research Experimental: cause/effect (strong)

  30. Now for a little quiz Classify the following research studies according to the type of research methodology probably used. Historical Research, Qualitative Research, Descriptive Research, Correlational Research, Causal-comparative Research, or Experimental Research • Relationship between creativity and achievement. • Answer: Correlational Research

  31. Now for a little quiz Historical Research, Qualitative Research, Descriptive Research, Correlational Research, Causal-comparative Research, or Experimental Research Classify the following research studies according to the type of research methodology probably used. • Effect of birth order on academic achievement. • Answer: Causal Comparative Research

  32. Now for a little quiz Historical Research, Qualitative Research, Descriptive Research, Correlational Research, Causal-comparative Research, or Experimental Research Classify the following research studies according to the type of research methodology probably used. Opinions of 1st year teachers regarding school discipline. Answer: Descriptive Research

  33. Now for a little quiz Historical Research, Qualitative Research, Descriptive Research, Correlational Research, Causal-comparative Research, or Experimental Research Classify the following research studies according to the type of research methodology probably used. • Self-esteem of males versus females. Answer: Causal-comparative

  34. Now for a little quiz Historical Research, Qualitative Research, Descriptive Research, Correlational Research, Causal-comparative Research, or Experimental Research Classify the following research studies according to the type of research methodology probably used. • Effectiveness of daily homework assignments on student achievement in an Algebra I. Answer: Experimental Research

  35. Generalizability: The extent to which the findings of one study can be used as knowledge about another population or situation. When the time comes…we’ll talk about the selection of a “representative” sample from a population. That’s so when we find something about the sample we can make statements about the population from which it came…….yea, yea, yea….Whatever!

  36. Variables Events, conditions, or situation which influence the outcome of a study…They can be categorized as: • Categorical e. Predictor • Continuous f. Criterion • Dependent g. Confounding • independent

  37. Categorical Variables Categorical variables, sometimes called discrete variables, are those events or conditions that fit neatly into labeled boxes…… Examples would include: Gender (Male/Female) Residents of Istanbul and residents of Ankara 7th Graders / 8th Graders Blood Groups (A, B, AB, O)

  38. Categorical Variables Do not vary in degree but in quality…types or classes are defined Ethnicity

  39. Categorical Variables Do not vary in degree but in quality…types or classes are defined Types of Aircraft

  40. Categorical Variables Do not vary in degree but in quality…types or classes are defined Gender

  41. Continuous (Quantitative) Variables Continuous variables, are those events or conditions that can take on many different values between upper and lower limits. Examples would include: Scores on test Height, Weight, Distance or Length…. Walking/Running Speed, ….just about anything that can be measured…..

  42. Quantitative Variables Exist in varying degrees …from less to more… Aircraft size

  43. Quantitative Variables Exist in varying degrees …from less to more… Height

  44. Quantitative Variables Exist in varying degrees …from less to more… Age

  45. The Concept of "The Variable" The independent variable: That which is manipulated by the researcher in an experimental study or controlled in some fashion in other studies. The dependent variable: That which is seen to vary as a function of the independent variable. Confounding Variable: Those factors which cannot be effectively controlled or manipulated and which my influence the outcome of a study. The Effects of Rap, Country,or Classical Background Music on Students’ Test Performance in Mathematics. What’s the independent variable???? What’s the dependent variable???? What are some possible confounding variables?????

  46. Research Question Definition: A brief statement in which one asks a question about what has been observed. Is climate change really occurring?? Are men really better at video games than are women?? What is the best way to teach introductory statistics?

  47. Hypothesis Definition: A statement of the critical variables and their relationship. Hypotheses should meet the following criterion: The hypothesis should state the expected relationship or difference between two or more variables The hypothesis should be testable The hypothesis should offer a tentative explanation based upon theory or previous research The hypothesis should be brief and lucid.

  48. Hypothesis Generally they occur in two basic forms. Directional (Research): This form states that an expected or predicted relationship/difference among the variables will occur and further stipulates the direction of the difference. “Students who participate in peer academic counseling will demonstrate greater academic growth than students who do not participate in peer counseling.”

  49. Hypothesis Generally they occur in three basic forms. Non-Directional: This form states that an expected or predicted relationship/difference among the variables will occur but does indicate the direction. “Students who participate in peer academic counseling will demonstrate different academic growth than students who do not participate in peer counseling.”

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