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Summary of theme 1 CHALLENGES Uta Wehn de Montalvo 30 May 2013

Summary of theme 1 CHALLENGES Uta Wehn de Montalvo 30 May 2013. Sub-themes addressed. Post Rio+20: increasing and changing demands for knowledge and capacity development Fostering water leaders through standards for water leaders programmes

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Summary of theme 1 CHALLENGES Uta Wehn de Montalvo 30 May 2013

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  1. Summary of theme 1 • CHALLENGES • Uta Wehn de Montalvo • 30 May 2013

  2. Sub-themesaddressed • Post Rio+20: increasing and changingdemandsforknowledge and capacitydevelopment • Fostering water leaders throughstandardsfor water leaders programmes • Localknowledge and localownership of capacitydevelopment: changingunderstanding, roles and relations

  3. Post Rio+20 • Session 1 Capacitydevelopment: key to meeting a water-related SDG • General • incr. appreciation of importance of CD for a) monitoringprogress and b) sustainedattainment of SDG • digital age: ICTsfor CD • Recommendations • need a single water-related SDG incl. CD • need to anchor CD more firmly in SDG debate • Next steps • produce relevant input to advise UN Water, OWG et al. • high level involvement at the subsequent events (e.g. drafting group for Budapest Summit) • seek collaboration with CD initiatives for other SDG themes

  4. Post Rio+20 • Session 2 Challenges and responsesfor water education in a changing environment • General insights • Green economy implies major economic and political and economic transition • Limited capacity, skills Lack of R&D, insufficient on-the-job training, need for practical and innovative solutions • High expectations regarding impact of SDGs for KCD • Recommendations • Engagement in SDG process, consider required CD for proposed goals • Strengthen regional and country networks and regional partnerships, develop (young) professionals’ capacity to cooperate in solving water issues

  5. Fostering water leaders • Session 3 Exploring water leadershipdevelopment • General insights • needfor leaders at all levels, notjust high; middle management canmakedifference • WLP forparticipantsfromdiff. countries, cross-cuttingskills (vision, communication, etc.) • Recommendation • tailor-made water leadership programmes at national level withlinked sectors (agriculture, forrestry, environment…) • leadership modules in existingtechnicalMaster programs • Next steps • adopt 2 pageronstandards • set up Community of Practiceonleadership in water sector

  6. Fostering water leaders • Session 4 Boostingproficiency in water professionals • General insights • proposed proficiency certification system: fill a gap in present education systems • performance benchmarking & certification: helpful to assess and to know what level of competence is needed for each job • refinement; requires greater input from the social sciences • Youth leaders: desire to be engaged in this process • Recommendation • proficiency certification and competency frameworks will be needed to equip organizations to manage the complex challenges of IWRM • help to attract more professionals into the sector and provide recognition and incentives for their career development

  7. Localknowledge & localownership • Session 5 Strengthening governance capacities to overcome mismanagement and corruption in the water sector • General insights • water: at high risk of mismanagement and corruption • weak governance capacities and systems: worsen situation • CD in governance seems to be lagging behind in most DCs. • generic element of anti-corruption: leadership • Recommendation • Social accountability measures • Turn to capacity development allies: media and organisations outside the water sector • Leadership to create change: CD to target leaders in society • Everyone: do everything possible to strengthen governance, start by practicing integrity and accountability.

  8. Localknowledge & localownership • Session 6 The local challenge: the role of citizens in capacity development to address their needs • General insights • Effective CD: map and understand the various stakeholders, their issues and CD needs • address local issues incl. stakeholder diversity (e.g. gender, vulnerable groups) • conditions for effective CD: stakeholder participation (all CD), ownership and action to address local issues; trust between actors; no recipe for leadership (but coordinator) • Recommendation • Effective CD: methodological approach; encourage stakeholders to develop & implement actions in their own communities.

  9. Purpose of 5th Symposium Thankyouforyourattention. Dr. Uta Wehn de Montalvo UNESCO-IHE u.wehndemontalvo@unesco-ihe.org

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