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PSSA. POLITICAL STUDIES STUDENT ASSOCIATION. INTRODUCTION. The Association consists of us as well as you as you are sitting here. All Political Studies students are considered as members of the PSSA and we trust and hope that you will participate within the association.
INTRODUCTION • The Association consists of us as well as you as you are sitting here. • All Political Studies students are considered as members of the PSSA and we trust and hope that you will participate within the association. • Also we charge no membership fees for the time being. • We will also be informing you later on during the presentation on what your role is as a member.
CONTINUED... • The committee members who will be handling the administration of the association are as follows: • Chairperson/Media Officer-KabeloRamagone • Deputy Chairperson/Secretary- Shayna Adams • Treasurer- • Academic Officer- • Public Relations Officer/Events Co-ordinator-Glen
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES • AIMS: • Strive towards academic excellence by promoting peer support • Improve the understanding of political studies • Consolidate democratic values of the institution • Encouraging educational debates and seminars for political studies students • Promote learning outside the lecture halls • Work in partnership with other UWC structures, elements and other off campus organizations to increase the knowledge of Political Studies students
CONTINUED... • OBJECTIVES: • To give students a platform to contribute to the growth of Political Studies • To get students involved in discussions and debates surrounding political studies nationally and internationally. • To uphold principles of participation, transparency and communication. • To forge new relationships with students of other institutions to enable us to monitor and where necessary improve our progress • To build up a working relationship with professional bodies in order to provide improved job opportunities. • To use a number of innovative and available consultation, conferences and meetings to involve members in Political Studies • Promote Unity through diversity • Help students engage more in political science
PLAN OF ACTION • Refer to calendar • We have many plans for projects that we wish to run. • Projects like video screening where we are planning to screen a video on politically related topics • Also hosting various conferences and seminars with regards to topics that is relevant to the political courses offerred.
LOGISTICS • We will be hosting once every second month an AGM meeting where once again you can attend. • Also our contact details are: • Shayna Adams 2709327@uwc.ac.za • KabeloRamagonekramagone@uwc.ac.za • Also if you have any other queries or questions your can email myself Shayna or Kabelo
CONCLUSION • In conclusion like to say that we are excited with what we are starting • Hope that all political studies students participate • Also working together with us would be to every bodys advantage • Therefore if you want to assist us in any way or have suggestions to offer please get into contact with us.